Mitt Romney is going to run against Obama. Mitt has the most delegates and Obama has the most delegates. McCain is a fluke, he won’t carry enough delegates to get into the general election.
Anyway, he IS a liberal. He SAYS he is pro-life, but every vote has been pro-abortion. He is pro-sunsetting the tax cuts and pro-tax hikes, based on his voting. He supports the Fairness Doctrine (which is basically a gag order on conservative radio, but no effect on liberal television.) He is pro-Iraq, but so is Hillary, she always has been.
Take a look at just about any vote in the Senate. If McCain voted Yes, so did Hillary. iF Mccain voted no, so did Hillary. And McCain’s spent more time in Ted Kennedy’s office then any other Republican Office yet.
Sure, he wears the red name tag, he is counted as a republican during the roll calls, but he isn’t. Not really. He is only in name.
So far, for Illinois, the forecasts for the Republicans out of 185 possible delegates (that’s almost the most of any state, California has 441 and New York 281) have:
Huckabee: 1 Delegate
McCain: 62 Delegates
Romney: 102 Delegates
Too Close Too Call: 20 Delegates
There are 70 Delegates possible for the Democrat Side (I assume this is calculated somehow, dunno why Republicans have 185 and Democrats only 70, but who cares.)
Hillary: 33 Delegates
Obama: 33 Delegates
Edwards: 4 Delegates
No too close too call races for them.