Today marks 1 year cancer free.
Have to say… thanks again boys - Wouldn’t have happened without your support!
And here’s a photo of the Mr. celebrating with a can of beans.
I won’t be surprised if the Clintons somehow manage to steal the election from Obama. They’ve already pulled a bunch of dirty tricks, calling him a drug dealer, releasing pictures of him in Kenyan garb to make him look Muslim, releasing his pastor’s sermons where he shows his racist colors and trying to attribute those stances to Obama, etc.
Watch, she’ll figure out a way to get the Michigan and Floridian delegates seated and buy off the rest of the super delegates to get the win.
With the recent developing flap with his Church Clinton may not have to steal it from Obama. I will be surprised if he doesn’t implode before the convention much less the General election.
releasing his pastor’s sermons where he shows his racist colors and trying to attribute those stances to Obama
this of all of them isn’t bad IMO, yes his Pastor has made racist remarks and also anti US remarks. but the thing is that the Obama family has gone to this church for around 20 years, you can’t tell me that of the sermons shown Obama was not at at least one of those, he has made a big show of going regularlly, so ether he was before his run or he was not.
but give him the benafit of the doupt and say the pastor only had the anti US and racist remarks on the few times the Obama’s didn’t show up. if we take that and say he was not there, we can look at the church and say from experiance from other churches that usually regular members are friends, not all with all but a good number are friends with at least a good number of others. also most people will share opinions when talking when they are friends so i’m sure some of the anti US or racest things would be brought up in talks with the Obama’s. again this isn’t incriminating as he may not have been there durring those sermons.
now the real problem comes from that pastor Write is accredited by Obama as his mentor or one of them (i’m not sure right now on the exact word), now you may not agree with your mentor all the time, but it would be hard to have a mentor that is far from your own belife system. the Obama’s would have to know his stance at least some what to question it.
if we look at Machel’s (Mrs Obama) statment just a short time ago of “This is the first time i am proud to be an American” it shows that there is some credability at the vary least that there is at least some Anti American thoughts in the vary least there house hold.
i don’t know about any of your houses but major decisions are made between my self and my wife; looking at history more then a few 1st ladies have had influence on our presidents decisions.
the bottom line is at the vary least this brings up the questions to be asked and thought over for people so they can look and see more on there lives and how they think so the American people can make an informed decision on who they are.
This thing about his pastor is actually worse then you may think.
1) He chose this church because of this pastor. (Generally how people chose their churches or why they leave them.) He’s been a member under this pastor for 20 years. That’s plenty of time to realize this may not or may be the kind of man you want to lead you spiritually.
2) He has made the pastor his religious adviser and his pastor has taken a leave of absence to be his spiritual adviser.
3) Mormonism is what killed Romney. However, Mormonism is not as far out and ridiculously anti-Caucasians and American culture as this pastor has been in his speeches (at least the ones I’ve read from the Chicago Tribune and Fox News (Fox is slightly conservative, the Trib is as liberal as Fox is conservative - try to get both sides.))
This could be a SERIOUS problem for Barry. He’s going to need republicans to get elected. Not saying he couldn’t win with only democrats, just saying that it’s silly to think that 100% of the democrats + 1 republican are going to vote for Barry. (Nation is pretty much 50/50 Republican/Democrat as seen in the past 3 elections.) Most “republicans” view themselves as tolerant, conservative, God fearing men and women. His spiritual adviser is probably going to put them off. That leaves blue blood Republicans and they’re going to vote for McCain, he’s their man.
Top that off with most female democrats being upset their girl did not get the nomination and either sitting out the election or joining their white husbands in voting for McCain instead of the black man who stole the nomination from Hillary and I don’t think Barry has as good a shot as I once did.
That said, there are negatives for Hillary too. If she steals the nomination from Barry then most black democrats (female or male) will be upset their man was disenfranchised by the white elite establishment and will either vote for McCain or sit the election out as well.
If either of those two events happen - and the longer this primary season continues, the better the odds that it will, and we may see the Second Republicrat in the White House. (Bush Jr. being the first.) By Republicrat I mean someone who is very democrat leaning in his domestic policies, but very republican leaning in his foreign policies.
Anyway, this is probably why republicans turned out in record numbers for Hillary in the last Super Tuesday primary. I believe the goal, at least according to ABC News, was to do to the democrats what they did to us, push for the candidate we want instead of letting them chose their own candidate. It also has the effect of keeping the race close enough that neither candidate wants to drop out.
And, if Florida and Michigan are allowed to seat their delegates (and both states went 100% for Hillary) she’s regained the lead in delegates and could hit the magic number (2032 I think, but don’t quote me on that) to have the nomination.
Imagine, Florida is once again going to decide an election! (Primary this time, but still they will be deciding it!)
It doesn’t look like Michigan or Florida will simply be allowed to seat their delegates but will have “do over” primaries. If that is the case Obama may win Michigan but I would be surprised if he wins Florida which has a very large number of delegates. The mainstream press seems to be keeping somewhat quite about the Pastor flap but I suspect that will change.
I dunno, a44. I wouldn’t be surprised if Hillary’s camp makes a legal push saying that Michigan and Florida already had their primaries and they went 100% in her favor, allowing a do-over could negate the results and defraud her supporters.
I don’t buy it myself, she was the only one on the ticket, but I wouldn’t put it past the family that invented the word “unconcede” from trying.
And if she can win that case, and I don’t see why she shouldn’t have the power and influence to get the courts to rule in her favor, then she has an EXTREMELY good shot at stealing the election from Obama. (Just a note, I say if Obama wins, he stole it from Hillary and if Hillary wins she stole it from Obama; that way I’m not taking sides!)
LMAO, I just went and looked at the Trinity United web site. It’s way different from what it was a month ago when I first looked. There were all kinds of statements about advancing blacks and Black family values (What ever that is) I wonder why if it’s not a big deal is most of that removed from their web site? I only wish I had saved an image, the Mission statement and the “10 point vision” are completely different.
They’re trying to distance themselves from Barrack and soften their image now that the magnifying class is on them.
But statements like “We are living in the US of KKK-America” and “HIV was invented by the white man to genocide the black man” and all the rest of their pastor’s statements from at least 2001 (I have not seen any footage of him from BEFORE 2001) has been incredibly racist, incredibly anti-American way of life and incredibly, how shall I say it, indicative of what we expect from a certain portion of the population especially since Al Gore lost the election in 2000. I hope that’s tactful enough.
Anyway, if Hillary can keep the fire under Barry, she’s got this election sewn up. There’s no way Barry can win if he’s painted in the same light as the KKK. He does have to get SOME white men to vote for him, even in the Democrat party! He can’t do it ONLY with blacks. Jesse Jackson tried that and failed.
I will say that this church BS is probably going to cost Obama any chance he had at getting a respectible share of the “blue collar democrats”… the old school Union workers.
And I don’t think that is going to help him very much in Pennsylvania…
Obama has come out and denounced the pastor that made these statements, but claims it isnt the norm for his church and that he will continue attending. Doesn’t seem like a smart move to me. I would distance myself from such a church.
Obama has come out and denounced the pastor that made these statements, but claims it isnt the norm for his church and that he will continue attending. Doesn’t seem like a smart move to me. I would distance myself from such a church.
Sorry bro, but I don’t think they would let your kind in…
Obama has come out and denounced the pastor that made these statements, but claims it isnt the norm for his church and that he will continue attending. Doesn’t seem like a smart move to me. I would distance myself from such a church.
Sorry bro, but I don’t think they would let your kind in…
Well, in his speech TODAY, he endorsed his pastor and basically called anyone who holds this against him a racist. He even called his own grandmother a racist. But he wouldn’t call his pastor a racist!
You know, all he had to do was come out and make a simple statement:
I respect my pastor’s views on religion and had asked him to guide my religious development. I do not agree with his politics nor do I ask him for political advice.
Had he just said that, there would be no more to it.
But no. He said he couldn’t distance himself from him because he cannot distance himself from the black movement anymore then he could distance himself from an uncle, etc.
Man, this is REALLY going to hurt him! Top it off with Florida and Michigan saying NO REVOTE and Hillary pushing to make their delegates count ANYWAY (in other words, 100% for her) and I can VERY EASILY see September and October being a race between John McCain and Hillary Clinton. (No campaigning in November due to McCain-Feingold.)
This is getting juicy! I love it! They slandered the crap out of Romney because he was a mormon. Now their man, Obama is getting the same medicine they gave Romney! Only, Obama kind of deserves it…after all, he’s been with this guy for TWENTY YEARS! and today admitted he HAD, in fact, heard these statements from Jay Wright before! (After attempting to shovel as much crap as he good into the American mouths about never hearing anything like what’s being quoted from Jay Wright before all last week.)
BTW, you can STILL buy Jay’s sermons on DvD! So don’t attempt to claim I’m taking him out of context! You can listen to this yahoo rant about how Whites tried to genocide Blacks with aids; how Whites deserved to die on 9/11; etc. This guy’s just full of hate, and as anyone with a good mother knows, you are known by the company you keep. Makes one SUSPECT that maybe Barrack Obama is ALSO a closet racist. I’m not saying he is, but, if these are the people he hangs around with, who he hires to be his ADVISERS, associates with and takes as an authority figure - then maybe he is?
I stand by my previous statements…
Pennsylvania goes to Clinton with HEAVY support in the center of the state and strong support in the west. Barrack is even in the Metro Philly area. Hillary by 10% in PA.
Barrack did not help his case today. In fact he directly contradicted statements he made just within the past 72 hours. First he said he did not hear those comments, then he said today that he did.
The first substantive issue Barrack has had to face and he has already lost 5% in the national polls over it, and that was before today when he made himself out to be just another lying politician…
If by chance Barrack gets the nomination (and the remaining states and Super Delegates are going to start going solidly to Hillary), he will lose in November in a landslide that will rival Mondale/Ferraro in 1984.
I also think that his Secret Service detail’s job just got harder… it only takes one nut case… and this fracass has stirred up a LOT of nutcases…
I just find it funny that people have to dig so hard to find “dirt” on Obama. Get over it.
Or, at least point out McCain’s racist contributors.
We are not talking about “racist” contributors, we are talking about a bigot that is actually ON Obama’s campaign staff and that has been his “spiritual adviser” for 20 years.
Big difference there…
We are not talking about “racist” contributors, we are talking about a bigot that is actually ON Obama’s campaign staff and that has been his “spiritual adviser” for 20 years.
Big difference there…
I concur.
This isn’t some long lost 5th cousin he met once 20 years ago. This is a guy he specifically CHOSE to associate himself with for 20 years on a weekly basis (if not daily) and then, after listening (and agreeing with) all his racist, anti-American rants from the pulpit, decided to appoint his primary spiritual adviser (and that also entails giving him life advise.) On top of it all, his speech today sounded more like an indictment of people who were agitating under Jay Wright’s speeches then an indictment of Jay’s speeches.
Then, Florida and Michigan came out and said no revote. They want their delegates to stand as elected come the convention. (Which makes sense, they’d have to reprint ballots, mail them out, wait for them to be returned, deal with all the fraud that entails, etc.) And you know Hillary’s going to make an insanely strong case that the DNC should not disenfranchise those poor blue collar workers in Michigan who lost their homes and their jobs, nor the New Yorkers in Florida who were so decisive in the 2000 election.
Then, of course, John Edwards is going to eventually endorse someone. Odds are, he’ll endorse Hillary now that Barrack’s teetering on the cliffs. That’s a large chunk of delegates as well. (Most commentators forget to factor in Edward’s delegates when they evaluate the battlefield in the democrat party right now.)
Anyway, wasn’t it just a few weeks ago ya’all were sayin the Republicans were imploding!? Hmm….never looked THIS bad for Republicans! I just think all the switch voting to keep Hillary in may be backfiring now…we just wanted her in it long enough to keep it close and now, it appears she’ll have enough delegates to be the presumptive before then.
Ah well, over half the nation still hates her at least. Of course, with Jay Wright, I think more then half the nation hates Barry now…Thus, I agree with Switch, if the election was tomorrow between Protestant John McCain and Jay Wright/ Barrack Obama - I’d say John McCain with at least as much of a lead as Bush had over Kerry in 2004, if not more. (Of course, McCain’s just a more intelligent sounding Bush. So that’s no real surprise.)
this was unexpected. obama’s mentor is gonna mess his campaign up, already has. the democrats are going to get pissed and tear into each other wont they. this is gonna be fun to watch.
second, who really wants to vote for hillary. when it comes down to it. McCains just so nice.
We are not talking about “racist” contributors, we are talking about a bigot that is actually ON Obama’s campaign staff and that has been his “spiritual adviser” for 20 years.
Big difference there…
Yes, but my point is that it’s not important. Talk about Obama’s merits. I sincerely doubt his spiritual adviser is telling him to kill whitey, especially when that would involve the death of his mom. They are just digging to find anything on him now. People are just acting silly over that.
BTW, I’m not voting for Obama.
We are not talking about “racist” contributors, we are talking about a bigot that is actually ON Obama’s campaign staff and that has been his “spiritual adviser” for 20 years.
Big difference there…
Yes, but my point is that it’s not important. Talk about Obama’s merits. I sincerely doubt his spiritual adviser is telling him to kill whitey, especially when that would involve the death of his mom. They are just digging to find anything on him now. People are just acting silly over that.
BTW, I’m not voting for Obama.
Well then knock it off and start bashing him, dang don’t you know how politics works!
it is a flaw in him. he went to a church and thus associated with people that have raciest views. if you chose to go to a place and par take in that place’s activities then you associate with it. you may not agree with all that is said, but there is a good chance that a lot you do. when the place makes strong statments then it is easy to say how you would agree with them if you stayed.
lets say you go into a church to join and the preacher and congragation all seams good that day, then a month latter you hear a serman that says the problem with Amarica is that blacks are doing (insert statment). what would you do then? i would hope you would say something or go some place else. if you stayed but said something and it happens again then you should leave as now the church is acting in a way that you don’t agree with. but if you stay and there is no change and you sit back and enjoy then you are by not disagreeing with it saying “it’s ok to say that and i’m ok with being told that is how it is.”
look at it a diffrent way. your son goes to school and you meet the teacher. the teacher seams nice and all. a few weeks latter you see that same teacher well not at school standing at a war protest. nothing wrong with that, but then the spouce of that teacher (or boy friend/girlfriend) escalades the protest via violance. the teacher may not be particapating in said violance but the teacher also is not stopping there spouce. now you may agree with the teachers stance on the war (or not, it’s not relavent IMO), but the teacher did by asociating with the violance that came from it in effect condone the violance. now it could be a 1 time deal that the spouce got out of hand, but lets say you look into it and find that this spouce has a record of this well with the teacher. do you realy think the teacher is going to be the best influance on your son? the teacher may be good at there job, but you arn’t there to see all that the teacher says and dose all the time. who is to say the teacher isn’t telling your son that violance is ok to protest?
put that in context, the teacher is the same as Obama and we don’t know if he will take what he learned from from his preacher and take that into the presadencey and say “you know what the US did a lot of bad and so we realy deserved what we got, we shouldn’t be in Afganistan going after the Talaban, so lets pull out.” he won’t say we deserved it, but dosn’t mean he won’t think it… he did listen to his “spearital adviser” for 20 years tell him that the US is bad and that the US is trying still to kill blacks and do other bad things, after 20 years i’m pritty sure some of it stuck.