Democrats believe that if they raise taxes, people will just work harder to make more money and make up for it.
Republicans believe that if they give tax breaks, people will spend more which will give companies more which means they can grow and pay more and hire more.
That’s the fundamental difference on fiscal policies.
As for McCain’s program, I have two major problems with it.
1) It increases the size of government. Government is the cause of all of life’s problems, so making it bigger and more powerful would just increase the number and scope of all of life’s problems.
2) It’s a bad PR move to forcefully arrest and detain and export illegals. It’s much better to make life so hard on illegals they decide to leave on their own. It’s what the Mexican Government’s been doing and why we have this problem in the first place. If we just arrest our own guys for committing felonies, and seize their assets to sell at auction, we get others not to commit those felonies and we can use the profits from the arrests to fund the government, it wins on both a foreign perspective in that we are not kicking out poor, hungry, hard working men and tearing apart families, like if we deported them - and we are persecuting the rich which makes the poor feel better. Win/win. And it’s completely funded with the seizures, so it does not require tax dollars. And, since it requires less manpower and over head to arrest the board of directors (like what, 3-12 people?) then it does the illegals (like what, 5 million people?) it does not expand the size of government and thus, does not make more problems for life.
The trick is to look for ways to solve problems with using less money, less government agents and less government size. The smaller the government, the freer the corporate world, the better for capitalism and Americans.
As for corporate taxes:
[(Average Pay for an American in America to do the job) - (Wages paid for foreigners to do the job)] *0.95 = taxes owed on payroll.
So if you would normally have to pay $10.00/hr for an American to do the job, but you hire someone to do it in China for $0.50/hr then you owe: $10.00-$0.50 = $9.50 * the tax rate 95% = $9.03/hr. You still save $0.47/hr by hiring foreigners to do the job, but the People of the United States get that money back to fund government and to fill the unemployment security and social security coffers.
or, you could just hire Americans. Your choice.