Mollari: For some reason I can’t see the file. How much would Japan have to send at it? But If you had an 8 inf stack on bury/ an army from India/Jordan/ whatever is left in Egy and some Russians in China/ and maybe some US ships/planes comming from the pacific How pressed would Japan be?
I would ignore an 8 stack in Bury, a 7 stack in Manchuria I would take out. If UK blocked forces from Philippines with a dd in sz48 I would Ignore Australia and go after India, forces from TJ can’t get to India before UK2. There would be nothing left in Egypt, Germany and Italy would have taken those out T1. Russian forces in China, no biggie, it’s no advantage to Russia and they are forces not on the front with Germany.
Here’s the Text print out:
***** Country: 1 *****
*** Baltic Seazone (BAL/Z5)
1 Trn
*** North Sea (NOR/Z6)
1 Cru
1 Sub
*** Black Sea Seazone (BLA/Z16)
1 Trn
*** Finland (Fin)
4 Inf
1 Ftr
*** Germany (Ger)
1 IC
7 Inf
1 AA
1 Ftr
*** France (Fra)
5 Inf
2 Ftr
1 Arm
*** Bulgaria/Romania (Bul)
1 Ftr
*** East Poland (Epl)
2 Inf
1 Arm
1 Flag
1 Art
*** Baltic States (Bst)
1 Flag
3 Inf
4 Arm
1 Art
*** Ukraine (Ukr)
1 Art
1 Flag
*** Egypt (Egy)
1 Flag
2 Arm
1 Art
*** Libya (Lib)
1 Bmr
*** Ger - Fra+Den+Pol+Cze+Bul+Ger
1 Flag
*** Ger - 3 of Epl,Ukr,Bst,Euk,Bel,Ukr
1 Flag
*** Nation Overview
47 Flag
*** Victory Cities
1 Flag
*** Nation Overview
1 Flag
***** Country: 2 *****
*** Karelia S.S.R. (Kar)
1 AA
1 Art
11 Inf
1 IC
1 Arm
*** Belorussia (Bel)
1 Inf
*** Eastern Ukraine (Euk)
1 Inf
*** Caucasus (Cau)
1 AA
4 Inf
1 IC
*** Russia (Mos)
3 Arm
1 AA
1 IC
4 Inf
*** Archangelsk (Arc)
1 Art
3 Inf
*** Urals (Ura)
1 Inf
*** Evenki National Okrug (Eve)
1 Inf
*** Yakut S.S.R. (Yak)
4 Inf
*** Stanovoj Chrebet (Stc)
3 Inf
*** USSR - Arc + no Allied on Red Areas
1 Flag
*** Nation Overview
31 Flag
*** Victory Cities
1 Flag
*** Nation Overview
1 Flag
***** Country: 3 *****
*** Burma Seazone (BSZ/Z37)
2 Ftr
1 AC
*** Java Sea (JAV/Z38)
1 Trn
*** Borneo Seazone (BOR/Z49)
1 Trn
*** Philippines Islands Seazone (SUL/Z50)
2 Trn
1 BB
*** East Chinese Sea (ECH/Z61)
1 Trn
1 Cru
*** Sea of Japan (SJA/Z62)
2 AC
2 Trn
4 Ftr
*** Japan (Jpn)
1 IC
4 Inf
1 AA
1 Art
*** Iwo Jima (Iwo)
1 Inf
*** French Indochina (Fic)
2 Ftr
*** Kwangtung (Kwa)
1 Art
1 Flag
*** East Indies (Sum)
2 Inf
1 Flag
*** Borneo (Brn)
2 Inf
1 Flag
*** Philippine Islands (Phi)
3 Inf
1 Arm
1 Flag
*** Fukien (Fuk)
2 Inf
1 Flag
*** Kiangsu (Kia)
1 Inf
1 Flag
*** Manchuria (Man)
1 Flag
*** Suiyuan (Sui)
2 Inf
1 Flag
*** Yunnan (Yun)
2 Inf
1 Flag
*** Jap - Fic+Man+Kia
1 Flag
*** Jap - 4 of Kwa,Sum,Bor,Phi,Ngu,Sol
1 Flag
*** Nation Overview
41 Flag
*** Nation Overview
1 Flag
***** Country: 4 *****
*** Greenland Seazone (GRN/Z2)
1 Trn
1 BB
*** East Canada Seazone (ECS/Z9)
1 Trn
1 Des
*** South East Australian SZ (SEA/Z41)
1 Trn
1 Des
*** Eastern Canada (Eca)
1 Arm
*** United Kingdom (Gbr)
2 Inf
1 Bmr
1 Art
2 Ftr
1 IC
1 AA
1 Arm
*** Union of South Africa (Saf)
2 Inf
*** Trans-Jordan (Trj)
2 Inf
*** India (Ind)
1 AA
3 Inf
1 Art
*** Burma (Bur)
1 Inf
*** Australia (Aus)
3 Inf
1 AA
1 Art
*** Western Canada (Wca)
1 Inf
*** Nation Overview
43 Flag
***** Country: 5 *****
*** Central Mediterranean SZ (CMD/Z14)
2 Cru
1 Trn
1 BB
*** Italy (Ita)
1 Ftr
1 Arm
1 Art
1 AA
1 IC
1 Inf
*** Balkans (Blk)
1 Arm
2 Inf
*** Libya (Lib)
2 Inf
*** Ita - Ita+Blk+Alg+Lib+WMD+CMD+EMD
1 Flag
*** Nation Overview
10 Flag
***** Country: 6 *****
*** Eastern US Ocean (EOC/Z10)
1 Des
1 Trn
*** Easter Islands Seazone (EIS/Z44)
1 Ftr
1 Des
1 AC
*** Eastern United States (Eus)
1 Inf
1 Bmr
1 Art
1 IC
1 Ftr
1 AA
*** Central United States (Cus)
1 Inf
*** Western United States (Wus)
1 Ftr
1 IC
1 AA
1 Inf
1 Bmr
*** Alaska (Ala)
1 Inf
*** Hawaiian Islands (Haw)
1 Ftr
1 Inf
*** Midway Island (Mid)
1 Inf
*** Wake Island (Wak)
1 Inf
*** USA - 3 of Haw,Mid,Wak,Sol
1 Flag
*** USA - Wus+Cus+Eus
1 Flag
*** Nation Overview
40 Flag
***** Country: 7 *****
*** Hupeh (Hup)
1 Inf