• i agree with your first two points

    well i think after their initail attack has withered away they should be expandable, in fact i am sure that is the way many paratoopers felt and were problably even told, other wise you will more likly thannot take infantry before paratoopers which is simply unrealistic. and rember to fully deploy them one time they cost six, so it is not lik these units will be used lightly.

    I dont think you need a counter in terms of one peice, the main counter would be to  not have powerful units defending the cost that can be picked off by airborne units before the battle starts

    I think they should always attack at zero except for an opneing fire shot of three where they select the targart. Remeber after the inital suprise these guys a sitting ducks against any other unit type. I would take armored vehicles and artillery over well “elite” soldeirs with submachine guns and rifles anyday.

    I argee the should be expensive to deploy, but not really that costly to build.

    I think operation sealion had room for airborne assault so i dont like the idea of not being able to attack capitals

    range should be 2

    also i dont see why you still support limiting them, if you have to put a cap on how much of a piece you produce it is not a fair or well desgined peice, unless of course you limt everything that took especially trained men, which is like everything and is already taken care of buy IPCs

    And defending at 2 is ridiculous how do guys firing pistols compete with heavy artillery and tanks

  • I think they should always attack at zero

    Thats a bit harsh. at least one right?

    Limits on purchase i guess would be seem in playtesting, so not now. The problem is these moves where Germany or somebody buys bombers and has like 6 or so and plays some sucker punch move on a capital ( think Japan having a bomber in Alaska)

    ok so what we got now is first round selective or first round preemptive at 3?

    selective is too powerful, making them like commandos.

    cost of 6 seems high. but it will limit quantity which is good.

    Im good with no counter if they cost 6, since few will be bought.

    Main thing is they have to have normal 1-2 values after first round. The 101st and 82nd were out elite infantry divisions

  • i dont like the idea of bombers transporting units, they should just get their 2 space attack by paying 3 ipcs

    also i think if the 3 or less slective attack in the opening fire ( may be it should be 2 or less) is two powerful then

    that is balacened out by the 0-1 attack and defence

    THis is much more realistic for representing elite light infantry. They are not elite because they shoot faster or more accuratly, or because it takes more bullets to kill  them. They are elite becasue they know how to jump out of a plane and and maintain clear thought when they are surrounded by units that will kill if their initial attack does not succeed and even then their chances fo survival are not good.

    if you still think they should be 1-2

    what weapons or training made them as powerful as regular infantry when it came to convetional battles?

    what conventional attacks were airborne apart of?

    why should a unit that maybe represents a division or two have just as much defence as a much more heavly armed unit that represent multiple corps

  • Well for the 5-6 bucks if they miss rolling the 3 first round they are destroyed because they are as useless as transports at 0-1.

    secondly, if the hit is selective they become saboteurs that blow up bombers and battleships, where using LL you need 2 of them (total cost is 10-12) blowing up a bomber.

    Selective is bogus and leads to situations where ‘trick plays’ or what they call “Cheapos” occur. Id much rather the attack is preemptive like a sub, even having my armor void the preemptive, then have it like a normal infantry after that.

    IN AA not all units have the same scale. So in some cases an infantry or armor could be a division, corps or army. Thats what Larry says about this and the time issue of turns, so you got to place some weight on that.

    They have to have some attack ability after round one, or you let them stay in place and limit combat to own round. In NCM allow them to retreat if the territory was not taken by other forces during combat.

    Also, in desperate situations they should be used as normal infantry if forces to defend.

  • the point of them defending at one is so they are only used for defence in desperate situations

    and airbourne units are like saboteurs and their meant to take postions that are usaully pertected, like an airfield.
    excepet i dont know why you said they might take out battleships.

    the main thing i am hoping that can be argreed upon is airborne units should not have the same combat stats as infantry because they are very diferently equiped and have a very different purpose

    if their should be a new unit it should reflect its historical couterpart and i dont know of any evidence that suggest airborne should have a 1-2 attack defence.

  • the point of them defending at one is so they are only used for defence in desperate situations

    yes but attack at zero? if they miss they die?

    and airbourne units are like saboteurs and their meant to take postions that are usaully pertected, like an airfield.
    excepet i dont know why you said they might take out battleships.

    you said selective attack, so if a bomber or fighter and a tank with infantry is defending and they hit they can select the bomber or fighter?

  • yes airborne should be able to choose their target and pick who they kill

    and hopefully their are some other units attacking with the paratoopers, but yes if the airborne units do not have anyone else helping them, and since they cant retreat they will die as is historically accurate. They will problaby be the first to be taken as causaulties anyways, due to their low attack, even if they have support, but that just makes sence right? Why should the most lightly armed units that are also most likly completely isolated have anything but low survivability?

  • I can see part of our problem in agreeing (you and IL seem to agree fairly well) is that I am letting a nation build elite infantry that can also do airborne operations.  You fellows just want some kind of airborne infantry.  Another reason we don’t agree is that I believe if infantry is in its proper terrain, it can fight tanks.  The spaces represented in AAR and AA50 are plenty big enough for the infantry to get suitable terrain even if not ideal.  I would love someone to playtest these two approaches and report back which was more fun.

  • well having them as per OOB 1-2 infantry is not really fun.

    attack on first round 3 preemptive would be fun

    attack selective at 3 would be too much fun for the player using it

    say they cost 5 bucks each and you got Germany building 6 tanks and 4 men and thats all they have in Germany.

    UK drops 4 airborne hits twice, USA drops 6 in hits 3 more and they all select tanks…. 10 bombers roll out and hit 7 times and Berlin is under USA control. and the Russians win the game because now bombers are killing more this way than by SBR… this is the new SBR method.

    so perhaps we not allow capital drops and perhaps the selective thing is a no go, and preemptive is the way to do it?

    I don’t see how airborne should select target. half the time they are not even dropped in the right spot.

  • @Imperious:

    I don’t see how airborne should select target. half the time they are not even dropped in the right spot.

    I understand what your saying, but i want some way to show that they were meant to take out specific targets and had paticular missions, like capturing an airfeild, bridge or fortifications. not just attack forward like everyone else

    and with a 3 or less attack intialiy and no attack later they are landing in the wrong spot half the time

    also i dont think they should be tranported by bombers. because a bomber lookes somewhat like a transport plane therefore it carries airborne units is riduclous

    they just pay 3 ipcs and they can move 2 spaces like an air unit except they can land in newly captured territory.

  • hmm…

    I like the idea of no bombers, but id rather keep the OOb rules intact and add/subtract from that point.

    The OOB has them at 1-2 and dropped by bombers 2 zones away from friendly unit.

    from that point we build/ construct/ deconstruct because we have to assume the OOB is balanced as is.

    So if we give them a 3 attack on first round, this must cost 2 more IPC ( using Attack @1 and Defend @2 =3 ipc infantry)

    If we further add selective note that this is stronger than preemptive…

    What value would a land units be with preemptive?

    what value would a unit be with selective hit capability?

    when we have this answer then the cost can be assigned. Also, if the selective hit is only against a land unit vs. an air unit in the same space this would be a lower cost.

    if preemptive i say 1 cost add…so thats 6 IPC for airborne

    if selective i place this at 2-3 if selective means no air can be selected, and at least another 2 if you can select air as attacking hits.

  • What’s OOB?  Did it allow bombers to attack with the infantry?

    An opening fire round strike is certainly in order to simulate a night drop.  If they stay at 1-2, perhaps just an opening fire hit on 1.

    I don’t think any inf should defend for less than a two.  Even the 101st w/ low supplies still held back the Germans during the Bulge.

    If airborne cost me 5, I’d just buy a tank.  Tanks via transport is much cheaper and more effective, since tanks attack and defend on 3 till they are taken out.

  • Out of the box, and yes Bombers also get to attack with the 1-2 infantry, unless they decide to perform SBR.

    If they stay at 1-2, perhaps just an opening fire hit on 1.

    Thats the OOB rules…

    since they are at 3 and are 1-2 units, to make them a 3 ONLY on the first round would cost 2 more IPC, so these would be 5 IPC units.

  • Are you making a “Points of Power” argument?  A 1-2 inf has (1+2 =) 3 points of power, therefore 3 IPCs.  3-2 inf is 3+2= 5 IPCs?

  • right the cost will be determined though play testing but my main points are

    1. it shoud attack and defend at 0-1( just becasue an the 101st defened a small town in the middle of nowhere does not mean they have the same stats as inf and it does not mean they are inf, plus the 101st was one of the best equipped airborne units of the war and even their defence is probably not deserving of a 2 or less, just because a unit one means that it hit,not that it had a high chance of hitting )

    2. it should have to pay to do an airborne attack, but does not need other units for assitance

    3. It has some kind of attack where it chooses the enemies casaulty, or something else that represents its irregularness

  • Are you making a “Points of Power” argument?

    yes sort of. But also taking the original Airborne rules as the base point and building the new unit from that point by determining what each new value/ ability it will have and adding cost on that basis.

    Making it 0-1 is reducing it from OOB, which is strange because the size of what a unit is is not established uniformly by the designs intent. Larry has stated this is a varying level.

    For example the SS waffen units made up at one point 25% of the Wehrmacht forces and its not represented in the game.

    Artillery are not separate units but integrated in infantry and armor. So what could be represented and is not is also possible which can allow for units of other various types to be included.

    I would say a commando unit would be able to select target, but airborne unit is not a commando unit.

    Airborne units are ‘shock value troops’ to control key spots for a short period.

    They are also trained infantry that have specialized training in drops in addition to more use of automatic weapons, so they are normal infantry otherwise. When used as infantry they have the same values as infantry.

    if they are defending they should be treated as normal infantry because they are not jumping when defending. Its not correct to assume they are smaller units, because if you buy one of them it could represent from 1 division to even a corps of airborne.


    Operation Market Garden of September 1944, involved 35,000 troops dropped up to 100 miles.

    The Soviets mounted only one large-scale Airborne operation in WW2, despite their early leadership in the field in the 1930s. The largest drop was corp-sized, and was not successful (the Vyaz’ma Operation, the 4th Airborne Corps)

    if they are attacking its either gonna be a 2 or 3 followed by a 1 on 2nd round and latter. I would say that if they were used with other units in the attack that combat loses go against the airborne first before other land units for the first round only.

  • When i was saying an airbone unit would represent a division, i was thinking that in your average invasion of france 2-3 if not more airborne units would be used, about 3 airborne divisons were dropped into normandy so there for an airborne unit is a division.

    i would still say airborne units are more commando that shock.
    When i think of shock i imagine 100,000 Russians armed with PPsh’s and grenades riding ontop t34’s charing german lines.
    shock is more like putting all your eggs with the intial attack, and while airborne operations are similar they are operating completly indpendently form the other units, where as true shock units might be supported with aircraft and artillery.

    also i wouldn’t say airborne have the same traits as infantry when they are on the ground. They might have more submachines guns, but infantry have more heavy machine guns and light artillery which i think should be considered part of the infantry peice and not the artillery peice.

    so becasue airborne have almost no artillery or heavy weapons if any, it is not unresonable  for them to normally attack at 0. and a defence of 1 represents airborne’s inabilty to hold against heavy firepower, a primary example would be operation market garden

  • so becasue airborne have almost no artillery or heavy weapons if any, it is not unresonable  for them to normally attack at 0. and a defence of 1 represents airborne’s inabilty to hold against heavy firepower, a primary example would be operation market garden

    ahh but that was my previous rule about armor units negating the 3 attack and reducing it back to one or eliminating the preemptive strike. The Arnhem drop was on top of SS Panzer troops resting and the heavy equipment was key in eliminating them.

    Remember the assault against the 2nd Battalion at Arnhem bridge? It was armored units and it was repulsed. That would be the part in the movie Bridge to far where you see all those halftracks and tanks getting shot to pieces trying to cross the bridge to take the other side.

    I have a new idea…

    The airborne attack starts at 3, then 2, then 1, then 0?!!! This would reflect diminishing supplies and model this unit.

    What do you think?

  • well you could incremntally decrease their value each rounds like that, however

    1. that makes it slightly more complicated

    2. If the airborne units are not being resupplied they will have likly used up all most all of their ammunition in the time that represents the the first time they attack. After the first round of combat i think we can imigine the paratoopers have linked up with at least part of the main force. so they would be getting supplies its just that the weapons they are given do not have the firepower to take out tanks or entreanched positions like all the other units have. Airoborne units can surpirse and that’s why they should have a selective attack

    3. the first round is the most important round of any battle in axis and allies, so puting extra detail that i dont even think is accurate into the subsequent rounds of combat is sort of a waste.

    I mean airborne units couldn’t have brought supplies for more that ten days of fighting and would i would say each round of combat represents 10-30 days.

    basically if the intial attack is a succes it is is a win, otherwise the airborne units are chewed up my armor which they dont stand a chance against just like in arnhem

  • ok then how bout this:

    if used as a paratrooper (dropped from the air) attack:
    1st round at 3
    2nd round at 1
    3rd round at 0

    as normal infantry sitting around they attack at 1 and defend at 2 no matter what as per OOB.

    no additional cost and they must be dropped by bomber ( 1:1) as per OOB.

    Note: this makes only two changes from OOB 1st @3 and 3rd @0

    These rules make it as simple with a little bit of flash. yes no?

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