• @Atlantikwall:


    Are the national objectives the same for every country in both 41 and 42 edition?



    Now, if we just had a complete list of what they are it would be a very great help.  Are they any that have not yet been mentioned, or have they all be covered?

  • (Sorry for messing the thread with historical excuses, deleted that one, back to subject…  :oops: )

    I do think we should try to discuss what National objectives means for the game. I’d love some updates to the rules, but what we have now is probably quite close to the real thing.

    From other threads we have two basic conclusions:

    1. Nat obj’s favours the Axis in the early game, and if the Allies switches the tide of the war the game could “swing” quickly against the Axis, possibly shortening the game.
    2. Nat obj’s encourages historical play, i.e. Japan going south and east, Italy not putting all their troops on the Russian front etc. Advantage: less strange strategies, the war will be more of a “world war” using all of the map, disadvantage: risk for a “scripted” feeling to the game.

    Are there more points to how it changes the game? Or should we try to go more into each country and how it changes the play? I would like to add that I think the advantages very much outweighs disadvantages for both points above, and think Nat Obj’s are one the great improvements to the game!

  • Official Q&A



    (Phillippine Islands=5 IPCs)

    This one is correct.

  • I think we’re getting closer to the real thing now, but one country is still a bit in the dark: UK. I haven’t got a single one of my suggestions confirmed. Let’s just explain my choices:

    Gibraltar, Egypt, Transjordan, Persia
    India, Burma, Hong-kong, NEI, Borneo, Solomon Islands

    These two just represent that defending their empire was a major priority in the war. UK had a defensive strategy and this was unavoidable due to how stretched out it’s empire was.

    France, Northwestern Europe, Norway, Finland

    UK had a commitment to liberate all democracies of Western Europe, which was why Norway was a target in Churchill’s view and probably similar when it comes to “Market Garden” offensive vs. the Low countries.

    Italy, Balkans, Libya, Morocco-Algeria

    This was due to Britain’s commitment with the Greeks and the Yugoslavs, and the need to counterbalance Soviet influence after the war. The US was more concerned with winning the war as quickly as possible, whereas UK with the european perspective thought also of the political situation on the continent.

  • @Imperious:

    If you people write up more information about who sold what to and from Sweden, then you need to make a History thread for Sweden. I unintentionally thought i was moving Timerovers History post to the History section, but i just moved the entire thread by accident. Everything is corrected. Any more stuff not about the thread will be deleted. Too much stuff to sort thru when it has no material issue to topic under discussion.

    How do you do it Imperious Leader? Is this your full time job? (If you don’t mind me asking) There must be thousands of things you have to deal with daily. You should get some serious paid vacation for all your work in my opinion.

  • @Obergruppenfuhrer:


    If you people write up more information about who sold what to and from Sweden, then you need to make a History thread for Sweden. I unintentionally thought i was moving Timerovers History post to the History section, but i just moved the entire thread by accident. Everything is corrected. Any more stuff not about the thread will be deleted. Too much stuff to sort thru when it has no material issue to topic under discussion.

    How do you do it Imperious Leader? Is this your full time job? (If you don’t mind me asking) There must be thousands of things you have to deal with daily. You should get some serious paid vacation for all your work in my opinion.

    The guy doesn’t sleep…

  • Robots never sleep

  • Official Q&A



    Manchuria+Formosa+French Indo-China=5 IPCs

    Actually, this is Manchuria, Kiangsu (which contains Shanghai) and French Indo-China/Thailand.

  • Thanks for all the info Krieghund. I believe that the only big unknowns are the National Objectives. If we knew them all it would be all we need to analyze the game. I am sure EVERYONE here will be buying the game regardless so I really don’t see a need to hold back on the rest of the info.

    WOTC only seems interested in veterans of AA to buy this game since I don’t see any advertisement or anything. I could put up a cardboard sign on my street lamppost and it would be more of an effort than WOTC does. I LOVE AA games, I started playing Original AA in 1988, and I find it ridiculous that I didn’t find out Revised existed until Christmas 2006. How many more people would love these games if they knew they existed? Probably 90% of the people I asked if they have played or heard of the game had no idea.

  • I didn’t know about Revised until accidentally running into Gleemax this summer, heh.

  • Probably 90% of the people I asked if they have played or heard of the game had no idea.

    Thanks to WOTC marketing this will remain the case for the foreseeable future.

  • He, here in Spain, I discovered this game because a friend brought to our warhammer store and we played a game (it was AAEurope). It was a copy he bought by a 3rd party with a rules translated by that 3rd party  :-D

    You can imagine I would not discover anniversary edition if not by this forum  :-P

    And WOTC contine spamming us with Magic expansions each 3 months  :-P

  • WOTC also made D&D 4th edition, and they destroyed my favorit RPG game… Litteraly destroyed it. They did so many things which was incredible stupid…

  • @Greand:

    WOTC also made D&D 4th edition, and they destroyed my favorit RPG game… Litteraly destroyed it. They did so many things which was incredible stupid…

    Stupid is, stupid does.

    WOTC must ……buuuuurnnn  :evil:

  • Edited with a new US Nat obj leaked by Squirecam on another thread!

  • @Lynxes:

    Edited with a new US Nat obj leaked by Squirecam on another thread!

    Yeah, you put up some good guesses.

    As to the list, I took a quick look. USA will not get a bonus for Italy. Italy gets a bonus for Italy, but I dont think any other country does. USA does get a bonus for France, as you have stated.

  • A couple of other notes.

    Your bonuses are too high. Most countries only get 5 IPC for territories held. USSR has one that’s 10, but everyone else just gets 5.

    The countries dont always need to have all territories for a bonus, just some. For instance, USA needs all of central west and east usa for a bonus, but Japan needs four out of 6 for a bonus.

    The question that I think needs to be addressed is along those lines though, Say you need one of 3 territories for a 5 IPC bonus. You get 2 of them. Is there an additional 5 IPC bonus??

    I dont think the rule was written that way, and I dont think that was intended either, but it is an interesting question.

    Finally, when I said Italy gets a bonus for Italy, that’s true. But not Italy alone, it needs other territories as well for the bonus. Just did not want you to be misled by anything I said…

  • Well, it’s guesswork, but I edited now according to your clues…  :-)

  • @Lynxes:

    Well, it’s guesswork, but I edited now according to your clues…  :-)

    Well, you have done a great job. Guessing or not.

    Again though, Italy was mixed in with those others, not meant to be a distinct bonus.

    Italy only has 2 bonuses, one involving sea units as you stated. I did not mean to Imply Italy gets a third bonus.

  • Now since AA50 comes with no convoy zones, I think this national objective bonuses should involve sea zones. Maybe one land territory, and some adjacent sea zones, to represent the income from ship lanes and international trade, and benefits of using ships and not trucks or trains. But as it is now, you get bonus for holding land territories only, and that is doo bad. Just my opinion.

    I remember Griffy talking about “Wet territory”, and this was important sea zones that would benefit the controller. So if you had a naval unit in this spesific sea zones, you got a bonus IPC income.

    My suggestions on how it should be:
    Italy should get bonus for Italy territory and the adjacent sea zones in Med.
    UK get bonus for Canada, sea zones 1,2 and 3 plus UK
    US get bonus for Panama and sea zone 20 and the one on other side, dont remember nr, 60 something.
    USSR get bonus for Karelia and sea zone 4
    Japan get bonus for Borneo and adjacent sea zones, East Indies and adjacent sea zones, and so on…

    you get the idea

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