Presidential Election (as a current event- watch the tone or it's gone)

  • 2007 AAR League

    ok, i agree that with completely ravaging any employer that hires illegals.  many would go away on their own.  but a lot would stay, and i’m sure crime would go up b/c of that.  that policy would have to be responsible for any raised crime rates.

    also, it would really hurt the economy.  so we are stuck, thats the perfect word, stuck in a lose lose situation.

    and we really cant get that draconian rounding people up to leave.  we could, if it comes down to the nitty gritty and its essential.  but man would that make us look like monsters.

    i’m for, and mcCains for, ratcheting up our immigration task forces to find more illegals and deport them.  he’s still down for deportation.

    and i’m for that to.  and find any one that has stolen a SS# from someone and ship 'em back.  but we have to be logical and go about this with reason.  not fervor.  its a shitty situation indeed.  the wall needs to go up now.

    and for cutting corporate taxes.  The US have the second highest corporate tax rate in the world at 36%.  WTF!!! damn democrats and their silly  rage against corporations policy.  they had to know that companies would ship jobs oversees with that policy.  so maybe people have to rely on the government more……how sinister.    jen, thats why you need to still vote republican, or abstain, but not vote democratic.  their policies kill america.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Democrats believe that if they raise taxes, people will just work harder to make more money and make up for it.
    Republicans believe that if they give tax breaks, people will spend more which will give companies more which means they can grow and pay more and hire more.

    That’s the fundamental difference on fiscal policies.

    As for McCain’s program, I have two major problems with it.

    1)  It increases the size of government.  Government is the cause of all of life’s problems, so making it bigger and more powerful would just increase the number and scope of all of life’s problems.

    2)  It’s a bad PR move to forcefully arrest and detain and export illegals.  It’s much better to make life so hard on illegals they decide to leave on their own.  It’s what the Mexican Government’s been doing and why we have this problem in the first place.  If we just arrest our own guys for committing felonies, and seize their assets to sell at auction, we get others not to commit those felonies and we can use the profits from the arrests to fund the government, it wins on both a foreign perspective in that we are not kicking out poor, hungry, hard working men and tearing apart families, like if we deported them - and we are persecuting the rich which makes the poor feel better.  Win/win.  And it’s completely funded with the seizures, so it does not require tax dollars.  And, since it requires less manpower and over head to arrest the board of directors (like what, 3-12 people?) then it does the illegals (like what, 5 million people?) it does not expand the size of government and thus, does not make more problems for life.

    The trick is to look for ways to solve problems with using less money, less government agents and less government size.  The smaller the government, the freer the corporate world, the better for capitalism and Americans.

    As for corporate taxes:

    [(Average Pay for an American in America to do the job) - (Wages paid for foreigners to do the job)] *0.95 = taxes owed on payroll.

    So if you would normally have to pay $10.00/hr for an American to do the job, but you hire someone to do it in China for $0.50/hr then you owe:  $10.00-$0.50 = $9.50 * the tax rate 95% = $9.03/hr.  You still save $0.47/hr by hiring foreigners to do the job, but the People of the United States get that money back to fund government and to fill the unemployment security and social security coffers.

    or, you could just hire Americans.  Your choice.

  • @Cmdr:



    you just forget Guantanamo Bay

    it’s rented from Cuba, Castro just don’t cash the checks. the lease ends though at some point, i can’t remember when though.

    Never, actually.  It is not leased.  It is American soil.  We got it as payment for freeing Cuba from Spain.

    so US soil it is you say

  • Actually, we just kept it back in Teddy Roosevelt’s time, and when Castro took over in Cuba, we fortified the snot out of it :-)

  • @Cmdr:

    It’s much better to make life so hard on illegals they decide to leave on their own.  It’s what the Mexican Government’s been doing and why we have this problem in the first place.  If we just arrest our own guys for committing felonies, and seize their assets to sell at auction, we get others not to commit those felonies and we can use the profits from the arrests to fund the government,

    Yes, it’s good that we have such honest government officials that can be trusted with the power to arrest people, seize their assets, and sell said assets off at auction.

    If you believe in honest government officials too, send me money and a picture of your daughter to:


    :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)

  • no, im sure it’s on lease. i know Castro makes a big deal that he don’t cash the cheaks.

    any one see the debate last night?

    how about New York times artical that just came out saying in the Editers notes (or something like that) that all the Republicans are horible but McCain was the best there is.
    hear is the artical. i don’t know, the Times is about as left as they come as papers go and they endorce the guy. i think that says a lot.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    Actually, we just kept it back in Teddy Roosevelt’s time, and when Castro took over in Cuba, we fortified the snot out of it :-)

    Exactly.  But we did write it into a treaty.  Guantanamo Bay is akin to Midway and Guam.  US Soil, but not a US State.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator



    It’s much better to make life so hard on illegals they decide to leave on their own.  It’s what the Mexican Government’s been doing and why we have this problem in the first place.  If we just arrest our own guys for committing felonies, and seize their assets to sell at auction, we get others not to commit those felonies and we can use the profits from the arrests to fund the government,

    Yes, it’s good that we have such honest government officials that can be trusted with the power to arrest people, seize their assets, and sell said assets off at auction.

    If you believe in honest government officials too, send me money and a picture of your daughter to:


    :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)

    Yes, but they already HAVE that power.  I just want to focus it on companies committing felonies by hiring illegals.  Common, yer a liberal, you can get behind this!  We’re going to punish “the evil corporate empires!”  Big business is the enemy, right?  Well, let’s go get them!  :evil:

  • @Cmdr:



    It’s much better to make life so hard on illegals they decide to leave on their own.  It’s what the Mexican Government’s been doing and why we have this problem in the first place.  If we just arrest our own guys for committing felonies, and seize their assets to sell at auction, we get others not to commit those felonies and we can use the profits from the arrests to fund the government,

    Yes, it’s good that we have such honest government officials that can be trusted with the power to arrest people, seize their assets, and sell said assets off at auction.

    If you believe in honest government officials too, send me money and a picture of your daughter to:


    :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)

    Yes, but they already HAVE that power.  I just want to focus it on companies committing felonies by hiring illegals.  Common, yer a liberal, you can get behind this!  We’re going to punish “the evil corporate empires!”  Big business is the enemy, right?  Well, let’s go get them!   :evil:

    I’m with you on that. Burn em.
    As well as the outsourcing folks too.

  • 2007 AAR League

    so then we have no jobs.  great.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    We have lots of jobs, Balung.  We are only going after the evil companies that hire illegals or outsource their labor to foreign nations. =)

    In fact, shouldn’t we have MORE jobs?

  • Back to the candidates folks…

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Kucinich dropped out today.

    Anyone remember that he was running?

  • @Cmdr:

    Kucinich dropped out today.

    Anyone remember that he was running?

    I thought he was a hold over still running from 2004…  :evil:

  • Moderator

    Yeah the stakes are pretty interesting on both sides…

    5 Republicans, 4 Democrats, 7 Considered Front Runners, one “maverick” loaded with cash (Paul), and only one candidate that is without a doubt unable to win (Gravel).

    And look, the Guerrilla is at 3000 posts…  :|


  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Three Republicans, Three Democrats AFAIK are running:

    Mitt Romney
    John McCain
    Mike Huckabee

    Barrack Obama
    Hillary Clinton
    John Edwards

    Though, the third one in each list is running for Vice President, I think.

  • @Cmdr:

    Kucinich dropped out today.

    Anyone remember that he was running?

    I hadn’t heard that yet.  He was a pipe dream, anyway…to fringe.  But I will never forget his wife.  8-)

  • 2007 AAR League

    so, obama with the beatdown.

  • 2007 AAR League

    Interesting but super tuesday is really all that matters at this point
    cant wait for that! although it may not even determine a front runner in the republican race lol

  • @balungaloaf:

    so, obama with the beatdown.

    obama is now sligtly ahead after dominating south carolina. he might became to use taht to give himself a slight advantage for super tuesday. it really is anyone’s race for either primary. (assuming Rudy doesn’t lose in florida) anyone ever told him not to put all your eggs in one basket. I still hate all the nominees though.

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