Contrary to an apparently popular belief, the hazard flashers in your vehicle do not create a parking space where ever you park.
on more then one occasion, I’ve found myself driving down a road and suddenly having to dodge the moron parked in the street. I understand there are certain times and places when parking can be extraordinarily limited, such as on game days, etc. I am specifically talking about parking on a typical day, however.
“If the vehicle is impeding traffic, it can be towed,” Officer Janice Bergman, HEPD.
Sheer laziness and stupidity are the only excuses for parking in a manner that inconveniences others. The stupidity is compounded when people put on their flashers to try and make their illegal actions forgivable. But the madness has spread!
It’s spread to buildings and off street parking as well! Leaving your vehicle parked in a manner that prevents others from getting out of their own legitimate parking spots remains illegal, even if your flashers are on!
Handicapped spots are not temporary spots either. In fact, using a handicapped space with flashers but without a handicapped placard or plates is just like using it without flashers and carriers with it the same $250 fine here in Illinois.
Why is this important? BECAUSE YOU ARE PISSING ME OFF WHEN YOU DO IT! Actually, it’s more then that, once you park and leave your vehicle, circumstances beyond your control can quickly put others in danger because your car is in the way. For instance, firefighters may be blocked from access to hydrants or EMS cannot get to a critically wounded person, just so you could save walking 5 extra steps.
If you’re in a hurry, you’ve got two options: Be late. Plan ahead.
Your hazard flashers are for EMERGENCIES. They do not create magical parking spaces!