I selected stalingrad and other, but i would only buy stalingrad if there were all new molds and at least three completely new peices with their own molds for both countries and peices for the Axis minors. In general i would only buy another axis and allies if all if it had 10 or more new molds.
What I would really like is a truly advanced axis and allies not A&A50 which just gives you one new country and one new peice.
It should have a start date of fall 1939 or summer 1940
it should have at 8-12 new units with their own molds and for each country
this includes units for all the unit realated techs from AA50: rocket artillery, stratigic rockets, airborne, mechanized infantry, advanced submarines, radar instalations(imporves fighter defence), jet fighters, and heavy bombers.
The possiblities for the reamining four are Fortifications, selfpropelled Tank destoryers(this could also represent 88s),Heavy Armor, ground attack aircraft, and Light carriers, Heavy flack defence, “Fat Man” Atomic bomb peice(propably to politically incorrect), anti-aircraft crusiers, super battleships, pocket battleships, minor factories or a number of other types of units that are regularly discussed on this fourm.
There should also be chips that represent motorazation, leadership, and strategic movement capacity(one for airborne, and another for land) for each nation.
Port markers should be preprinted on the map, and their should also a airfeild chips so you can build them on inlands which will normally only allow you to base 1 aircraft on them.
The map should be redrawn, and new territroies added in order to increase realism and illistrate why the decision makers of the time did what they did. The rules should be changed so nothing happens that is unexplained, like territories producing double the resources.
Also their should be an option for individual victory and each nation should have histroically accuarte objectives.
And you should be able to attack neutrals, France should be added as a new country with its own set of peices and there should be new 2 new sets of peices in addition, one for neutrals if they join the allies and the other of neutrals that join the axis.
I know this is alot, but you asked me what I want :-D.