Presidential Election (as a current event- watch the tone or it's gone)

  • Par for the course with the Clintons in Iowa.  As I recall, Bill did terribly there in 92.  Though Bill also did not actively campaign there.  And Hillary does not have Bill’s charisma.

    I am surprised that Obama beat Edwards in Iowa.  Even though he narrowly edged Hillary for 2nd place, I think that just about finishes Edwards.  Anything other than a solid win in New Hampshire and he is toast.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    My honest opinion was that Edwards wasn’t going to place in the top two in any state, let alone the first one.

    Dunno how well Billy did.  I have been told that Ronald lost the Iowa caucus his first time out.  Then again, even if that was true, Iowa’s not exactly known as a bastion for Republican glory, if you know what I mean.

  • 2007 AAR League

    i’ll chime in by saying this.  i hope,  i hope,  i just freaking hope we have an election in
    Nov 08  &  a new president in Jan 09.  thats not asking for too much is it?

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Kinda depends on the personality of the loser and how close the election is.  Not how close the VOTE is, how close the ELECTION is.  There is a difference.  It’s happened any number of times that the president lost the vote, but won the election.

  • i was simply pointing out that IMHO dezrtfish’s statment seamed to be more political then Jen’s and he was telling her to be careful, i didn’t say he edited in the way of taking out any thing.
    it’s hard for you to talk about a political race and not talk politics, it’s just the nature of it.

    with what Jen just said, i think we had it happen 3 times in the past. i could be remembering wrong though.

  • 2007 AAR League

    edwards needed a second place finish to be alive down the road.  with him still in it, any suprises that destroy peoples electability can be spread through three people……him, clinton, and obama.

    i think that pollsters at the very end(b/c hillary was beating him until the end) decided it would be better to have 3 people still able to be a candidate rather than 2, and switched 1% point.

    but hey, thats just crazy talk.

    other than this, why in the heck dont people like Mccain.  he hasnt done anything bad…he’s a maverick in the senate, votes both ways,  he isnt a loyal soldier for the republicans(IMHO a good thing), was right on the way all along(need more troops), has true social conservative values (not like romney the liar and guiliani the fake), and called southern evangelicals freakin’ nuts…what else to people want?

  • McCain isn’t liked by the Democrats because he has an “R” next to his name and by the far left because of his support of the millitary, so he can’t win or sway there votes.
    he is disliked by the Republicans because he has had as you say “votes both ways”, he has voted for things that Republicans and the Right don’t agree with in the past and this hurts him a lot. you can’t vote against your base and expect your Base to support you.
    i will say this, McCain and Guiliani are the best two on the war, but they hold values (for diffrent reasons) that are hard for the Conservatives to stand behind.

  • 2007 AAR League

    what values does he hold that conservatives dont like.  he is a social conservative.

  • McCain-Feingold comes immediately to mind.  As does his partnerships with Kennedy on several major issues.  And then there is his support of what the Right called the “Amnesty Bill”

    Also, Rush Limbaugh has been doing a hatchet job on McCain since before the South Carolina Primary in 2000, and has never let up.  That is 10-20 million Conservative voters every week that hear an repeated and vehement anti-McCain message, and have been hearing it for 8 consecutive years now…

  • you said it your self with “votes both ways”, if you vote for say earned citizenship for illegal immigrants in the US, then you are voting against what conservatives want. you can’t argue that he hasn’t voted with the left when your own words not 2 post before said he has. that puts him as having views that are not in keeping with the conservatives that are his base.

  • 2007 AAR League

    i sooo dislike rush.

    but that should prove his openness to others.  i dont like amnesty, but reasonably, and i agree with him, we really cant round up mexicans and kick them across the border.  what he wants and i want is the guard on the border and a huge wall and no new mexicans.  the ones already here get to stay.

    his agreements with any kennedy are loathsome but eh……i forget what their bill was about…wasnt it the immigration bill?

  • you asked “what values does he hold that conservatives don’t like”, you got it. the point is as you said, he votes both ways as you also said, you are making 2 arguments that contradict each other for him.

  • 2007 AAR League

    i was talking social values.

    he hasnt voted liberal on any social values.

    he’s only crossed over on policy issues and for some weird campaigning issues.

  • it dosn’t change that he has voted on things that the bulk of conservatives don’t want or agree to, the boarder is a major issue to most conservatives and by voting and pushing in a way conservatives don’t want is a large hurt for his bid to be president.

  • You may want to check his voting records on the various abortion votes before you say he is a social conservative…

  • 2007 AAR League


    he voted for abortion at some time?  say it aint so joe.

  • 2007 AAR League

    i just checked it…… its all good.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Well, I would like to reiterate that, at least for myself and hopefully for the rest of the party (even though I’m a registered Democrat, I consider myself Republican) we appreciate Mr. McCain’s service as a soldier, especially considering his circumstances and are glad that he is continuing to serve at the national level as an elected leader.

    That said, however, I don’t know anyone, left, right or center, who wants him to be President.  He’s too unpredictable, and much of his votes and actions are questionable in our minds.  To be honest, I think he’s been in Washington DC too long and has forgotten what the American People want.  I only say this because of the total, and complete, social unrest every time bills that hinder freedom of speech or grant amnesty to illegals come up for a vote. By which I mean our vociferous resistance to their passing, not any militant actions.

    As for Edwards, I never expected him to have a chance.  Now, I do.  And, I think, of the three leading Democrats, I am more inclined to vote for him, at least he’s a member of our generation, not a hold over hippie from a bygone era.  Actually, having left Fred Thompson’s side, if Mitt Romney doesn’t get the nomination, and Edwards does get the nomination, then I will, most likely, vote for him (just as I would have in the last Election for Howard Dean.)

  • I was shocked that Huckabee won Iowa. I didn’t expect he’d get any wins. I thought seperation between church and state was important to voters. well romney is now ahead of huckabee now.

  • Romney just won WY today… well at least it’s not offical, he has over 50% of the delegates in the state with only a few left to go.

    i have just spent some time on project vote smart’s web site, McCain has according to it been pritty much anti abortion, at least thats how i understood his voting record. he how ever has had a flip on issues such as English as the US offical language, had has voted for other issues in ways i don’t see as conservative. now i didn’t spend fore ever on each thing but it did help me and i think it should help others to look hear to see voting records for the canadents.

    if you mean the seperation in that he is a minister, then that is not how the constatution is meant to be, it is meant that the church can’t tell the government what to do and the government can’t tell the church what to do (policy wise), also that the US can not hold any religion above another, force any religion, or pesacute any religion based on the religious beliefs. this dosn’t mean that a religion that dose human sacrafice can hid behind religion for murder, it means that the government can’t stop a person from practicing there religion how they want so long as it dosn’t hurt any one.

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