I never said anything about stopping them, you set up the premise of ignoring them, that is suicide, they will have consolidated the Pacific and Asia by round 2 with no threat on their back door, they are free to push right through to Russia unopposed, meanwhile they will have deprived the US of 2 of their 3 NO’s.
I ask you again, how do you stop them? If America fails to go all out against Japan, then Japan can easily hold onto its 50+ IPCs, destroy the American Fleet, and attack Russia anyways, while Germany is significantly less threatened.
Under your plan Russia has no chance of taking Italy or Germany. While the UK\US are busy buying fighters, Italy is consolidating Africa\Med and building a huge army and fleet in the Med. Meanwhile Germany doesn’t have to worry about their Atlantic front since neither the UK\US are building transports, ships, or men to mount an amphibious assault, so they can buy all the fodder they need to bleed the allied air forces dry.
I suppose.
japan will become a monster quickly without US opposition and should US after 2-3 round decide to go after japan anyway they will laugh their pants of and throw 50+ IPC worth og asskicking their way each round and muster up for an invasion probably.
Once again, I fail to see how the US can pose a significant threat to Japan, even if they throw every last penny into it. Japan has more IPCs than America and gets to play defense, while the enemy ground forces opposing them are wiped out after the first two turns.
Germany may focus all forces against russia and totally ingoring the west coast and/or they could build up an invasion fleet to take UK + SBR (they are probably buying the bombers anyway as they would need to hit through alot of 4’s at some time)
How exactly do they build a fleet when there are 10-20 Fighters 1 or 2 spaces away from the Baltic Sea Zone? Even if they could, they would get slaughtered by Russia.
without land units, the allies cannot conquer new territories and defend the existing.
And doing so is vastly more expensive and problematic than just sending fighters. Germany can sink the fleet/transports and you are back to square 1.
I’m beginning to think that an Alternative variant is that Britain and America build a mixture of Fighters and Bombers, with the Bombers doing SBR as well as holding the frontline stacks and the occasional strafe.
B1: 3 Fighters, 1 Bomber, [1 SBR]
A1: 4 Fighters
B2: 1 Bomber, 2 Fighters, [2 SBR]
A2: 4 Bombers, [2 SBR]
B3: 1 Bomber, 1 Fighter, [3 SBR]
A3: 4 Fighters, [2 SBR]
B4: 1 Bomber, 1 Fighter, [4 SBR]
A4: 4 Fighters, [6 SBR]
By Turn 4, you are doing 8 SBRs or so per turn to Germany and Italy, hile having 16 Fighters deployed on the Russina frontlines.