Allowing the players to simply “place” all of their forces where they chose is going to lead to some huge stacks in key areas on all sides… US in China, Japan in FIC, UK in India, Russia in Russia and Germany in West Russia.
And there is the rub.
Even if Russia moved EVERYTHING they have to Russia for defense (15 INF, 2 ART, 4 ARM, 2 FIG) plus their initial build of 8 INF
They would face
10 ARM
11 plain INF
4 Supported INF
Attack Rating: 79 and 36 units
Defense Rating: 70 and 31 units (plus AA)
Odds are, Russia falls on G1.
As an alternate, why not simply do “All Nations Restricted” and allow folks to purchse and Non-Comabt one full turn sequence before begining attacks?
THAT will shuffle the hell out of things, but do so within the realm of initial set up and prevent over-stacking. Only problem is, since the Allies are initially economoically superior, it gives the Allis a slight edge, an edge that SHOULD be offset by the Axis’s superior initial number of piece and ability to move them in preparation for initial advances…
as an attack in G1.