Can someone please post a pic of the Italian units ( all or even just some of them ) please?
Quality of the units
Is it me, or has anyone else noticed that the units seem to be a little “different” than the other games? They seem to either be a little lighter or made with a different type of plastic. I compared battleships between the AAR and AA50 and it just seems that they are smaller in AA50 or something. I noticed it the minute I picked one up.
They removed the Lead from the plastic this time. That makes them lighter
Well if you dont like the unit quality you can always replace them with units from revised and pacific, except for Italy.
Except also for the cruisers, the Matildas, and the Chinese infantries
They removed the Lead from the plastic this time. That makes them lighter
Did they actually remove anything from the plastic or is it just a new type of plastic or mold
Their is nothing to the claim. I have 6 copies with no differences from Revised except the new sculpts…
The dice are heavier and much better quality and the tokens and cardboard are thicker…pieces exactly the same not heavier.
Quality seems to be the same. Germans seem to be darker.
I have 3 sets of Revised units as well.
I now have 3 different shades of German pcs.