If so, what kinds of videos?
I’m sort of new here and I don’t know what kind of videos you normally do. I assume that they’re A&A related, but that’s all I know. So, um, what kind of videos would you be willing to do?
Is it just me, or is Axis&Allies.org just so sloooooooooow to load?
It seems it takes forever to get to the home page and then so slow to get to different topics.
Or is it just me?
It’s not just you. I’ve been having this problem for over a week now.
Its horrible. First of all we dont need the vote no on 8 thing elections over, nor the other thing on the right that leads to nothing
Its getting worse…
Spoke.com - Where Business People Connect
plus flash.conserve.com
with 4 things having priority on load up before we get to view posts will eventually lead to a decline in posts and less visits.
not good.
I’d have to agree, the load times have been pretty ridiculous. I don’t mind all the ads though, since it pays for the site.
Also, perhaps dropping the Vote No on Prop 8 thing should be dropped. After all, Prop 8 passed overwhelmingly. All the advertisement does not is broadcast to everyone out there that we are unable to move on with bigger and better things. Couldn’t you (djensen) work with Larry and get an advertisement to pre-order Anniversary Edition or something in that spot instead? Wouldn’t it be great if the site dedicated to Axis and Allies got paid some profit from people going to buy Axis and Allies?
Just a thought. djensen’s site. I’ve always deferred to him and Yanny on their decisions on things. But deferring doesn’t mean shutting up and standing in the corner, hehe.
Yanny has been gone for years. Its just DJensen
Happy to hear, its not just me having problems with the site loading.
I was getting ready to tear down my system. The dead waters of the wait.
We are now at (AA50 4 player house rules,) 3 Axis wins, 2 Allied wins, new game Saturday.
I would say that I have nio problem in loading the forum, it ok. The page are loaded quickly enough. And remember that I am in Italy not in Los Angeles.
Maybe it is a problem of yours connection? Or the cache of your browser is full?
I have been having this problem for about a month.
Since then I have been doing more lurking on the site so I can save me self the pain of spending all that extra time trying to post.
25.4% of the time I get this:
The page you are looking for is temporarily unavailable.
Please try again later.
25.4% of the time I get this:
The page you are looking for is temporarily unavailable.
Please try again later.
Me too get that message a lot. And the last month have been really bad, almost considered moving to another A&A site. Now if the problem is as IL states, that all this junk is the reason for the slooooow loading, then I am willing to start to pay, or make donations, because that is better than sit and wait 5 minutes for the commercials to load.
I don’t know if those four ads are the problem. Take a look at this site:
They have way more ads and still loads faster.
The thing is these weird things are loading up always before it ‘allows’ the main site to load up. They should be loaded in the back, so that if you post and move around fast enough they wont have a chance to complete loading up. Of course they are not programmed this way. They always become the FIRST thing that gets completed BEFORE whatever you WANT to be seen.
Also this a bunch of rubbish:
Critical Gamers’ October 2008 Board Gaming Roundup
Nov 02, 2008 16:37Sunday Shoot Out
Oct 29, 2008 18:42November Central Powers Game Day
Oct 29, 2008 13:45Axis & Allies on a Saturday
Oct 29, 2008 06:56Regular Axis & Allies Revised or 4th edition
Oct 27, 2008 05:41The Sunnyvale Axis and Allies brigade November Meetup
Oct 24, 2008 06:58
none of these links ever load up anything so why have it?
Perhaps if i get a tally of what all these things actually generate for the site, we can find something else that makes more money and does not cause these problems. Or i can just write a check each year and pay to remove all of them, just to keep the sanity of all because its a real problem. I will PM the boss.
Regarding the loading, that is actually not always true. The “widgets” load when that block of javascript is reached. The Spoke link at the bottom of the page is the equivalent of plain text, so that is not the issue either.
First, "The page you are looking for is temporarily unavailable. Please try again later. " This is caused when there are many requests to the system and they requests are not being processed by the server fast enough. I’ve increased the number of processes handling requests so that should get better. But there will be side affects that cause slowness in a different way. But hopefully it will be faster on the whole.
Other server side slowness could be:
After the request finally comes back, if you see the “Hello username” menu bar and it is hanging there for a while … then it could be Google Ads or feed informer. I will remove feed informer because it appears to be broken. Google Ads very rarely slows down a page because if it does Google looses money.
The thing is these weird things are loading up always before it ‘allows’ the main site to load up. They should be loaded in the back, so that if you post and move around fast enough they wont have a chance to complete loading up. Of course they are not programmed this way. They always become the FIRST thing that gets completed BEFORE whatever you WANT to be seen.
Also this a bunch of rubbish:
Critical Gamers’ October 2008 Board Gaming Roundup
Nov 02, 2008 16:37Sunday Shoot Out
Oct 29, 2008 18:42November Central Powers Game Day
Oct 29, 2008 13:45Axis & Allies on a Saturday
Oct 29, 2008 06:56Regular Axis & Allies Revised or 4th edition
Oct 27, 2008 05:41The Sunnyvale Axis and Allies brigade November Meetup
Oct 24, 2008 06:58none of these links ever load up anything so why have it?
Perhaps if i get a tally of what all these things actually generate for the site, we can find something else that makes more money and does not cause these problems. Or i can just write a check each year and pay to remove all of them, just to keep the sanity of all because its a real problem. I will PM the boss.
Ok some changes have been made by the boss. More to follow. The site is better for it.
No problems today, seems to load quickly and navigation is good. If, you did something, its working. This much better than what I had been experiencing.
Thanks Kindly….