The Victories & Defeats has been updated with the 2025 gaming season results.
See the top of this page.
As you know, AA50 removed the old National Advantages from Revised. However, we can get that old AARe feel by converting some of those old NAs into Techs. This is truly where AA50: Strategic will outshine the OOTB version (Increased Historical Accuracy, Improved Variation of Playout, and Widened Strategic Options). Again, these techs are not set in stone and can be changed or added to if needed.
1. MOBILE INDUSTRY (Minor Tech, 5IPC/researcher)
-Your ICs may move 1 territory during NCM (as long as you owned them at turn start). ICs can only move among Red territories. They may produce in territories they just moved to, as long as Russia owned the territory at turn start. Production in the new location is “Limited” to INF, RTL and ARM only, up to the territory limit.
-Multiple ICs may exist in a single territory, but only 1 remains active (for the purposes of Rocket attacks, SBR and unit production)
-good counter to Rockets and strong German advances towards Karelia or Caucasus.
1. REINFORCED CARRIERS (Minor Tech, 5IPC/researcher)
-Your ACs require 2 hits to destroy, just like BBs
-some much needed support for the US Navy
2. HEAVY TRANSPORTS (Moderate Tech, 7IPC/researcher)
-Your TRNs can now transport either 3INF or 2INF + 1ARM/RTL/AA or 2ARM/RTL/AA
3. MASS AIRCRAFT PRODUCTION (Moderate Tech, 7IPC/researcher)
-Your Air units are now cheaper to build. FTRs cost 8IPC. BMBRs cost 10IPC.
-will slow down your initial builds though will definitely make up for it later on
1. ROYAL AIR FORCE (Minor Tech, 5IPC/researcher)
-Your FTRs defend at 5
-useful for defence
2. JOINT COMMAND: D-DAY (Minor Tech, 5IPC/researcher)
-Once during the game, at the start of UK’s turn, you may declare a D-Day Invasion, a combined attack of UK and US forces which occurs on UKs turn. D-Day may only target France, and all attacking land and sea units MUST amphibious assault from SZ 7 (with the rare exception of land units already in Ger, NWEur, or Italy which can attack France as per regular rules). Air units may come in from any territory provided they have enough movement points.
-On the UK turn, you may command any US units in range of France. These US units cannot be used on US’ next turn. US units can use UK transports and vice versa.
-The UK and US must agree on casualties, otherwise the defender chooses. AAGun fire is rolled separately against each nation. Techs still only apply to the units of the power that has them.
-I’m kind of torn whether this should be a minor or moderate but the premise is simple. Allies have an added incentive to target France. Good counter against Atalntic Wall as well
-I’m hoping the game will follow a more historical route of France as the site of Allied support, rather than Karelia
So that’s all for the new Allied Techs. Would appreicate your comments on balance, wording, or any improvements. Thanks.
I’m wanting to condense rules for AA50 Strategic down as much as possible
I do still like the idea of adding ONE unique Tech to each nation
Mass Aircraft and Heavy Transports are not really needed, game’s are generally shorter and these are less advantageous to research
Royal Air Force will also be eliminated as it’s use is limited in a shorter game
With only 1 starting BB, Yamatos has limited use and can also be eliminated (I’ve kept Air bases as a Global Tech (at reduced cost) for Naval defense vs. HB)
MOBILE INDUSTRY (Minor Tech, 5IPC/researcher)
-Your ICs may move 1 territory during NCM (as long as you owned them at turn start). ICs can only move among Red territories. They may produce in territories they just moved to, as long as Russia owned the territory at turn start. Production in the new location is “Limited” to INF, RTL and ARM only, up to the territory limit.
-Multiple ICs may exist in a single territory, but only 1 remains active (for the purposes of Rocket attacks, SBR and unit production)
REINFORCED CARRIERS (Minor Tech, 5IPC/researcher)
-Your ACs require 2 hits to destroy, just like BBs
JOINT COMMAND: D-DAY (Minor Tech, 5IPC/researcher)
-Once during the game, at the start of UK’s turn, you may declare a D-Day Invasion, a combined attack of UK and US forces which occurs on UKs turn. D-Day may only target France, and all attacking land and sea units MUST amphibious assault from SZ 7 (with the rare exception of land units already in Ger, NWEur, or Italy which can attack France as per regular rules). Air units may come in from any territory provided they have enough movement points.
-On the UK turn, you may command any US units in range of France. These US units cannot be used on US’ next turn. US units can use UK transports and vice versa.
-The UK and US must agree on casualties, otherwise the defender chooses. AAGun fire is rolled separately against each nation. Techs still only apply to the units of the power that has them.**