• Lynxes:

    i looked at that but blowing it up made it more bright. Ill try again.

  • On second thoughts, bomber looks a little bit more like 13 in cost and battleship as 20. Can someone at GENCON clarify this. This would be:

    Mobilization zone (Cost, move, attack, defend:

    Infantry  3/1/1/2
    Artillery  4/1/2/2
    Tank          5/2/3/3
    AA-gun        5/1/-/1
    IC            15/-/-/-

    Fighter        10/4/3/4
    Bomber      13/6/4/1

    Submarine  6/2/2/2
    Transport  7/2/-/-
    Destroyer  8/2/2/2
    Cruiser      12/2/3/3
    Carrier        14/2/1/2
    Battleship  20/2/4/4

  • @Rakeman:


    VCs added are: Ottawa, Warsaw, Stalingrad, Hong-kong, Sydney and Honolulu.

    Bah, I really was hoping they would stop putting in North American VCs since those will rarely see play.  Oh well…

    Yeah I would have liked S. Africa better then Ottawa.

  • @LT04:



    VCs added are: Ottawa, Warsaw, Stalingrad, Hong-kong, Sydney and Honolulu.

    Bah, I really was hoping they would stop putting in North American VCs since those will rarely see play.  Oh well…

    Yeah I would have liked S. Africa better then Ottawa.

    At least in this game, there are more VCs than India, Moscow, and Leningrad for the Axis to go after…  8-)

    But south africa would have been sweet.

  • I thought S Africa would be better b/c in the off chance Italy can sit at the big kid table and contribute to the game that would be some thing they could do b/c they wouldn’t have as far to go as any of the allies.

  • @LT04:

    I thought S Africa would be better b/c in the off chance Italy can sit at the big kid table and contribute to the game that would be some thing they could do b/c they wouldn’t have as far to go as any of the allies.

    Italy does sit at the big kid table…

    Of course, its so Germany and Japan can have Italy get beer, soda and sandwiches. And no one wants to scream across to the kids table, so it’s better to make sure Italy is close by.

  • On second thoughts, bomber looks a little bit more like 13 in cost and battleship as 20. Can someone at GENCON clarify this. This would be:

    Mobilization zone (Cost, move, attack, defend:

    Infantry  3/1/1/2
    Artillery  4/1/2/2
    Tank          5/2/3/3
    AA-gun        5/1/-/1
    IC            15/-/-/-

    Fighter        10/4/3/4
    Bomber      13/6/4/1

    Submarine  6/2/2/2
    Transport  7/2/-/-
    Destroyer  8/2/2/2
    Cruiser      12/2/3/3
    Carrier        14/2/1/2
    Battleship  20/2/4/4

    wow! this is turning into the S&P 500. I also ask for clarification on these values. Can somebody let us know the true values please?

    subs at 6 IPC! OMFG!

    I guess im gonna buy lots of subs and bombers with a few cruisers. MUhahhahahah!

  • @squirecam:


    I thought S Africa would be better b/c in the off chance Italy can sit at the big kid table and contribute to the game that would be some thing they could do b/c they wouldn’t have as far to go as any of the allies.

    Italy does sit at the big kid table…

    Of course, its so Germany and Japan can have Italy get beer, soda and sandwitches. And no one wants to scream across to the kids table, so it’s better to make sure Italy is close by.

    Oh I get it It’s the Thor and Skippy strategy.  Thor is the Axis suprime commander and like you said Skippy gives Thor foot rubs so Thor doesn’t hit Skippy.

  • @Imperious:

    On second thoughts, bomber looks a little bit more like 13 in cost and battleship as 20. Can someone at GENCON clarify this. This would be:

    Mobilization zone (Cost, move, attack, defend:

    Infantry   3/1/1/2
    Artillery   4/1/2/2
    Tank          5/2/3/3
    AA-gun        5/1/-/1
    IC            15/-/-/-

    Fighter         10/4/3/4
    Bomber       13/6/4/1

    Submarine   6/2/2/2
    Transport   7/2/-/-
    Destroyer   8/2/2/2
    Cruiser       12/2/3/3
    Carrier        14/2/1/2
    Battleship   20/2/4/4

    wow! this is turning into the S&P 500. I also ask for clarification on these values. Can somebody let us know the true values please?

    subs at 6 IPC! OMFG!

    I guess im gonna buy lots of subs and bombers with a few cruisers. MUhahhahahah!

    Well with subs at 6IPC’s who whould want to use those expensive transports as fodder?

  • You cant any longer.

    As the other guy posted, transports have no values. a plane flying over just takes all the lone transports off the map. Ships don’t even need to fight them anymore. So now you buy subs for fodder but i think something will be presented to alter that making destroyers the new “infantry of the seas”

  • /IL

    I suspect also that subs will have some new ability/disability. Perhaps they will have to submerge after one round if a destroyer is still present, or some other limitation. If only they have this combined with some economic attack special ability, but even so subs seem to be the real deal in this edition however they come out.

  • 1942 scenario ( I read the Japanese player chart):

    1. Japan
    2. Soviet Union
    3. Germany
    4. UK
    5. Italy
    6. US

  • @Lynxes:

    1942 scenario ( I read the Japanese player chart):

    1. Japan
    2. Soviet Union
    3. Germany
    4. UK
    5. Italy
    6. US

    Does the US play China at the same time?  (Also 6th in line)

  • I’m curious to know the difference between the light tan neutral territories, and the light green neutral territories?  Are the Lt. Green able to be “purchased” similiar to Classic?

  • @Imperious:

    Submarine   6/2/2/2

    Well with subs at 6IPC’s who whould want to use those expensive transports as fodder?

    Subs are actually attack 2, defense 1 now, so the lower cost reflects that, I think.

  • OK, subs at ‘1’ defence, makes sense. When I look closer at the map, I see it as well. Is the rest correct?

    Mobilization zone (Cost, move, attack, defend:

    Infantry  3/1/1/2
    Artillery  4/1/2/2
    Tank          5/2/3/3
    AA-gun        5/1/-/1
    IC            15/-/-/-

    Fighter        10/4/3/4
    Bomber      13/6/4/1

    Submarine  6/2/2/1
    Transport  7/2/-/-
    Destroyer  8/2/2/2
    Cruiser      12/2/3/3
    Carrier        14/2/1/2
    Battleship  20/2/4/4

  • @captainjack:

    I’m curious to know the difference between the light tan neutral territories, and the light green neutral territories?  Are the Lt. Green able to be “purchased” similiar to Classic?

    Haha. Nevermind, I answered my own question.  (it’s just the different terrain, right…)

  • @Lynxes:

    OK, subs at ‘1’ defence, makes sense. When I look closer at the map, I see it as well. Is the rest correct?

    AA-gun        5/1/-/1

    I’m just going on memory here, but I think AA guns cost 6 IPC now.

  • 2007 AAR League

    man, why did my vacation end two weeks ago…  :-(
    would love to spend LOTS of time digging into this info! Read everything in this thread  so far, of course, but weren’t able to dechiffer all of the pictures at BGG.

    Anyhow, it looks to me that it is only 5 spaces from Vladivostok to Moscow? Not much of a difference from Revised, so the Jap Tank push to Moscow might still be a valid strat?

    Then again, I suppose the beefing up of the Chinese forces the Jap to spend IPCs and units to take out China.

    Really interested to discuss playbalance in this edition…What would the standard bid bei in A&A Anniv Ed you think?  :-D :-D :-D  8-)

  • Here is a partial post from someone over at the Swamp - maybe you saw it, maybe you didn’t, but just some quick points of interest…

    Some points of interest for me:

    1. The strategic bombing changes are big. Being able to make life hell for the Germans by constant strategic bombing will open up a new way for the US to do something meaningful prior to the 60 minute mark of a game
    2. Germany only starting with 4 fighters makes the Germans pick and choose what they really want to do. They don’t have that huge air umbrella to hit north, south, east, and west all at the same time.
    3. That Italian fleet is very strong in the beginning. There are all kinds of possibilities to use it for because of the offshore bombardment capability it has.
    4. Japan with 3 carriers and 9 fighters to start, enough said.
    5. Japan really only having access to a slew of 1 IPC countries to conquer early on and the way Southeast Asia is designed now, it throws a wrench into Japan getting fat by taking it’s own backyard and setting up industrial complexes.
    6. Germany going 1st now is big, the Russians get to take it on the chin to start.
    7. Russia has no fighters to start. Really they have nothing but infantry to start (maybe 1 tank, 1 artillery, and the rest is men? something close to that)

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