Seems pretty good. Looks like a lot more money for the Allies. Might be required since the UK is so busted up. Seems like you’d always J1 given that the US is already making 5 bucks off Japan anyways.
House Rules (Think tank)
Imperious Leader '17 '16 '15 Organizer '14 Customizer '13 '12 '11 '10last edited by Jan 3, 2009, 4:40 AM
Well can we get some historical examples? I always admire ideas, but these are kinda generic (like they can be used also for an Iraq war) or “insert blank”
I will help you with graphics if you do a good job.
If everybody just posts like 10 great ideas, in 6 posts we could have something good.
Imperious Leader '17 '16 '15 Organizer '14 Customizer '13 '12 '11 '10last edited by Jan 3, 2009, 5:20 AM
Hong Kong
San Francisco
Honolulunow then… rank these cities for their value to national morale. Remember: the national morale of the nation that originally owns them.
political leadership meeting
you may call a meeting of your allies to discuss strategy,
political leadership meeting
you may call a meeting of your allies to discuss strategy,
does this mean you normally dont get to talk to your allies
“National and Communist Chinese Alliance” number of Chinese infantry double"
“Islamic Revolt” Three German infantry are created in Trans-Jordan and in Persia. They immediatly attak Allied forces there
“D-Day” (still cant beleive this one has not already been said) you and one of your allies may attack one territoy togther
“Indian National Army” when the axis attack India, they may play this card to gain four infantry for the attack
“BlitzKrieg” after you conduct combat phase, you may make additional combat moves and conduct combat with tanks, fighters, and bombers, that still have movement left even if they have already paticipated in combat
“Italian Incompetence” all Italian units attack and defend with a -1 modifier for a whole round
“Soveit Incompetence” all Russian units attack and defend with a -1 modifier for a whole round
“Hitler assination attempt succeeds” (I dont know, what would happen?)
“Patriotic War” If one of you home territries is attacked you may immediatly place three infantry in that territroy
“Rail Movement” Reposition up to eight units in your next non combat phase
“Fast Warships” all you warships have a movenet of three for one turn / your cursiers and carriers have a movement of three for one turn( i dont know which)
How exactly will this card work? when will they be drawn and when do you get to play them? Are they secret? should you have to pay some IPCs to use them? and would their be multiple decks for diffrent types of cards you would draw for diffrent situations? maybe you should draw additional cards when you take victory cities or win major battles
political leadership meeting
you may call a meeting of your allies to discuss strategy,
does this mean you normally dont get to talk to your allies
a private meeting, that would allow the player’s to discuss strategy, without the other team knowing what they are talking about,
so then normally both sides would here what the other team was planning, I see
now then… rank these cities for their value to national morale. Remember: the national morale of the nation that originally owns them.
what would be the advantage/disadvantage, of morale,
i think that to determine the morale value of the cities, the value of morale point’s would have to be known
Imperious Leader '17 '16 '15 Organizer '14 Customizer '13 '12 '11 '10last edited by Jan 3, 2009, 8:20 PM
The value of each side need to be equal, and the values needs to be a high of 6 ( only for DC, Washington) and a low of 1
with a total per nation that varies, but is more or less consistent with its starting IPC, SO even if the values for axis and allies are equal each nation has unique totals of national morale to start with.
Lastly, look over important military objectives and battles to focus fighting for morale in these points, but still dont go overboard. Capitals need to be important and ranked in each case 1/2 value of the IPC value of territory.
every territory that you take, = 1/2 morale point, when you lose a territory, lose 1 morale point,
every round that you keep a territory, = 1/2 morale point -
Imperious Leader '17 '16 '15 Organizer '14 Customizer '13 '12 '11 '10last edited by Jan 3, 2009, 9:09 PM
no fractions. make it easy.
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