Japan revised Kill America First

  • A strategy employed to annoy the USA is to land units in Alaska and take the pressure of Germany so they can take Moscow. But why not take this one step further and focus on taking LA/San Fran?

    This is an alternate Japanese strategy to that of the Moscow/Berlin race that is seen in most games. This could be taken over to global '40 but it would be a lot harder to preform. Also could be used for spring '42.

    For this strategy to be implemented you will need to following things to have happened:

    • Allies play the standard KGF

    • No UK factory in india

    • No US factory in China/Sinkijiang

    Here is the standard move for J1 on this strategy:

    India capture with inf in FIC and Shanghai transport used to move inf from Shanghai to FIC and air support.
    Move 2 inf from Japan to Shanghai with sz60 tran.
    2 inf 6 Ipc
    2 Art 8 ipc
    2 Tran 16 ipc
    total 30 ipc

    Earned 33 Ipc


    Shanghai tran that will be close to FIC moved to sz 61 and move 2inf from Japan to Manchuria and move them into Shanghai.

    You will have in:
    Shanghai: 5 inf
    Japan: 2inf, 3art,1 arm, 1 Bmr and maybe 1 fighter
    India, FIC, Manchuria 2-3 inf and maybe 1 fighter in each

    same as J1

    Ipc earned 33 left over from buy 3 total 36

    Take china with air support 2-3 fighters and 5 inf in Shanghai
    Only if no SU forces in it and 2-3 inf plus fighter in it.

    Same as J1

    at the end of this turn you should have:
    Japan: 4inf, 5art, 1arm
    SZ60: 1bb, 6 tran

    J4 this is the important turn

    Invade Alaska with 3 tran carrying 1 inf + 1art each. Use your BB bombardment to kill the inf. If Alaska has to large a force in it use all 6 tran and take all units out of Japan or use your trans to shuck units onto the mainland and push for Moscow. You shoudn’t have to do this as Britain and the USA will be focussed on taking Berlin and preforming D-DAY.

    After you have taken Alaska you will be earning 37 IPC per turn.
    You have 36 IPC to spend

    3 inf 9
    2 art 8
    2 tran 16
    total 33

    end turn IPC total 40

    Japan: 4 INF, 4 ART, 1 ARM
    SZ60: 5 tran
    Alaska: 3 INF, 3 ART
    SZ 63: 1 BB, 3 TRAN


    4 TRANS shuck 4 inf + art to Alaska
    3 trans in sz63 return to sz 60

    4INF, 4 ART

    12 ipc to do what you want with

    earn the 37 plus what you didn’t spend


    same as J5 build and move 4art+inf to Alaska
    Move 4 tran back to sz60 from 63

    same as J6

    when you have a big enough force probably J6 move units into Western Canada. Every NCM move units that landed in Alaska to WC and strike at LA and place build units into there and try and hold from the American counter. If succesful build up your force and strike at Washington. Even without taking Washington you will win as the US forces will be trying to take LA back from you and with Calcutta and LA under your control if you and Germany have lost no VC’s you have 8 if Germany take Lenningrad or Moscow you win if Playing LHTR. If not and going for 10 vc’s Germany should be able to take Moscow and win. If playing 12 you will attack Washington and Germany will attack London. You should still win with both of you sending forces through the former SU and through Africa to collect IPC for yourselves and take them from UK.

    This seems easy in concept but is hard to pull off but if successful you will win easily. Because of its diffuclty to be successful players usually stay in Alaska/WC and threaten LA rather than attempt to take it.

  • The attack on America is a good strat if USA ignores Japan. I tried it in Revised many times with very good results. Most players don’t know how to reply (but one or two can do a bit better), I even SBRed a aagun-less Whashington a couple of times. I call this strat ‘Polar Express’

    However, it needs good timing (as JTDTM I guess) and Germany must be played well. You can have good results with a bid of 1 trannie to Carolines SZ

  • Hey guys,

    I am not trying to be arrogant so excuse me if I sound so.

    I won’t list the years I played AA and the forms but I assure you, such a stragety when the allies a conducting a KGF is a gift to the Allies. Of all the stategies you can do, that one fits perfectly for the KGF. You really have to be playing ally novices for that to work.

    I can’t express how perfectly that fits with the KGF strategy. Anyways, hope I didn’t come off to badly. Just been playing for too many years, too many times. If interested on how realistic such a move is, play AA1942 on line at axisandallies.com. You can play live with experience players free or by email taking turns for like 1 dollar a game. The turns are fast and you can really try different things out. All players are rated so you can see you is good and who is novice.


  • @eddiem4145:

    I won’t list the years I played AA and the forms but I assure you, such a stragety when the allies a conducting a KGF is a gift to the Allies. Of all the stategies you can do, that one fits perfectly for the KGF. You really have to be playing ally novices for that to work.

    I cannot talk for AA42 because it screws the Polar Express a bit with Perry Channel closen and I didn’t played much AA42, but for Revised (almost same board and setup), Polar Express is a strat designed specifically to counter a Ignore Japan strat (the so-called KGF). If Japan does Polar Express right (round 3-4 as later), USA simply cannot afford send nothing to Europe, but still Japan will be able of spare a bit of income to attack Asia and Africa

  • It is designed only to annoy, not to counter. That I would agree with. The resources Japan has to spend to conduct such a campaing, and the minimal resources the US needs to counter it results in badly needed forces and money spent in an area that can only annoy, resulting in forces and resources not being spent where the real damage can be done.

    Now someone did do this to me sucessfully once, but I assure you, it was the result of a simply miscalculation and me being used to the old AA where the US was only 2 territories, western and eastern. It was a something I completely overlook and miscalculated. And all it did was give germany some major breathing room. The same thing could have been acomplished sending those forces against russia or africa.

    So bottom line, from someone who has defended against such attacks many times by novices, or pro’s just wanting to try something new, best case scenario, achieve what could otherwise be achieved elsewhere if your apponent miscalculates. Worst case scenario, it costs you the game.

  • @eddiem4145:

    Now someone did do this to me sucessfully once, but I assure you, it was the result of a simply miscalculation and me being used to the old AA where the US was only 2 territories, western and eastern. It was a something I completely overlook and miscalculated. And all it did was give germany some major breathing room. The same thing could have been acomplished sending those forces against russia or africa.


    A strategy employed to annoy the USA is to land units in Alaska and take the pressure of Germany so they can take Moscow. But why not take this one step further and focus on taking LA/San Fran?

    This is an alternate Japanese strategy to that of the Moscow/Berlin race that is seen in most games. This could be taken over to global '40 but it would be a lot harder to preform. Also could be used for spring '42.

    As I said using forces to attack Russia is the standard boring Berlin/Moscow race.
    Also using forces in Africa is a waste of forces as Germany plus bid infantry takes Cairo and then blitz through Africa with tanks from Italy

  • Boring I would agree, but that is the only realistic chance. As far as the bidding idea goes. That is a total different point. A bid of only 3 would still allow the UK in my book to keep Africa, especially with the US coming from the other side. An Axis bid of 12 would make the Japan sending forces to Africa pointless. Soooo, not sure what the point was. Bidding in the computer game on axisandallies.com only exists for the axis. Obviously it is to even out the game. Otherwise, anything but perfect moves, no mistakes, timed retreates, times attacks, and a full maximizing of your resources are what is necessary for the axis to have a chance with both sides fielded by experienced players.

    Where I would totally agree with you is the fact that I have played very experienced players who wanted to try out Japan harrassing the US. If you get a good bid for the axis so it is even and you want to enjoy the challenge of pestering the US, then that would make for a much more interesting game. I would probbably even try that.

    Right now I am trying to get used to the AARevised and now I see that the AA.com has AA1942. I have been playing standard AA for 20 years then moved exclusively to World at War, then AARevised on the computer. It seems i make more silly mistakes on that than on the other AA games. I am not sure if it is the computer format that keeps me from noticing things until after I click “end Phase”. So that Japan trick might very well work on me on the computer game.

    My email is elvism4145@yahooo.com if you ever want to send me a challege. Up to now I have only sent out open challenges and someone accepts. I have never sent a specific challenge to a specific person and played. As of know for some reason the computer has randomly, (i think) made me the allies the last 5 games in a row. I am not sure how the sides are picked so I am a prime target for your stragety.



  • @eddiem4145:

    Boring I would agree, but that is the only realistic chance.

    Right now I am trying to get used to the AARevised and now I see that the AA.com has AA1942. I have been playing standard AA for 20 years then moved exclusively to World at War, then AARevised on the computer.

    That’s the problem: you are too used to Classic and you continue thinking like in Classic. I cannot talk for Classic because I never played it, but in Revised, Polar Express is not only realistic: I’d dare to say that it’s the better option for Axis when you need counter a Ignore Japan strat … you need master it, of course, but the same is true as well for the old JTDTM, and if I’m Axis, I prefer direct the path of the game attacking America (and also Africa at the same time for that matters) rather than letting Allies doing so and playing their game using JTDTM

  • The only difference in AA revised IN THE PACIFIC and classic AA IN THE PACIFIC is an extra space between Western and Eastern US and the Sea Zone in Japan. Any other minor subtle difference the way the sea zones are draw don’t affect the strategy one way or the other.

    My defect is not in the fact that I am used to playing classic AA. I started playing AA from the very 1st edition in the 80’s. I have played Revised intermittently with World at War. My defect is in the fact I NOW only play AArevised online where players all over the world meet where you can see there wins and losses and now who is a novice and who is a pro. I am used to playing on a big open board and not on a computer where you have to scroll across the screen to check everything.

    I would imagine your KJF post is to the extreme on pointless in a straight battle with no bids, that not many people even bother to argue against it. This is a very well known point, accepted and often brought up as a failure of AA to make the game historically accurate. It has been and is still now the classic NOOB stragety, or novice stragety, outside of what I explained and agreed with on my previous post, of course.

    One of the great things about AA 1942, AA50, AA1940P, and AA1940G supposedly is that it fixes the pointless attempt for the Japanese and US to engage in any naval battles. I have played AA1940P which speaks for itself, but with from all the posts I read, AA1942, AA50, which makes China more of a challenge and has been specifically designed to encourage navall battles, still does not go far enough to make it a smart stragety. There are some who disagree but they are from the perspective of hating the Jap rolling into Moscow IDEA, and not from a sound stragety perspective.

    Any ways if you are interested n playing someone who has a lot of experience but is not yet used to the online game, send me a challenge of AAonline. They cost 3 coins. I think I purchased 50 coins for like $5.

  • with new axis and allies global a similar startegy can be used. with Alpha 0.02, japan can try to take as many american islands as possible to denie any bonusses from objectives.

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