Do you prefer playing axis or allies ?

  • I saw this poll was done back 4 years ago, I wonder how things have changed since then.

  • Axis of course  :-) They can start aggresive, they have to start agressive….

  • me too like being the bad guy

  • I prefer to play as Japan, but Japan is part of the Axis, so this is the reason because I prefer to play with Axis.

    When the new “Anniversary Edition” will be released, there will be Italia… And I think I will prefer to play as Italia, even if she will be weak or difficult and even if I hate fascism and fascists… Because this is a military game, not a political game, and I continue to prefer Axis, all the way. And when I will play as Italia, I will buy (at least) one Aircraft Carrier, because I LOVE them and I need them. I don’t buy them only if I play with USSR…

  • Allies. They have more different strategies. Also is a pleasure beating the bad guys and putting UK or soviet flag in the Reichstagg (I’ll reserve USA’s flag for Okinawa  :-D )

  • @Sergente_nella_neve:

    I don’t buy them only if I play with USSR…

    Actuallly an traditional move here in Europe is to buy a carrier and a sub on Russia 1, and place them in Black Sea and land the 2 fighters on the carrier. Now Germany must choose betwen attacking this Red Navy or the Brit DD and Egypt. Either way the Med fleet, or Regia Marina as you put it, will not live long.

  • @Adlertag:

    Actuallly an traditional move here in Europe is to buy a carrier and a sub on Russia 1

    Not in my part of Europe, pal

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator



    I don’t buy them only if I play with USSR…

    Actuallly an traditional move here in Europe is to buy a carrier and a sub on Russia 1, and place them in Black Sea and land the 2 fighters on the carrier. Now Germany must choose betwen attacking this Red Navy or the Brit DD and Egypt. Either way the Med fleet, or Regia Marina as you put it, will not live long.

    I’ll attack the Russian carrier every time.  I get a chance to eliminate the entire Russian Air Force and I can still kill the Battleship in SZ 13

  • @Cmdr:

    I’ll attack the Russian carrier every time.  I get a chance to eliminate the entire Russian Air Force and I can still kill the Battleship in SZ 13

    Sorry for going off-topic but cant let this stand unchallenced.

    Yes, Russia waste its air force, but Germany is cut off from African income, since UK/US now can land in Algeria in turn 1, and UK build a factory in Egypt, and move Indian navy + inf to make a strongpoint there

  • The Axis will never take Africa if the Allies want it bad enough. Building a Russian carrier qualifies as wanting it pretty bad in my book. Germany will just go after Russia right off the bat if the UK and US land everything in Africa and don’t bother Europe, and Russia will have nothing to stop them without an air force. They won’t be able to trade without losing an artillery or a tank, and that disadvantage can add up fast, because without the ability to trade or counterattack you are going to lose Caucasus the moment Germany first steps on Western Europe, and then Germany will be laying down Infantry or Artillery on the Caucasus factory followed by tanks from Germany and Russia will fall. Japan won’t even need to help that much.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Yes, Germany will be down 2 IPC for Africa.  However, as I’ve shown, suckering the British fleet into SZ 15 is not exactly a BAD move for Germany anyway.

    For one, the absolute MOST you can have in Egypt is 4 Infantry, Armor and that’s assuming you have two fighters in SZ 15 to protect your fleet from the German Air Force/Navy.

    Germany puts a bunch of boats in the water in SZ 14 and makes a stand meanwhile taking out Egypt with 3 Infantry, Artillery, 2 Armor + whatever fighters/bombers can reach.  (Note, I am assuming 8 IPC bid for Inf/Arm which is a standard bid from what I’ve experienced.)

    This means England most likely will NOT put an Industrial Complex in Egypt on UK 1 because it will be impossible to hold. (Especially if the bomber I usually build on Germany 1 goes into S. Europe instead - and if England’s move into the med is possible, that’s exactly where I will put it, just to ensure I have two bombers that can hit Egypt on Germany 2 if I need them.)

  • @Craig:

    That’s what I get for reading the MBs before having my coffee and taking my meds. :oops:


    No way I think you are an official playtester, come clean Craig, you dont have Ann ed.

  • @Cmdr:

    I’ll attack the Russian carrier every time.

    You just dont get it, now do you ? The russian carrier is of course a bait, to take Germanys focus away from Africa, now you did’nt see this comin now did you ? And you are supposed to be masterbaitor ? I love playing Russia, and wax some Hun a ss

  • '19 Moderator

    lmao, I have to clean coffee out of my keyboard… masterbaiter…

  • “white colored” coffe ?

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator



    I’ll attack the Russian carrier every time.

    You just dont get it, now do you ? The russian carrier is of course a bait, to take Germanys focus away from Africa, now you did’nt see this comin now did you ? And you are supposed to be masterbaitor ? I love playing Russia, and wax some Hun a ss

    It doesn’t do much good as bait when you eliminate all of Russia’s fighters. :P

    Sure, I don’t get Africa.  Honestly, in most games when I have Germany, I don’t get Africa either, so you saved me countless dozens of IPCs in lost equipment in Africa. :)  Oh yea, and if England slips into the Med with the IO fleet, I get to sink that too. :)

    That’s why I’ll go for it.  However, it will cost me liberation territories in the European theater since I’ll be short on air support.  Probably only get to liberate Ukraine, maybe not even hit Karelia if there is a defender there.

  • I agree with Jennifer, i don’t think it’s wise to spend 16 IPC’s from the limited Russian monetary supply on naval units. It’s not up to the Russians to clear the seas. That’s better left to the UK & US.

    Oh yeah,
    PS: AXIS all the way! :evil:

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Worse, Rommel, if I remember correctly it was a Russia Round 1 Build of Carrier, Submarine with two fighters landing on the carrier in SZ 16.

    That’s no land units being built on Round 1 for Russia AND they will lose their air force in SZ 16 defense.  That means that Germany may be down a few IPC for Africa for a round or two, but there’s now no opposition to the German army.

    That’s a formula for a panzer dash to Moscow.

  • I have to agree…

    The SZ16 Naval Buy is a looser for the Allies.

    However, remove that from the equation and go back to the original question…
    A conservative Russia that preserves their ARM, stacks their INF, gives ground grudgingly and with frequent counter-attacks can buy many, many turns for the Allies… turns that the USA sorely needs to get into the fight in a major way.

    And once the USA is geared up with 8+ TRNs and 8+ units per turn into Africa and/or Europe, and the UK is unloading 8 units a turn in Europe, then Russia can even afford to expend some of those carefully husbanded units to knock back the Axis forces, let the Allies reinforce behind them, and start the grind out on the Axis.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    I agree with Switch.  Russia is no pussy cat if played correctly.  It’s actually a very vicious Siberian Tiger.  It just starts as a cute widdle pushy cat.

    However, if Russia puts 24 IPC in naval units into SZ 16 (or even 16 IPC worth) resulting in 44 IPC loss to the Russians (24+20 in fighters) no matter what the losses are to Germany in Africa it’s going to make life extremely hard, if not impossible, for the allies to win.

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