I was never that comfortable when my date turned out to be either too young or old for me.
My entire time in high school when I never dated (too poor), I viewed dating within the same class as normal… ie, freshman-freshman or senoir-senoir. However, the social status of the younger usu got a major boost if they dated someone in an older class, while the status of the older usu took a minor hit. More severe status hits were directly porportional to the age difference.
By the time I graduated, my Grandpa, who was a widower, remarried. The new stepgrandma was younger than both my mom and one of her sisters. In family gatherings, I could tell that my mom’s siblings were not very loving towards the new stepgrandma, yet stayed cordial for the duration of the visits.
By the time I was dating, there was an inner voice that would frequently tell me if someone I liked was too young. If she was a bit older than me, the same voice would say “Impress your high schoool friends at the next reunion”.
Anyway, my wife was a year younger than me on our wedding day. We are the same age after her birthday until mine, 3 months every year.