• In face of the recent increase of violence in Iraq, many start to doubt, that there will be national elections next January.
    On the other side Condoleezza Rize expressed confidence that they will take place.

    What is your opinon on that matter?

  • My opinion is identical to the Moscow-Chechnya elections that have been taking place: we and those we support will claim they took place, less than 20% of the populace will vote, the guy we support will win and will get assassinated. Same thing as has happened, and will continue happening, in Chechnya with the Moscow-supported presidents.

  • Holy Moly! I more or less agree with APolaris. :)

  • See? People can get along.

    There is no sense in judging one’s personality by what one thinks of certain issues, because that person may agree with you on everything else. I have liberal friends whom I argue with constantly on moral issues. It doesn’t mean we yell at each other, or don’t get along well, or wish each other to be stuck in Hell.

  • For the record, I never said I wished you stuck in hell. I said I would go to hell if that was what it took to be away from you. See? What a selfless act! Hee hee! Just kidding.
    You feel very strongly about your stance. That’s cool man. You came on a tad strong. Take it down a notch and I will play nice too.

  • The way I look at things. No. They barely have a stable government there now.

  • but january is a long ways away, i think its possible.

  • Well, the afghanistan elections look like they’ll be pretty legitimate. If we can get third party monitors to endorse the results, as they’ll do in Afghanistan (presumably), then there’s no reason why they can’t be legitimate, especially if we don’t bar candidates from running (as Russia has done).

  • Im gonna say that they will happen, but they wont be nearly as smooth as we would hope. Their will probably be some corrutption, and tales of people being bullied into not voting/voting for someone they dont want to, but ensuring the secuirty of the elections is easiert than securing the security fo the country as a whole, since we know where the attacks will be targeted, and protect them accordingly. Im sue one polling booth will be attacked, but generally the majority of the people who want to vote, will.

  • even assuming everything else goes smoothly (it wont), there is likely to be problems with the actual election itself. i mean, this is a new thing for almost everyone in the country. they may be scared to vote, not know how to, not know enough to pick a candidate, not know they can vote, not understand that its a democratic election, etc. etc. we shall see.

    i think there are a lot of problems to be overcome, but yes, it is possible to have a honest, successful election

  • @Janus1:

    even assuming everything else goes smoothly (it wont), there is likely to be problems with the actual election itself. i mean, this is a new thing for almost everyone in the country. they may be scared to vote, not know how to, not know enough to pick a candidate, not know they can vote, not understand that its a democratic election, etc. etc. we shall see.

    i think there are a lot of problems to be overcome, but yes, it is possible to have a honest, successful election

    Agreed, there is no way, and what if Kerry gets elected?!?!?!

  • no, idiot, we dont agree. i didnt say there is no way, i said it is difficult but possible! :o

  • @Janus1:

    no, idiot, we dont agree. i didnt say there is no way, i said it is difficult but possible! :o

    Hey asshole, you dont have to be a dick. I just misread your post! :x :roll: :evil:

  • clearly… :D

  • @Janus1:

    clearly… :D

    Yes, I do dumd things like that alot! :) :-?

  • Kofi Annan says credible elections are unlikely in February.


  • Kofi Annan is an idiot, :-? what the heck would he know? i say yes.

  • yes marine, you are clearly superior both intellectually, and in how informed you are to the situation in iraq as compared to kofi annan, the secretary general of the UN. :roll:

  • Unfortunately, I think it will be several years before Iraq can have a successful and accurate election. Too much crime, corruption and hatred is stirring in that ravaged country and if people actually believe they will be having an election which at least requires debates, political stances and campaign representations, they are seriously mistaken.

  • @marine36:

    Kofi Annan is an idiot, :-? what the heck would he know? i say yes.

    I agree with janus1, marine, is this a joke?! Come on man, talk some sense. The chances of credible elections in Iraq are slim, what facts do you have marine to say there will be? They can’t even get people to walk the streets of baghdad yet without getting sgot, let alone have an election. They may have one, but it will be mostly symbolic.

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