My experience says higher prices not always means higher quality. Remember what Games Workshop does… sure, they’re not AH, but you can get the idea. And I love burnt orange japaneses and limey british :lol:
I prefer they stay in the 60-70 $ and hope they traslate the price in euros right (euro cost more than US dolar, but lately the companies are pricing 60$=60€ :-P)
In my experience, Games Workshop plastic models are easier to work with than pewter models, and although a fair number of the plastic sculpts (pewter too) are of questionable quality, some are quite good. Also, Games Workshop has excellent customer service in the United States as of my last experiences.
However, I have to admit my opinion is also that Games Workshop has absolute garbage for organization as far as writing rulebooks goes, and that their approach to independent retailers and trade sales in the United States requires a lot of improvement.
As far as the Avalon Hill game goes, I find that it is already a bit difficult to find real-life players to play Axis and Allies Revised (the online community is pretty good, but that’s another story). The game requires a lot of setup time, is repetitive, and runs into problems with cooperative play when your comrades don’t share the same plan as you (whether they’re just not into the game, or whether they have their own strong but wildly fluctuating ideas). For that reason, I am not sure a price tag of 100-150 is something I would be willing to meet.
I would spend 100-150 no problem if I could just PLAY the d*** thing.
Oh wait . . . someone on these boards (you knoes who you are) already said he’d send me one for free . . . :-D so I guess i don’t need to worry about the price after all . . . :lol: