what Hobbes is saying is 100% true. But, where tanks become a real problem for the allies is on Persia. Stack 8+ there and use German force to open Kazhak. Even if the Allies know to look for it, the mere threat of it is often enough for them to give up the Caucausus complex.
US IC in Norway?
I think building a fleet there is not going to lead anywhere,
Germany retreats (well I would at least) when you build an IC in Norway from the Atlantic, and keep all units focuses now on the entire Russian line, with additional US forces,
Building this IC, would you still build the one in Sinkiang?!
who builds in Sikiang anyway? YOu need an indian IC there first
I was aiming on the US. ;)
in order to have an IC in Sink, the UK should build an IC in India first. that way you have 2 ic pumpiong out units and makes it harder for Japan to take wither one of them
Me for US playing, I would only build anything there indeed when UK did India IC, and Russia is supporting from behind with inf.
But that is another story, lets stay a bit on topic. :)
An IC in Sinkiang can be very useful, if you are moving to reduce Japan to only an island. Of course, it necessitates an IC in India and China and possibly another in Manchuria.
However, if that’s the case, I’m not building one in Norway. :P Actually, I’m not building one in Norway anyway. I prefer to build it in W. Europe. :evil:
I think whoever and everyone who said it before is right - the US IC is a benefit vs transports, but the UK may have 8 units with nowhere else to go for the turn, so it may not be worth it to let the UK waste a turn (buying airforce or extra tps) just to let the US have Norway.
I like to let Russia have Norway - that’s one extra Inf per turn where it really counts. This can work if Germany left Norway totally empty, and the UK takes or clears out Karelia. Just blitz a tank from Arc / WRus, and Presto: +3 to the most cash-starved ally.
I concur, Russia is better off with Norway. However, most German players will attempt to ensure that England or America gets it instead of Russia for that very reason. Notice, I said ATTEMPT TO ENSURE because it doesn’t always work out that way.
Russia has to over extend itself to take Norway. its usually fighting to keep karelia, and sometimes Archangel if they attack belo R1.
I like Russia to get it as well, and round 1 is, IMO, the best time to get it. Just throw everything you can at it, and pray for the best. It is risky, but the benifits are well worth the attempt. First, it means you have eliminated one German fighter plane. Secondly, You have reduced the German front line infantry by 3! Which means Karilia will have that much less coming at it. I also suggest a strafing run on the Ukraine for good measure, as well as the mandatory attack on W. Russia.
Germany will want to invade to get it back, but it will stretch their resources thinner along a much already too wide of a front.
If Germany does get it back, UK can soften it up enough so that USA can then take it firmly in round 1 to build your IC there. Just be sure that you have a sizable Russian army to take Karilia on R2 and hold out the Germans long enough for UK to reinforce Norway.
Crazy Ivan -
3 attacks on R1, even if one is pre-determined to be a strafe, is 1 attack too many.
As I said, I like Russia to get it. Don’t mean they will. wink
In fact, I think I said America and England usually get it. But in that rare case I can just blitz a tank up or walk an infantry from my Karelia stack into Norway, it’s golden. :)
I think UK needs it the most since it has the job of attacking the Germans first. UK’s IPCs are going downhill rapidly, and it can’t mount much of an offensive on ~24 IPC income.