Rocket Tech now has two levels: V1 and V2. Rolling Rockets gets you V1s. A second roll on rockets get you V2s.
V1 costs 1 IPC, has a range of two, and does damage = 1d6 halved. Radar makes a country immune to V1s.
*If you think this makes Radar too powerful, AA roles 1 die against each V1. A role of 1 fails to shoot it down
**If you think the above rule allows too many V1s to hit, use a d10 or d12 for more realistic statistics.V2 costs 2 IPCs, has a range of 3, and does damage = 1d6. Theses rockets are unstoppable. May carry an Atomic Bomb.
*If you think that is too powerful, make a V3 level for nukes.
these are good rules, i think AA guns and and fighters should be able to intercept them like regular aircraft though. i was able to shoot down a V1 buzz bomb in a WW2 flight simulator game.
I think the V2 rule are good to, although i dont think they were as effective a stratigic attacks as a whole bomber group. Maybe half their damage and keep them costing 1.
I like the idea of V3 and maybe even V4 rockets that can launch nukes even long distance