• In any KJF, UK has the duty of reinforcing Africa and Europe almost by alone (saving some token starting units USA has in East Coast). UK needs aid soviets so they manage stop german assault on Soviet Union. For this article, let’s assume:

    1) USA eastern fleet joins with Royal Navy

    USA as mini me of UK. UK needs start landings in Norway and Algeria, and they have not enough boats. It’s needed the small starting east USA navy (and the soviet sub) if UK wants survive Luftwaffe attacks. Also, It’s a good idea kill Baltic fleet UK1 in this scenario. A german AC built 2nd round plus starting fleet can make havoc in western allies navy. When you have assured naval dominance in Atlantic Ocean (not difficult), UK must start landings in Norway and then Karelia to support defense of soviets. Trade Paris if germans decide left undefended, it’s allways good for allies that 6 IPCs boost and you’ll be killing german units

    Also, ferry canadians to England when you can. Sometimes is good wait one round to Wcan inf and ferry both the tank and the inf in round 2

    2) UK buys a SAF IC round 1, but only that one

    You need it for defend Africa or germans will collect 50s and you 20-22 IPCs. Also, it’s good in later game when Africa is freed, to annoy Japan’s rear with your tanks. Many times you cannot do both of Norway and Africa and SAF IC is the solution. Even if the only it does is saving SAF and Kenya, it’s enough, because those are 3 IPCs you are collecting and 3 IPCs germans will not collect (a 6 IPCs shift), but it’s probable that it will save even a bit more IPCs. SAF IC pays itself after two rounds. You must take two more things in mind with SAF IC: try kill italian navy (with aircraft better) or at least try prevent them escape to Indian ocean or even worst, to Atlantic AND assure you don’t lose SAF to germans or japs by having ever enough fighters at hand to reinforce or checking italian and jap fleets moves. Retreat land units to the IC if needed, but jap fleet will be soon too busy with USA’s fleet, and italian fleet should be defeated as soon as possible (or at least left without infs to ferry if escaped to Indian Ocean)

    Also, Egypt must be countered as in KGF unless too much Afrika Korps survived. If that is the case, just ferry some guys from india to Kenya round 1  :wink:

    3) UK sends all indian and australian navies to aid USA’s Pacific fleet, and the ANZAC divisions to try take or trade some big island

    OK, fleet cooperation. I don’t like tactics that involve sacrifice of valuable indian and australian fleets in a round 1 gambit against Japan. Sure, it will slow Japan a bit, but in long term it will slow allies even more because USA needs all boats you can join to start island hooping. The only one good sacrifice attack is dd vs z59 trannie because it slows Japan in land (that aids the soviets) at the cost of only one boat for one boat, but this one is matter of tastes and needings of soviets

    So, the idea is again a join UK-USA fleet, but this time UK is mini-me of USA (in Atlantic Ocean was the reverse). You have to follow USA’s movements to aid defensive fleet take Dutch East Indies. This is very valuable, and the AC can have a capital role because USA’s figs can land on it from WUSA and then the AC can move to another place. The defensive boost to the fleet is big, and you can collect extra IPCs with ANZAC divs if some big island is at hand

    The way to do:

    Round 1 - z40 fleet stays, but ferry the nzel inf to aus (it boost Australia’s defense, and nzel is pretty safe in most KJF games. Also, you can set a potential conquest of East Indies round 3). DD can attack z59 or not, and z35 fig and trannie can counter egy or not, but any boats not doing this must sail to z33 (a safe spot, I have to see a german player risking it’s bomber against even a lone AC) and ferry 2 inf to ken.

    Round 2 - join both z40 and z33 fleets in z30. From there you can menace all Indian Ocean coasts and East Indies if Japan is not near.

    Round 3 - If East Indies are empty, it’s a good idea send 1 inf from aus and sacrifice 1 tra. You can attack still with 2 inf against 2 if the bomber is in India (and land it in aus). You will force Japan to send something to recover the island, prevent a early raid in aus (blocking) and you can have luck and kill one jap fig. Any boat not doing this must sail to z40

    Round 4 - Join fleets with USA at Solomon sea zone. From now, follow USA’s movements

    With this strat, you should be collecting 25 early, and 30 when Africa is secured or East Indies taken. Any case, sum 25 yours and 25 soviets and it should equal the 45-48 german IPCs. If you manage halt any early tank dash temptations germans have, you should win unless Germany chooses the right path (the infantery push). Any case, you must attack Norway and Karelia as soon as possible and left the duty of Africa to SAF IC

    What to buy?

    Round 1: 1 IC, 5 inf OR 1 IC, 1 inf, 1 fig, save 2 IPCs

    I like more the 1st. Sometimes z5 attack fails utterly and you could risk a Sea Lion. 5 inf will prevent this and anyway you need the inf for Norway or Africa. Buy the 2nd one if you want kill Baltic Fleet round 2, but in this case you must join fleets in z8 instead the usual z12, and land USA’s reinforces in England. Put the IC at SAF as said

    Round 2:

    • Buy 2 inf at SAF
    • If germans built boats or some Baltic fleet survived, buy defensive boats (a AC is pretty good, but a dd is a must if german submarines are alive). Buy in England’s coasts, in a safe spot
    • Buy trannies until you have 3 (you build 6 units at eng and 2 at saf in mid game, it’s difficult buying 10 a round)
    • Any other IPCs must be used in infs to England

    Round 3 and others:

    • If germans choose naval path, buy enough boats to be able of killing the german navy or at least prevent lose yours or England. Block z6 with your fleet to ensure Baltic fleet doesn’t try escape or join with italians (a very powerful move for german player) AND buy 2 land units to SAF
    • If not, buy tanks at SAF (they will join starting and UK2 inf) and infs at England

    Be sure of buying 2 units each turn at SAF even if you only have money to 2 inf and even if germans are out of Africa. They will aid against Japan in Middle East or Egypt, and sometimes can even trade India in late game!


    Playing UK in KJF needs a global approach. Don’t left any front totally undefended: you must fight for Africa, Norway and the Pacific and aid soviets in Karelia. You must make any trades you can with germans (If you an make a D-Day, go for it, but try not losing much more units than germans. It’s probably you cannot make a serious landing, but trades ever aid you). You should even hold India a couple of rounds with your starting units if Egypt counter is not possible, and any survivors, including the indian aa gun, must escape to Caucasus and live to fight another day, when SAF reinforcements arrive. Don’t make useless sacrifices but take the risk when the reward is big. And remember: this is not a KGF, it’s a World War

  • '16 '15 '10

    Interesting article.  I’ve never seen this strategy deployed–this overall deployment is the best case for the SAF IC I’ve read (ie assuming a USA Pacific offensive is keeping the Japs busy).  Since I haven’t played this or seen it played, I’m not sure if Germany could capture SAF (or if it would be worth trying).  In playing this strategy, have you ever seen the Germans divert significant air to try to capture SAF immediately?  Or buy another transport and/or an AC for long term Med dominance?  If I was Germs, I imagine I wouldn’t put much effort into Africa beyond trading the territories adjacent to Egypt for as long as possible (especially if u land Algeria on Turn 1).

    The main drawback to your plan, it seems, is allowing the Japanese to dominate mainland Asia.  This means that the Japs will have the economic advan in the Pac fleet wars, in addition to their pre-existing advantage in having factories closer to the action.  It also means Russian income will be limited.  While one of the nice things about your opening is UK1 doesn’t give away KJF…a bold Japan player might get really aggressive on the mainland starting Turn 2 which could put some major pressure on Russia.

    So even though the Brit/Ami shuck might succeed in shoring up Moscow, Axis will likely capture Cauc and from there Axis will have a good shot at securing the overall economic advantage–at that point it comes down to holding Moscow long term and whether the USA naval offensive can make serious inroads.  If USA can capture East Indies before Axis takes Cauc then perhaps Allies can regain the tactical advantage and secure the ipcs “south” of Persia.

    So if we compare this tactic to the India factory with Sink option…

    -Less risk of the IC being captured
    -More realistic strategy for securing/contesting Africa–Germans need to pump units into Africa just to contest half of it which means less pressure on Russia
    -Higher UK income and lower German income helps contain Godzilla Germany
    -Efficient use of UK naval resources makes USA4 capture of E. Indies realistic

    -Economic losses in Asia offset gains in Africa and force Russia to trade or lose income
    -Lack of mainland pressure means wealthier Japan and less opportunity for mainland air/land supporting Pac fleet
    -Less immediate pressure on Japs–more of a long-term strat without 1-2 punches.  JTDTM tempting.
    -Potential coordinated rush makes Cauc vulnerable as early as G4.  Cauc likely to fall by G7 at latest (though it will fall earlier with the India fact KJF)

    I will try it sometime–my only reservation is this would be a LOONNNGG game…unless Axis stomps Moscow quickly.  A good one for the forums or PBEM i guess :)

    Did you write a 3rd piece on your ideas about R1 moves/buys and your plan to contain Germany in conjunction with this strat?

  • Interesting comments. I thought this article had not attenttion and didn’t do the soviet one. I’ll do that as soon as I can

    You have reason: It’s a looong game  :wink:

  • '16 '15 '10

    Well no need to do a write-up just for me…perhaps you could play me PFM and let me see it in action…I’ll axis for 7 (with normal 1st turn Axis moves)?

  • I have no time for more games, but here is a link to one whit this strat used (VCs victory included)

  • If Egypt is uncounterable, Germany could send 3 tanks to Ken on G2 and land some planes in Egypt, putting the SAf IC in a big bind. For a SAf IC, I like EM’s setup more (it’s floating around somewhere in the Revised section).

    If you can counter Egypt, I think a SAf IC is not worth it I think. Landing in Alg, putting your planes in WRu and eliminating the German Med fleet on UK 2 is a better way of securing Africa if that’s what you really want.

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