• Ok me and my friends have just started playing this game and with transports, we interpreted the rules saying that a transport cannot load a unit and then do an amphibious assault in the same turn. So basically you need to have the units already loaded at the start of your turn to conduct an amphibious assault.

    Is this correct? Or can you actually load and assault in the same turn?

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    You may load and unload in the same turn.

    You may NOT load units from a contested sea zone.  (For instance, if Englands transport is in SZ 5 (Baltic Sea) and Germany has a submarine in that sea zone, you may not load units there.)

    You may load units, move into a combat sea zone, and unload to attack the enemy (or unload in non-combat.)  However, the naval battle will have to be won with the transports surviving the battle before you can engage the ground forces. (Even if the land is undefended but enemy controlled.)

  • Say at the start of my turn as japan, I want to take India from UK and I have a transport at SZ37 (east indies) and 3 infantry on east indies. In one turn could I load my infantry and amphibious assault India if there is no opposing navy?

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Yes you can.  You can even load them from E. Indies into the transports in SZ 37 and unload them to attack India if an enemy navy is present.  You only have to kill the defending navy before you attack India. (Any transports that are sunk with units on them also kill the units on them, so only do this if you are sure you can win without losing your amphibious assault forces!)

    Also, your transports do not need to start their turn in SZ 37 to load from E. Indies.  You may move into SZ 37 and then to SZ 35.

  • You may even load in 2 places and land in the third.
    For instance, a transport off (the coast of) Kwantung can load 1inf from Kwantung, move off French Indochina and load another inf, then move off India and unload/assault with 2inf.

  • Ok soo I tried convincing my friend that transports actually can load and amphibious assault in one turn, but he says that makes transports broken. He says that if that was the case, then the standard move for G1 would be to take all planes and the one transport they have to invade England and possibly capture it before they even get a turn. So doesn’t that make it too powerful?

  • The odds aren’t very good that the Germans will win.

    2 infantry + 2 fighters + 1 bomber vs 2 infantry 1 artillery 1 tank 2 fighters 1 bomber is a bad battle.

    Remember, most people no longer play by the box rules with instant techs. So you can’t just roll all dice for long range then attack with all fighters available to Germany, because that indeed would be imbalanced.

    And also remember that Russia can land their fighter in England if necessary to help with defense.

  • It’s GE 1inf 1tnk 2fig 1bmb. Still a bad battle.

  • Whoops you’re right. It’s definitely a bad battle since UK has 2 more land units, an AA gun, and all of them are on defense for more hits.

  • Ok can someone please explain what “instant tech” is lol?

  • Instant tech is when you roll for a tech and it applies immediately that turn. So if you rolled for Long Range Aircraft at the beginning of the German turn, then all your aircraft instantly get the range boost and could attack London.

    Current rulings from the game designer and big tournaments all indicate delayed tech now, you get the tech one turn after you rolled it (if you rolled the right number).

  • @Bean:

    Instant tech is when you roll for a tech and it applies immediately that turn. So if you rolled for Long Range Aircraft at the beginning of the German turn, then all your aircraft instantly get the range boost and could attack London.

    Current rulings from the game designer and big tournaments all indicate delayed tech now, you get the tech one turn after you rolled it (if you rolled the right number).

    Current HOUSE rulings.  There is still no official fix to instant tech.

  • @Bean:

    Current rulings from the game designer and big tournaments all indicate delayed tech now, you get the tech one turn after you rolled it (if you rolled the right number).

    Actually the tech is effective as a part of the mobilize units phase.  This is a key distinction for Jet power.  If I am Germany and I’ve developed Jet Power, my fighter defense would be “5” if I was attacked any time during this game turn BEFORE my next turn.


    Step 4: Mark Developments
    If your research was successful, place your control marker in the column on the Weapons
    Development Chart under the appropriate development. Your development becomes effective
    during Phase 6: Mobilize New Units of your turn.

  • Current HOUSE rulings.  There is still no official fix to instant tech.

    LHTR is official.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    No idea if LHTR is official or not, but I think a better fix would be to give England +2 Infantry, +1 Artillery, +1 Fighter and leave tech for the start of the game turn. :P

  • Rofl.

    Or how about have the Russians land a fighter in London =P

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator



    Or how about have the Russians land a fighter in London =P

    Yea, but now you are down a fighter in Asia for both attack and defense.

  • Maybe that would mean Germany doesn’t need a bid :P?

  • LHTR is about as official as you are going to get…

    Authorized and approved by the game designer, and used by all 5 (well 4 now I guess with Flames being offline) A&A gaming sites.

  • @Bean:

    Current HOUSE rulings.  There is still no official fix to instant tech.

    LHTR is official.

    LHTR is not sanctioned by Wizards of the Coast or Hasbro last I checked.

    Therefore it is NOT official.

    I would very much prefer LHTR to be official.  Maybe we should start a petition.

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