Wow! This variant looks really interesting but if I understand correctly, it requires a new map right? If so, is this even possible to play now since the map link provided does not work anymore?? Thanks in advance for any responses to this question.
Let's talk Veterans!
as i lay awake thinking about axis and allies (this happens a little too often), i wondered if there was a way to work in veteran units?
my very brief idea was to have 4 or 5 units with some kind of mark on them (let’s say a dash over the turret if it were a tank). a unit becomes a veteran when it survives a certain amount of conflicts
once a unit becomes a veteran, the unit gets an improved stat. this stat can differ from each type of unit
ideas? thoughts?
Veterans make poor performance, because they are sick and tired of fighting. Make them defend on 1, and no attack value. Look how well the 8 army desert rats did fight in north africa. But in battle of Caen during D-day, they run away.
Imperious Leader '17 '16 '15 Organizer '14 Customizer '13 '12 '11 '10last edited by Jun 28, 2009, 6:05 PM
I was reading a book about the civil war, and it said that soldier efficiency in battle peaked in the third and fourth battles they fought in. And after that soldiers began much less eager.
so there are both good and bad qualites to verterans. I dont think they are big enough though for A&A
Imperious Leader '17 '16 '15 Organizer '14 Customizer '13 '12 '11 '10last edited by Jun 28, 2009, 9:54 PM
Yes for Civil war it works. WW2 it does not. You can however have elite equipped and trained men: Waffen SS, Shock troops, Rangers, Imperial Marines, Guards Armored, etc
Waffen SS, Shock troops, Rangers, Imperial Marines, Guards Armored, etc
yah those are all good units for A&A
fair enough. just thought it was a good idea lol
Maybe you could make units “upgradable”. Say after a unit goes through so many battles, you can pay a few IPCs to turn it into an elite unit.
Maybe you could make units “upgradable”. Say after a unit goes through so many battles, you can pay a few IPCs to turn it into an elite unit.
mmm I dunno. Seems that buying the upgrade detracts from the Veteran aspect… mind you, no matter what, keeping tabs on battlefield experience is just a “bookkeeping” nightmare unless you have a myriad of sculpts.
Maybe you could make units “upgradable”. Say after a unit goes through so many battles, you can pay a few IPCs to turn it into an elite unit.
mmm I dunno. Seems that buying the upgrade detracts from the Veteran aspect… mind you, no matter what, keeping tabs on battlefield experience is just a “bookkeeping” nightmare unless you have a myriad of sculpts.
But…… if you wanted a shortcut and kept it simple… hmmm
Have one different sculpt of infantry (for example) and cap your veteran formations at 1 veteran unit per 10 IPC income so you’re not going to have an army of all veterans and run out of sculpts.
Maybe have a minimum of 2. Anyway, these go into a player’s pool.
So, when removing surviving infantry (to stick with our example) from the battleboard the player can substitute them for a veteran sculpt as long as he has some in his pool.
Killed veterans will go back into the pool provided the number in the pool doesn’t exceed the 1:10 cap. Otherwise once “in play” they cannot be exchanged for non-veteran pieces: veterans only go on & off the board thru combat.
If at any time you have more in play than you’re entitled (because your IPC level drops) you’re permitted the excess… cuz chances are you deserve the break… and attrition will ensure you comply with the cap as your veterans die off.
As for advantages… I’d be tempted to make them 2 hit infantry. Their additional hardiness reflecting coolness under fire, wisdom / wariness, resilience and familiarity with auftragstaktiks / SOPs of those who have seen the elephant.
It won’t recognize all combat survival but it does save the in-game paperwork.
Imperious Leader '17 '16 '15 Organizer '14 Customizer '13 '12 '11 '10last edited by Jul 3, 2009, 7:51 PM
no its too many pieces and ideas to keep track of.
But…… if you wanted a shortcut and kept it simple… hmmm
Have one different sculpt of infantry (for example) and cap your veteran formations at 1 veteran unit per 10 IPC income so you’re not going to have an army of all veterans and run out of sculpts.
Maybe have a minimum of 2. Anyway, these go into a player’s pool.
So, when removing surviving infantry (to stick with our example) from the battleboard the player can substitute them for a veteran sculpt as long as he has some in his pool.
Killed veterans will go back into the pool provided the number in the pool doesn’t exceed the 1:10 cap. Otherwise once “in play” they cannot be exchanged for non-veteran pieces: veterans only go on & off the board thru combat.
If at any time you have more in play than you’re entitled (because your IPC level drops) you’re permitted the excess… cuz chances are you deserve the break… and attrition will ensure you comply with the cap as your veterans die off.
As for advantages… I’d be tempted to make them 2 hit infantry. Their additional hardiness reflecting coolness under fire, wisdom / wariness, resilience and familiarity with auftragstaktiks / SOPs of those who have seen the elephant.
It won’t recognize all combat survival but it does save the in-game paperwork.
How does this reflect history?
your industrial production does not translate at all to having more veterans in your army
this just does not make any sence, adds very little strategy, what is the point? -
no its too many pieces and ideas to keep track of.
no its too many pieces and ideas to keep track of.
:lol: honestly, too much to keep track of? this is nothing compared to some of the rules on infantry production, IC costs, strategic movement… oh the list goes on!
but thanks, always appreciate the open-minded approach of a moderator :wink:
But…… if you wanted a shortcut and kept it simple… hmmm
How does this reflect history?
your industrial production does not translate at all to having more veterans in your army
this just does not make any sence, adds very little strategy, what is the point?well like I said, it was a shortcut that might make an otherwise unwieldy and confusing veterans rule playable.
So yup. I agree 100% that IPC level doesn’t connect with veteran production.
Since every variant and house rule set I’ve read still entails monitoring your IPC income and we know the ceiling for IPC the 1:10 ratio means FMG (or whomever) would only need to make… 10 Veterans per player maximum.
And IMO that’s far more practicable than tripling or quadrupling the number of pieces so that each one can be upgraded for surviving every fight.I guess you could just give everybody 10. Just ditch the linkage to IPC altogether but still avoid having a bizillion pieces.
As for strategy: generally limiting any “improved” unit and then leaving it up to the player as to when it goes on-board would have to add to the strategy, I’d think… more so than the more realistic rule where every survivor gets upgraded.
No?For example: I’m returning my five surviving infantry from the battle board and I’ve got one more veteran infantry piece set aside that I can place… do I make one of those surviving infantry “veteran”? (Pooling veterans rather than flooding it with recruits.) Or do I hold that last veteran piece off-board until another combat is resolved on another front…
Anyway, again rather than try to make this work-able or discussion worthy…
… mind you, no matter what, keeping tabs on battlefield experience is just a “bookkeeping” nightmare unless you have a myriad of sculpts.
no its too many pieces and ideas to keep track of.
and yet, if I saw you in a desert….