please explain the zero factor.
also, more news on the primary race in S.carolina,2933,323790,00.html
McCains going up and Romney’s going down in polls, Huckabee is about the same but with a slight 1-2% bump.
and did anyone watch or read any of the democrat debate in nevada.
the whole Yucca mountain thing was absurd. All 3 frontrunners said they’d shut down the site. and none of them could answer what they would do about nuclear waste without the site. sounds like a democrat, tell the people what they want to hear, even though they have no clue as to what to do. edwards said he would shut it down and was always against the site. Alas, to open the site, he voted in favor of it twice. the truth doesnt matter to some. he must have learned from his mentor kerry, “i’m actually against it even though i voted for it”, i’m sure this placates the braindead who will wait for stewart to tell them what to think. and then you have obama, he’s against the site, but alas……he has helped illinois become the leading state of nuclear power plants. he helped get them all started, but he’s somehow against any way of getting rid of the waste. what sense does that make?
and the way the media treated the who race/gender battle b/w obama and clinton disgusted me. they used feather gloves for these people. trying to downplay it as much as they could, basically the media was telling them to stop because it hurts their collective party. WE all know what would of happened if it were a republican…man…24/7 shock treatment by the media. and there are still people who “honestly” believe the media isnt massively biased. geez.