I would still attack Egypt even without the bomber.
2 Inf, Art, 2 Arm vs 2 Inf, Art, Arm, Fig might not be stellar odds, but you can still do enough damage to stop England from building an IC in Egypt and making Egypt impenetrable by Italy.
The chart below, from frood.net, helps explain your odds of winning without the bomber. To me, the Egypt attack is a win if I can kill off the Armor defending there regardless of if I also get the fighter or not because that assures me that there is nothing England can do (assuming the transport in SZ 35 is sunk by Japan) to stop Italy from taking Egypt with normal dice.
Germany has a 57% chance of doing just that. (41% to kill everything, +16% to kill everything except the fighter = 57%.
Yea, it’s virtually 50/50, but Italy could take out 2 Infantry, Armor, Fighter with 3 Infantry, Armor, Fighter, Cruiser and Battleship as well even if Egypt has Artillery, Armor, Fighter left after Germany’s attack (2 Inf, Art, Arm, Fig total defense after England’s turn.) And those odds are 20% better giving you 77% odds of “winning” the battle.
In other words, the idea is to hit Egypt hard enough to discourage England from putting up an IC there and to promote Italy’s chance of getting Egypt.
Attacker: 2 Inf, 1 Art, 2 Arm. v. Defender: 2 Inf, 1 Art, 1 Arm, 1 Fig. Link to or bookmark this scenario.
Average battle duration: 2.8 rounds of combat
avg. # units left IPC value Punch
Attacker: 0.74.3 3.316.7 1.99.1
Defender: 1.43.6 9.415.6 4.48.6
# Surviving Attackers
# Surviving Defenders #Casualties
Overall %*: A. survives: 34.2% D. survives: 59.5% No one survives: 6.3%
* percentages may not total 100 due to rounding. The average results from above are highlighted in charts below, while the median result (equal odds of getting a worse or better result) is written in red.
Attacker results:
Probability % # units / losses
0.3% 5: 2 Inf, 1 Art, 2 Arm. no units. : 0 IPCs
2.24% 4: 1 Inf, 1 Art, 2 Arm. 1 Inf. : 3 IPCs
7.07% 3: 1 Art, 2 Arm. 2 Inf. : 6 IPCs
12.25% 2: 2 Arm. 2 Inf, 1 Art. : 10 IPCs
12.33% 1: 1 Arm. 2 Inf, 1 Art, 1 Arm. : 15 IPCs
65.81% 0: no units. 2 Inf, 1 Art, 2 Arm. : 20 IPCs
Defender results:
Probability % # units / losses
1.56% 5: 2 Inf, 1 Art, 1 Arm, 1 Fig. no units. : 0 IPCs
7.13% 4: 1 Inf, 1 Art, 1 Arm, 1 Fig. 1 Inf. : 3 IPCs
15.33% 3: 1 Art, 1 Arm, 1 Fig. 2 Inf. : 6 IPCs
19.44% 2: 1 Arm, 1 Fig. 2 Inf, 1 Art. : 10 IPCs
16.06% 1: 1 Fig. 2 Inf, 1 Art, 1 Arm. : 15 IPCs
40.48% 0: no units. 2 Inf, 1 Art, 1 Arm, 1 Fig. : 25 IPCs