My son and I have been avid players of all the AA games before we found this site. We are now anxious to start using your map and enhanced rules. We set it up last night and will begin play this Friday. Many thanks for all involved for your hard work and in sharing the maps and player aids.
Thanks for that, but lets not use the word “enhanced” please. Its AARHE which is a historical based edition.
Question on air combat. In a land battle where the attacker has air superiority and the defender has no anti-aircraft capability, it appears the attacker’s aircraft can continually blast away uncontested until the defender is either wiped out or retreats. Correct?
Sort of… you engage in land combat but both sides have planes… these planes cannot roll against land targets until the air superiority of a airspace is achieved. Both sides roll planes concurrently with ongoing land battle using aerial combat values these are printed in a table in the ruleset. They are reduced values because its not land combat, but aerial dogfights. Of course either side can retreat after any round, and if the land battle is still going on the planes can allocate the normal combat factor to attack land units.
Question on oil availability 1939 map. If UK starts without any oil countries, do they get it from the US or do they need to acquire a territory with oil by the third round of play? Japan and Germany in same situation but will get oil when Germany annexes Romania 3rd round and Japan conquers Borneo or East Indies. Britain can not conquer so can only hope to ally with an oil producer.
ok lets look at the rules…
Oil Centers
Economic attacks against these territories are up to the limit of twice the territory income value. When these territories are captured for the first time a plunder roll is allowed and the die value is additional IPC lost by the original player and additional income on its next “Collect Income” phase. When you hold no oil centers for 3 consecutive game rounds, all non-infantry units cost one additional IPC and during this time all your land units move only one space. Air units are at half ranges, and naval units (except submarines) move only one space.
UK imports most of her oil. Her infantry are fixed cost. Since she didn’t start with any oil centers, she cant lose them and result in cost overrun on her armor, reducing their movement. The rule is ONLY for nations that start with oil centers.
This presents a target which follows historical value and models the realistic considerations that motivated figures like Hitler and Tojo to go after the oil.
So basically if you have an oil center you must protect it and defend it. UK has enough problems with German subs taking off 1 IPC while stationed in the Atlantic. Likewise the Soviets need to protect the oil.
and now Japan… Japan started the war to keep oil flowing since USA cut it off. I guess we need to add something for them like “Japan must capture one oil center by turn 7 or face effects of oil shortage” I would place this turn by the turn after which USA is activated under 1939 rules in the event Japan does not attack. That buys Japan only one turn to avoid the USA and or avoid taking oil. As you know if USA is not attacked by Japan on turn 6, they can start war on turn 7.
If you have any more questions as always ask them here, but remember its AARHE for your heading on the topic post