• hi everyone. i just discovered this site and this is my first post. anywho, my brothers and i (4 of us total) love playing A&A. the original board game kind. i usually played as one of the axis ,mostly japan.

    well we had a whole bunch of cool house rules we liked to use.

    1)kamakazees were legal for all nations.
    2)all battleships took 2 hits to sink and could not be repaired
    3)battleships could fire shots at nations even without amphibious assault
    4)aircraft carriers could carry 2 fighter or 1 bomber
    5)keeping income at starting values (this gave allies an advantage)

    we didnt use all of them all of the time, but we used combinations of a few of them most games. made things interesting

    besides those butcheries of the rules, we also liked to be able to freely place our units on any space we owned at the start of the game. sea units could be placed on any adjacent water space. this led to some interesting opening battles in the first couple of rounds.

    we also had something that resembled the research rolling thing you can do every turn. the only differnce was that our list of possible rewards was alot longer. we charged 5 dollars a dice just like the real game and for every 6 you roll, you roll 2 dice to determine what upgrade you get.

    we used 2 differnt color dice to determine what numbers to use and a list from all the combination of numbers from 11 to 66, a total of 36 differnt possibilities. we had some really cool upgrades, like supersolders who had an attack of 2 or superspeed soldiers with a movement of 2. we had spaces for extra movement for all units, plus extra attacks for most units. we even had a dice combination that gave you an ‘atom bomb’. of you got that one , any area within a 5 space radius from an aagun can be bombed (excluding capitals). everything on the bombed area is destroyed including aaguns and factories. once used, the player loses the atom bomb ability and would have to roll to win it again.

    lol i know these rules sound crazy, but what do you all think? lol

  • I dont like the free style set up because it creates too many variables and a mistake can end the game very easily.

  • you picked the right forum to discuss house rules
    members here are a bit more open minded then some other forums hehe

    can you elaborate on no. 5 “keeping income at starting values” ?
    is it like your income level doesn’t change as you lose/gain territories?

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Ever consider Super Carriers that could hold 3 fighters?  (3 is good because you can physically put three fighters on the carrier model!)

  • exactly. despite how many territories you lose gain, the amount of ipcs you colllect every turn doesnt change.  so russia will stay at 24 all game, uk 30, germany 32, us 36, and japan 25.

    of course this gives the allies a big advantage because the longer the game continues with all 3 allied players in the game, the more the advantage increases.  for the uk, this house rule is an early godsend, as they wont lose all their income in africa and elsewhere. but at the same time, it can also help the axis in the long run as they dont have to worry about losing ipcs to the allies with their (presumably) overwhelming forces.

    this rule pretty much changes where we attack and what we deem to be worth defending, as the only territory that now really matters is the capital. with this rule, i really weight the choice of if attacking a worthless territory is worth the units im gonna lose.
    what did you mean by freestyle setup? did you mean original placement of the units?

  • lol jennifer,

    we tried that alot of times, and even tried balancing 2 bombers on it at once, but they would always spill lol. we even toyed with the idea of creating a “secret weapon” type of unit by placing an anti aircraft gun on an aircraft carrier. it would have been some kind of experimental laser weapon or a super missile launcher lol. we have upgrades you could win where carrier had movement of 4. those were cool. get a few of them, load em up with planes, and you had a nice offensive weapon at your disposal. (and nice defensive as well)

    we had upgrades you could roll dice and win for every unit and some where just crazy lol. if you got enough lucky rolls and then were able to get some good upgrades, it was possible to have a troops with an attack of 2, a defence of 3, and movement of 2 lol. ya, they tweaked and altered game play a bit, but it makes the game exciting, new, challenging, and especially fun. but i love playing by the rules axis and allies too. we play house rules when we meet up for vacation or something but when we want to play seriously or for bragging rights, we play strictly by the rules.

  • we also liked to be able to freely place our units on any space we owned at the start of the game. sea units could be placed on any adjacent water space.

    This more specifically… Changing the set up makes for alot of broken games.

    As far as weird things to do id try playing a version where both USA and Japan are not in the game ( you cant attack fly over or enter these territories), allowing for a Germany vs UK/USSR war  That could be done with some decent strategies.

  • :-D
    I like em!
    It sounds like there was a lot of fun at your guys house!
    So, is it the Christmas game or the Thanksgiving holiday game for you and your brothers?

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Change Egypt to 4 IPC
    Change Trans-Jordan to 3 IPC
    Change Persia to 3 IPC
    Change England to 9 IPC

    Make:  Fr. Equatorial Africa, Fr. West Africa, Kenya, S. Africa, Italian Africa and Congo Neutral nations.

    That keeps England at 30 IPC, but makes Africa less important, thus putting MORE pressure on Russia. =)

  • lol crzy ivan.

    actually, that was a normal weekend at my parents house until i moved out 11 yrs ago. now we play when i go up for the holidays or when they come down here on fishing trips. lol always fun time with some great battles.

    i have had an old original milton bradley axis and allies game since i was about 13 or so. the game was one of the ways i bond with my brothers lol. it brings out our competitive sides. lolnone of us can stand to lose against the other lol

    we also had one more crazy rule we used a couple of times. new industrial complexes can have unlimited output, just like original industrial complexes. we only used that rule a few times as 1 timely placed factory would win the game and it was too much of an advantage.



    not sure if moving egypt to4 is good idea, as germany can easily take it the first round, thus instantly making uk 26 ipcs. the other ideas arent bad, esp the africa idea.  thats a good idea. it isolates s africa and now makes it nessessary to attack with an amphibious assault.

    have you , or anyone else here, ever play on TripleA?  i found that place out about the same time i found this site out and its a decent A&A clone. i told my brothers about the site and i played a couple of games with them last night. lol tonight looks to be a decent battle also.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Yea, a lot of us play with TripleA.  More of us cannot play with TripleA because it doesn’t work on our computers.

    The idea of upping Egypt was to keep England at 30 IPC to start.  However, there are a lot of games where Germany takes Egypt and then immediately loses Egypt on England’s turn.  So I don’t know how bad it would be to up the value of Egypt, per se.

  • @Cmdr:

    Ever consider Super Carriers that could hold 3 fighters?  (3 is good because you can physically put three fighters on the carrier model!)

    For crying out loud… I posted exactly this idea in the New units thread like months ago… no answers, and now you post the exact same thing here. I’d like to be credited.  :wink:

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator



    Ever consider Super Carriers that could hold 3 fighters?  (3 is good because you can physically put three fighters on the carrier model!)

    For crying out loud… I posted exactly this idea in the New units thread like months ago… no answers, and now you post the exact same thing here. I’d like to be credited.  :wink:

    I was doing that in 1993 though. :P

    But yea, figuring out 3 fighters fit on a carrier doesn’t exactly take brain surgery. hehe

  • @ftmyersfish:

    besides those butcheries of the rules, we also liked to be able to freely place our units on any space we owned at the start of the game. sea units could be placed on any adjacent water space. this led to some interesting opening battles in the first couple of rounds.

    sounds like first edition unlimited complexes, but you never need to buy the IC’s!

    Too easy to kill Japan, IMHO.
    We’d do that all the time with the Alaska complex

    If I re-took Ukraine with Germany this turn, could my buy be placed there?  You weren’t specific about this.

  • @Cmdr:



    Ever consider Super Carriers that could hold 3 fighters?  (3 is good because you can physically put three fighters on the carrier model!)

    For crying out loud… I posted exactly this idea in the New units thread like months ago… no answers, and now you post the exact same thing here. I’d like to be credited.  :wink:

    I was doing that in 1993 though. :P

    But yea, figuring out 3 fighters fit on a carrier doesn’t exactly take brain surgery. hehe

    Using it without my permission… hmm, you owe me royalty then.  :-D

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