• @Krieghund:


    (Rumor has it that Avalon Hill will re-release Axis & Allies Anniversary Edition in time for the 2009 holiday season.)

    I know of no plans to re-release Anniversary.  I believe the source of this rumor is confusion caused by the fact that the 1942 Edition box art strongly resembles the Anniversary box art.

    Betcha can’t wait for the rules confusion this will cause.

  • Craig,
    what does gone cardboard mean?

    My cynic gets the day off, some positives on AA42;

    WOTC, is continuing to develop the AA franchise.

    AA42 at $35, nice price point, draws new players.

    Using AA50 development ( with good new game mechanics, ) less positions to play - no Italy, with 1942 starting point will offer a shorter game run option.

    The Map- my greatest interest, what will they do?  More Territories? reflective of AA50?  Something totaly new….

    I would love to see them add optional house rules.  Remember all the National Advantages from Revised, hope they survive.

    I think many players print large table size maps for f2f games, so game map size will only be slightly relevant.

    Rules and Sculpts are the jib.  Include anything new and bam, most vets will buy.

    Colors and Fonts emm, seems every game set revision, sports new colors.

    They go a lot right with AA50, this can only help AA42.

  • '10

    Per Larry Harris:

    “There will be NEW sculpts! Really Cool sculpts actually.”

    his own words

  • We know that the map territories will be exactly the same as revised. We know that the naval rules from AA50 will be implemented in AA42. It has not been confirmed that all the other rules from AA50 will make it into AA42. My guess is that all rules from AA50 will enter the new AA42, with possible exceptions of the 4 optional rules in AA50.
    At this time it’s only speculations, but it would be cool if also the optional rules from AA50 will replace the current revised rules.

    At least we won’t have a broken China in AA42 :-D :-) :lol: :roll:

  • @johnnymarr:

    Per Larry Harris:

    “There will be NEW sculpts! Really Cool sculpts actually.”

    his own words

    Funny, FMG say they will make new sculpts and sell to us, cause the WOTC-sculpts are lame.

    Surprisingly, WOTC now claim they’ll make all new and really cool sculpts ?

    Competition is good. Competition will give us quality. This is a win win to us.

  • @Adlertag:


    Per Larry Harris:

    “There will be NEW sculpts! Really Cool sculpts actually.”

    his own words

    Funny, FMG say they will make new sculpts and sell to us, cause the WOTC-sculpts are lame.

    Surprisingly, WOTC now claim they’ll make all new and really cool sculpts ?

    Competition is good. Competition will give us quality. This is a win win to us.

    Well, I’m gonna be Debbie Downer again.  I believe a win for us would of been new sculpts in AA:50 to begin with.  Having to buy new sculpts for a Anniversary (or Deluxe game) that cost $100, because the current units are sub-par, just doesn’t seem fair.

    I think that replacement units for AA:50 should be complementary for the people that have proof of purchase.

  • i agree completely. why give the AA50 (the a&a game to beat all a&a games apparently) sub-par sculpts, and set the RRP at $100, then bring out another version of revised with BETTER unit sculpts and set its RRP at $35?! someone should be taken out the back and shot for this

  • Axis & Allies 1942, designed and developed by Larry Harris, will utilize the updated rules established in A&A Anniversary Edition. Cruiser class ships will make their debut in A&A 1942, forever changing the naval line-up. Newly sculpted playing pieces and all new packaging will position this game as the cornerstone of the Axis & Allies game line for years to come.

    * Rulebook updated by Larry Harris, creator of the Axis & Allies game system
        * Packaging, play components, and game board map feature updated art
        * 370 game pieces featuring refreshed sculpts plus new models for cruisers
        * Updated naval unit rules as debuted in Axis & Allies Anniversary Edition
        * IPC is now recorded, no more play money
        * Map has look of AA50 using Revised Territories
        * New Battle board

    How can this be misinterpreted?

    If AA42 had more territories than revised, then the wording would be different.

    “Updated naval unit rules as debuted in Axis & Allies Anniversary Edition”, I cannot imagine that this could mean that the only change from revised is the cruiser unit.

    If AA42 doesn’t implement the rules from AA50, with exception of NOs, tech etc. there’s absolutely no point in buying it, unless revised is out of print, and you don’t have revised, and you wanted to buy revised… :?
    There’s no point in a game called AA42 if it only has fancy colors. If AA42 has most of the rules from AA50 it’ll be fun to play probably, we could also do this now, but we don’t know all the rules yet.

  • Pain taken…eh…point taken… :oops:

    It does not specifically say that the map is exactly the same TTs as revised.

    It does say that the rules are “utilized” from AA50, and the naval rules are confirmed.

    It would be cool if more TTs was added, but my impression from the little info that is given, AA42 is mostly about revised + AA50 rules. And that’s a good thing.
    My point is that more changes makes the game better, as AA50 is out, though AA50 is still not supposed to be the main game(?), but the rules in AA50 is better than revised rules. The more AA42 resembles AA50, the better it will be. While AA50 is A&A “advanced”, AA42 will replace revised, but if not most of the rule changes in AA50 make it into AA42 then there’s no point in playing AA42, imo. So really I’m only optimistic on behalf of the gaming community.
    This is the way I see it. Also, most players are happy with AA50 and think it’s better than revised, to do only minor changes in AA42 (from revised) would be a really bad strat.

  • What AA50 rules should make it into AA42?

    • Bombers @ $12
    • SBR rules
    • Naval rules (confirmed)
    • Optional rules (probably unlikely)

    There are several small rule changes which also should be implemented, many of those are related to both naval combat and land combat.
    I can’t see any good reasons why not all the revised rules should be replaced by the AA50 rules for AA42, the only exception would be the optional rules, which would make AA42 almost as advanced as AA50. In this case, only the smaller map would be different from AA50. These are just my speculations/opinions, but I feel very strongly that if only the naval rules are replaced, AA42 will not be fun to play.

  • AA42 will have a new set up by definition just because there will be cruisers on board.  Most likely this will have small ripple effects throughout the placements of other units.  I think we can expect other minor tweaks to the rules and/or map.  SBRs and Weapons development?  Who knows.

    This game will be worth owning and playing even for those of us who own AA50 - it’ll be a different game!  AA50 is new and exciting right now, but years down the road when I’ve played '41 and '42 many many times, I will tear the cellophane from my AA42 eagerly.

    Then again, AA42 might take less lime to play than AA50.  This would make it useful just as a shortened version.

    It’s hard to go wrong for thirty five bucks!  This is good for the gaming community (and A&A’s place within) as well as good for us hardcore can’t-get-enough-Axis & Allies types.  The only bad news news that AA50 is less likely to be reprinted anytime soon.  I’m sure glad I’ve got two copies!  Bring on AA42!

  • @Craig:

    This wouldn’t be a bad idea if you thought the Revised VCs were good.  But they aren’t.  Leningrad sucks!

    Hey, watch it, I reflect that opinion…


  • @Krieghund:


    (Rumor has it that Avalon Hill will re-release Axis & Allies Anniversary Edition in time for the 2009 holiday season.)

    I know of no plans to re-release Anniversary.  I believe the source of this rumor is confusion caused by the fact that the 1942 Edition box art strongly resembles the Anniversary box art.


    I have to confirm with you on this…the word has it, that, “once they are gone, they are gone!”

    GS :x

  • @Subotai:

    Axis & Allies 1942, designed and developed by Larry Harris, will utilize the updated rules established in A&A Anniversary Edition. Cruiser class ships will make their debut in A&A 1942, forever changing the naval line-up. Newly sculpted playing pieces and all new packaging will position this game as the cornerstone of the Axis & Allies game line for years to come.

    * Rulebook updated by Larry Harris, creator of the Axis & Allies game system
        * Packaging, play components, and game board map feature updated art
        * 370 game pieces featuring refreshed sculpts plus new models for cruisers
        * Updated naval unit rules as debuted in Axis & Allies Anniversary Edition
        * IPC is now recorded, no more play money
        * Map has look of AA50 using Revised Territories
        * New Battle board

    How can this be misinterpreted?

    If AA42 had more territories than revised, then the wording would be different.

    “Updated naval unit rules as debuted in Axis & Allies Anniversary Edition”, I cannot imagine that this could mean that the only change from revised is the cruiser unit.

    If AA42 doesn’t implement the rules from AA50, with exception of NOs, tech etc. there’s absolutely no point in buying it, unless revised is out of print, and you don’t have revised, and you wanted to buy revised… :?
    There’s no point in a game called AA42 if it only has fancy colors. If AA42 has most of the rules from AA50 it’ll be fun to play probably, we could also do this now, but we don’t know all the rules yet.

    And I’ll repeat what I said earlier….

    If this game is merely the Revised map + AA50 rules + units, then there is NO reason to buy this game if you already own AAR and the new anniversary edition.

    You would already HAVE the map and the rules. You would just need to know of any setup changes. So why spend $35 more???

    Its poor thought process by AH… (not the first time either)

  • If this game is merely the Revised map + AA50 rules + units, then there is NO reason to buy this game if you already own AAR and the new anniversary edition.

    You would already HAVE the map and the rules. You would just need to know of any setup changes. So why spend $35 more???

    Its poor thought process by AH… (not the first time either)

    Its a new map and new units and new basically everything BASED on revised and some ( minor) ideas from AA50.

    Of course it also has the cruiser as a new piece, so obviously it cant have the same set up, and you can infer the rules will be written without any ambiguity using what has already been learned from LHTR etc…

    The new pieces are new molds so that alone is a terrific thing to have as replacement pieces for AA50. Plus if your into house rules you can use the older pieces as house rules.

    preorder it for $25 bucks. Thats a drop in the bucket. I spend that just walking downstairs.

  • Official Q&A




    (Rumor has it that Avalon Hill will re-release Axis & Allies Anniversary Edition in time for the 2009 holiday season.)

    I know of no plans to re-release Anniversary.  I believe the source of this rumor is confusion caused by the fact that the 1942 Edition box art strongly resembles the Anniversary box art.


    I have to confirm with you on this…the word has it, that, “once they are gone, they are gone!”

    That is my understanding at this time, Greg.  Things can always change, but I wouldn’t count on it.

  • Larry has said repeatedly that AA50 wont be reprinted.

    Risk 40th was not reprinted

    Shogun was not reprinted

  • Will the new pieces be in same scale as the old ones ?

    Or will it be like the Minis, the new pieces come in another scale, so we can not use them together ?

  • They can’t reprint AA50 because it’s no longer the 50th anniversary of AH.  IF they reprint it, they would have to call it something different, say A&A: Deluxe.  If they give it a different name, they will want to modify it at least slightly.  Lest they upset anyone who buys it thinking it’s new.  I imagine the absolute soonest we can expect a new deluxe edition would be 2014 - A&A’s thirtieth.


    preorder it for $25 bucks. Thats a drop in the bucket. I spend that just walking downstairs.

    That’s hilarious IL!  Where do you preorder for $25?

  • It is not clear if the pieces are representing the same units as before ( example: German Battleship will be the Bismarck)

    it is sure that the pieces in every case will be a newly designed sculpt that has more refined details.

    This includes infantry but i don’t know it it included AA guns and factories.

    You can only hope of they dumped a few of the choices for better ones. These are also in an unknown scale, but its safe to say it will be very close to AA scale and compatible.

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