Presidential Election (as a current event- watch the tone or it's gone)

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    I can’t compare grade schools because even the private schools have been polluted with federal influence.  The only realistic corellation I can think of is universities where you have some that are polluted and some that are pollution free.

    That’s the problem.

  • Back on topic of CANDIDATES folks…

    Florida Primary day, so I am sure you can talk about the people (on topic for the thread) :-)

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Funny, I just tried to find some results for Florida, it’s gotta be 1800 hours in parts of Florida now, and nothing.  /sigh.

    Watch it turn out to be a hanging chad situation. :P

    Ya know,if they could keep those blasted New Yorkers out of Florida, they might raise the state IQ a few dozen points, hehe.

  • i have been trying to get anything from there all day. nota  :cry:

  • The only comment I heard today (I was in meetings most of the day) was that there were reports of “problems voting” in Broward County about 9:30 a.m.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    I heard that John McCain’s campaign was calling voters and lying about Mitt Romney, though, of course, he is denying it. (When has a politician ever owned up to their unethical, immoral campaigning!?)

  • 2007 AAR League

    Geez…more problems with voting.  If those old cogers in florida can’t figure out how to vote they should stay home and have an extra shot of Musilex. :-D

  • Looks like I had the McCain/Romney spread dead-balls on (3% McCain lead in the mid-30% range with half the votes counted).

    But I overstated Huckabee’s support by several percent…

  • @ncscswitch:

    Looks like I had the McCain/Romney spread dead-balls on (3% McCain lead in the mid-30% range with half the votes counted).

    But I overstated Huckabee’s support by several percent…

    doesn’t look good for Guiliani.

  • not quite half counted and the spread just came up to about 3points about 10min ago, before that (with the same % counted) the spread was 1 point. so i’m not holding my breath yet on this.

  • McCain lead over Romney has been steadily growing according to Fox’s numbers all evening.  Last I looked it was up to almost 50,000 votes and was 3% lead.

    As for Guiliani… stick a fork in him… he is DONE!

  • Fox just called it for McCain, up to a 4% lead, 55,000 votes.

  • dosn’t mean there can’t be a shift in the favor of one of our leaders (also dosn’t mean it can’t shift back). unless it turns to a big lead (10%ish) or over 80% counted with the lead as is now it’s still ethers race. not to be hopfull or down play the lead, i’m just stating that things can shift still.

  • I am prepared to call the candidates for the 2008 Presidential Election…

    Democrat:  Clinton/Richardson
    Republican:  McCain/Huckabee

  • Hmmmm, I only agree with you on the McCain call.  For one, it’s WAY too early to call the Democrat race for Hillary.  For another, I just don’t see McCain running with Hickabee, errrr, I mean Huckabee.  Joe Lieberman, maybe, or perhaps Rudy, but no way he taps Huckabee.  What does that get him?  Arkansas???

  • McCain has an issue with gaining support from the Religious Right… the hard core base of the Republican Party.  A Baptist Minister for a VP helps to solve that problem.  Also, with Huckabee as a Fair Tax supporter, it helps to reduce the “vote bleed” from any Libertarian candidate.  Not a huge factor, but as we have seen in several recent elections even a small 3rd party vote can play havoc with the national results.

    As for Richardson with Hillary, that broadens her appeal.  She has “roots” in Arkansas and New York.  Richardson in the Southwest.  Richardson polls very well among Latino voters, Hillary polls well with Caucasians.  And it is not like the Black vote is going to vote for McCain… the Democrats can again take that for granted.

    So, as always, it comes down to a fight for the middle.  McCain is strong among moderates of BOTH parties, but lacks the ability to energize the Republican Base.  Hillary, by her own actions, is seen as a New England elitist and needs that diversity from another part of the nation to help push her over the top.  Richardson also has strong support among the typical McCain voter, and would help Hillary actually take some “safe” McCain votes away.

    Clinton/Obama will NOT happen.  Hillary destroys her enemies, she does not make them into Vice Presidents.  Guiliani has not shown anything that would make him be a positive choice for VP.  His BEST showing was 4th.  And McCain will NOT choose Mitt for a VP.  Too much bad blood there.  That leaves Huckabee… to unite the party (McCain’s 30 something percent and Huckabee’s teens for a functional majority)

  • Are you already counting out Obama as the potential nominee after that @ss kicking her administered to her in SC?  I think he’s got a real chance next Tuesday, personally.  Plus, I think at least half the members of her party must cringe at the thought of her as the nominee.

    As for Huck, he’s too much of a loose cannon to be of any help to McCain.  McCain has many options for a “Conservative” running mate – Orrin Hatch and Lindsay Graham are two names that readily come to mind.  It’s not like there’s a shortage of conservatives in the GOP.  Not to mention, Huck has been VERY weak in the recent contests, which begs the question how much support he will really bring.

  • 2007 AAR League

    thats a good prediction for the tickets.

  • Yes, I AM counting Obama out despite South Carolina.

    Remember, Jesse Jackson won South Carolina TWICE but was NEVER a serious candidate for the nomination.

    Obama is a flash in the pan.  If he had done a bit better in Florida I MIGHT give him more credence as a potential threat to Hillary.

    However…  Florida’s Delegates WILL be seated at the DNC, and Hillary just lept up to a 300 to 50 delegate lead of Obama.  And Obama will lose the majority of the races on Super Tuesday… the VAST majority…

  • I would also remind you folks that I have predicted, almost with pin-point accuracy (I over-estimated Huckabee in Florida… failed to take into consideration the “vote for a winner” element that would reduce Huckabee’s vote total) the past several races… and the manner in which the campaigns would be waged.

    News Flash:  Clinton wins the Democratic Nomination on 5 FEB

    News Flash:  Romney continues to beat up on the Republican Nominee McCain, refusing to withdraw from the race, weakening the Republican Candidate going into the November elections.

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