I think LL in AA50 might change the game a bit more compared to previous versions b/c of the number of Axis attacks in Rd 1.
G and J have roughly about 20 combined attacks to do.
In ADS (no matter how good the odds for each single battle) you will lose (or have a disaster in) probably 2-4 of these battles.
LL takes that away. Even in Egy (the worst of the rd 1 attacks) is essentially a guaranteed clear of the UK ftr.
For my part its about 14-15 attacks G+J rnd1 with LL, which imo is close to optimal amount of attacks. Its only the Egy attack which is substansially more different then the other attacks, as this is a 75% in ADS and 95% in LL. Also the risk is higher in Egy in ADS than LL. Among other attacks that can go wrong are the sz 35 and sz 56 attacks. They are 95% in ADS. The sz 53 attack with DD + 2 ftrs is 90% for win, but for win/draw its 94% in ADS.
In Egy it’s 73% to 75%for win, and 6% draw, almost all counts says defender wins 19% - 20%, so Egy attack can be bad for axis if it fails. Which in the long run it will, 2 out of 10 games.
Another important battle rnd1 is the sz 50 attack. The battlecalc in TripleA says 100% in ADS so it must be wrong.
The Frood calc says 99,8% I’m simulating with Revised DD + BB vs Revised sub, b/c the Frood calc is not yet updated for AA50.
The Philly attack (3 inf+1 art vs 2 inf) is 93% for attacker in ADS. This is an important attack, it will not help axis with a draw as in the sz 53 attack. In LL the Philly attack is 99,6% for attacker wins.
The last very important attack for Japan rnd1 is the Kwantung attack. 1 inf + 1 arm + 1 ftr vs 1 inf.
Frood says attacker wins 99,7% in ADS.
So what we’re left with, of those battles that will likely hurt axis rnd2 more than the change of TUV value, is the Egy attack, the Philly attack and the sz 53 attack if the BB lives, sz 35 if failed. That is 75% + 93% + 94% + 95%.
The result is 89% for those 4 battles. I’m counting the battles which will hurt more than the TUV change, or else the allies should have as much bad luck as the axis, so it will even out. In reality the Egy attack fails 20% so it would be more accurate to look at Egy attack as a single battle not counting with other battles. And most battles for Japan rnd1 is way over 90% for all those important attacks. Another number would look like 75% for German success rnd1, and 94% for Japan success rnd1.
If the case was 20 battles of 90% or 95% and all those battles was as important as the Egy attack if win or lose, or the Philly attack which is 5 ipc + for each side, + it would seriously slow Japan down if US goes after Japan in the Pacific, then I would agree more with your claim that the number of attacks will affect LL or ADS more than in Revised.
But this isn’t the case.
With even more number crunching I would say it’s only the Egy attack and the Philly attack which could get me nervous in a ADS game rnd1. All other battles are mostly TUV changes, or generally attacking/defending as with all warfare in A&A.