This thing about his pastor is actually worse then you may think.
1) He chose this church because of this pastor. (Generally how people chose their churches or why they leave them.) He’s been a member under this pastor for 20 years. That’s plenty of time to realize this may not or may be the kind of man you want to lead you spiritually.
2) He has made the pastor his religious adviser and his pastor has taken a leave of absence to be his spiritual adviser.
3) Mormonism is what killed Romney. However, Mormonism is not as far out and ridiculously anti-Caucasians and American culture as this pastor has been in his speeches (at least the ones I’ve read from the Chicago Tribune and Fox News (Fox is slightly conservative, the Trib is as liberal as Fox is conservative - try to get both sides.))
This could be a SERIOUS problem for Barry. He’s going to need republicans to get elected. Not saying he couldn’t win with only democrats, just saying that it’s silly to think that 100% of the democrats + 1 republican are going to vote for Barry. (Nation is pretty much 50/50 Republican/Democrat as seen in the past 3 elections.) Most “republicans” view themselves as tolerant, conservative, God fearing men and women. His spiritual adviser is probably going to put them off. That leaves blue blood Republicans and they’re going to vote for McCain, he’s their man.
Top that off with most female democrats being upset their girl did not get the nomination and either sitting out the election or joining their white husbands in voting for McCain instead of the black man who stole the nomination from Hillary and I don’t think Barry has as good a shot as I once did.
That said, there are negatives for Hillary too. If she steals the nomination from Barry then most black democrats (female or male) will be upset their man was disenfranchised by the white elite establishment and will either vote for McCain or sit the election out as well.
If either of those two events happen - and the longer this primary season continues, the better the odds that it will, and we may see the Second Republicrat in the White House. (Bush Jr. being the first.) By Republicrat I mean someone who is very democrat leaning in his domestic policies, but very republican leaning in his foreign policies.
Anyway, this is probably why republicans turned out in record numbers for Hillary in the last Super Tuesday primary. I believe the goal, at least according to ABC News, was to do to the democrats what they did to us, push for the candidate we want instead of letting them chose their own candidate. It also has the effect of keeping the race close enough that neither candidate wants to drop out.
And, if Florida and Michigan are allowed to seat their delegates (and both states went 100% for Hillary) she’s regained the lead in delegates and could hit the magic number (2032 I think, but don’t quote me on that) to have the nomination.
Imagine, Florida is once again going to decide an election! (Primary this time, but still they will be deciding it!)