• made rule changes with minor modifications

    working on SE Asia and split for Canada

    Africa small nations are white for now ( impassible)

  • @Imperious:

    oh boy lots of work…. :cry: :cry: :cry:

    Yes we are far from completion. As mentioned earlier I had to store aside items/ideas on to-do list on my computer.
    But relax, we’ll go through them progressively.

    whats wrong with just not allowing these territories to ‘count’– you cant enter them…

    Because that would be likee OOB’s arbitray impassable neutrals.
    You do get what I mean right? The point about each territory is a region not a country. Many countries are not represented even in heavier gameplay areas like Europe.
    It was never the point to represent each country individually right? Collectively.

    On this i am afraid not much can be done. Most of these issues have to do with the ability to space away the different information and spread out this information into the space so its readable and easy when playing. If their are some huge gaffs then perhaps i can change them. looking at central Asia, but trying to avoid it actually. Caspian sea is fine!

    Seriously, 9 out of 10 are off. Just compare it with

    Not all are use to crowded space.
    Toronto, Rio de Jenerio, Cape Town, Singapore, Hong Kong…can be easily moved.
    Oh and Kuching is missing!

    By its ok, in the end there are small things that I can adjust before PNG export.

    No file to edit. i can write over junk but its looks lame.

    So your saying its just the water mark in rules file thats holding us back?

    value of zero? hmmm novel idea… can we add Tunis then? Tobruck?

    Yeah the most signficant outposts we can represent with VC of zero.
    But it would be for naval repair.
    Territories like Tunsia that have 0 IPC can build anything anyway.

    This didn’t represent any substantial investment compared to raising an armor division or even infantry division.

    Of course of course.
    We got consensus on that bit long time ago.
    Hence we got rid of AA gun and replaced it with infrastructure defense.

    In short I am thinking ID @ 5 IPC is unrealistically expensive and maybe the cause of the discrepancy regarding IC cost.

    your ID is currently: 33% to search and then 16% to hit and 33% to force retreat
    at a glance, shoud be ok to cost 3 IPC

    No. for Air superiority they fight at dogfighting values, against land when Air Sup. is achieved they fire at normal values… that is correct.

    This is a small thing.
    I wrote the land combat sequence to have air units always fire in opening fire for simplicity.
    Is that your intention?

    Should dogfighting be in opeing fire or main round?

    But the previous method was more exact meaning don’t you think? I can change it but the meaning is basically the same except in the first case a player will know exactly what is meant.

    Wait. For this colour version you initially made AA fire in 1st cycle one.
    I’ve since convinced you to go back. AA fires in all cycles. So the wording is actually different.

    this is good stuff. I will add it. Planes don’t preempt ships because ships fire at longer ranges than the planes themselves, but a relative  reduced capacity, not having air power to support ( CAP) is a huge disparagement but accurate and reduces ships to sitting ducks. This is historical based modeling. lots of carriers will be purchased and naval fighters will find their way on islands for cap defense for the player who cannot afford a carrier.

    Cool. It took me like 20 minutes to visual and write that naval combat sequence up.
    Naval combat is complex with many elements. Make sure all bits are fine.

    There are various adjustments to paragraphs to be made.
    If you want, put it on hold…I’ll rewrite the naval combat section and post it so its precise and we’ll know whether do meet/agree.

  • well i already have an update for both… see what you think…




    S.E> Asia fixed! Canada Fixed!  African Neutrals are white ( appeasing the aesthetics and making them impassible neutrals). Also Yunnan added to China ( 1 IPC) – taken from Kwangtung province.

    Japan has Siam and took one IPC from Kirin province.




    I rewrote that naval combat summary its really clear now. :roll: yea right…I know

    Seriously, 9 out of 10 are off. Just compare it with

    I will fix these…

    So your saying its just the water mark in rules file thats holding us back?

    its not really holding us back…. but yes we cant change it unless i we do all that work over… JUST to CHANGE THAT ONE THING.

    This didn’t represent any substantial investment compared to raising an armor division or even infantry division.
    Of course of course.
    We got consensus on that bit long time ago.
    Hence we got rid of AA gun and replaced it with infrastructure defense.

    In short I am thinking ID @ 5 IPC is unrealistically expensive and maybe the cause of the discrepancy regarding IC cost.

    your ID is currently: 33% to search and then 16% to hit and 33% to force retreat
    at a glance, should be ok to cost 3 IPC

    This is all fine… but ID is not purchasable… its built into each VC and factory territory as per rules… they never were purchasable.

    Cool. It took me like 20 minutes to visual and write that naval combat sequence up.
    Naval combat is complex with many elements. Make sure all bits are fine.

    There are various adjustments to paragraphs to be made.
    If you want, put it on hold…I’ll rewrite the naval combat section and post it so its precise and we’ll know whether do meet/agree.

    Yea just check out what i did and copy/paste any changes here.

  • Map

    At the moment everything is 1 IPC in region except FIC at 2 IPC.
    Maybe it sould be Kirin thats 2 IPC instead.

    Maybe take 1 IPC from FIC instead of Kirin?
    Kirin would be a little industrialised by the Japanese?

    Yeah so besides fixing the geographic locations (to give AARHE more credit) remember to make Honolulu 0 VCP.

    Making them impassible is arbitrary.
    Being out of gameplay it also questions why we have them in the first place.
    Its not the same as Himalayas.

    Talking of that Flashman’s map has some impassbile thing in southern Africa. Congo Basin or something.

    I don’t understand why you want to explicitly represent those small nations/regions. All other continents has nations not explicitly represented.

    I am not going to be pushy about Africa. Just surprised and want to know what you are thinking.

    This compares your last revision:

    Africa at 28.
    Africa at 18(20).

    Again this bit looks weird.
    Due to FIC/China being too east Hainan enters up in FIC sea zone.
    This is the real map.
    Maybe FIC/China border can be slightly moved west so Hainan island is in Kwangtung sea zone.

  • Maybe take 1 IPC from FIC instead of Kirin?

    make Honolulu 0 VCP

    yes right.

    Due to FIC/China being too east Hainan enters up in FIC sea zone.

    All other continents has nations not explicitly represented.

    You see i see the same issues with this place as you do with Africa. Both should go and they will.

    moved west so Hainan island is in Kwangtung sea zone.

    this is what should happen

  • Rules

    ts not really holding us back…. but yes we cant change it unless i we do all that work over… JUST to CHANGE THAT ONE THING.

    No worries. MSWORD stores the image. Full quality PNG at 1.73MB with version number.

    Page 0. Add front page.

    Page 4. VC list has 1939 data even though it says 1942. Go back to 1942 data (like London back to 5 VCP instead of 4.) And then have a 1939 table in 1939 map rules.

    Page 9. Minor Axis Allies shall be moved to 1939 map rules.

    Page 9. Lend-lease is free only for phase 3 map (a hack for 20 IPC Germany). Its not free under phase 2 (OOB) map.

    This is all fine… but ID is not purchasable… its built into each VC and factory territory as per rules… they never were purchasable

    Actually they are purchasable prior to this color version.
    You wanted to make it non-purchasable before but we need it for rockets.
    Also the option for people to beef up defence.

    So its its fine we’ll change it to 3 IPC. * for attack and defense values.

    Naval combat sequence

    Ok I see you want
    *undetected submarines to remain undetected and not attackable
    *anti-air at fleet level
    Both fine.

    I don’t agree with
    *defending dogfighting planes pre-empting naval attack planes

    CAP planes get to do more than attack planes atm. Should be ok. Lets say CAP planes carry ammo+buoy. Attack planes carry ammo+torpedo.

       1. Destroyer/Cruiser choose screening or ASW.
       2. Air units choose naval attack or CAP.
       1. ASW naval units and CAP air units perform ASW search.
       2. Undetected submarines fire.
       3. Other naval units perform AA against naval attack air units.
       4. Remove casualties.
       1. CAP air units choose dogfight or ASW.
       2. Battleships fire.
       3. Remove casualties.
       1. ASW naval and ASW air units peform ASW attack.
       2. Detected submarines fire.
       3. Other naval units fire.
       4. Naval attack air units fire, at dogfighting values if enemy dogfight air units present.
       5. Dogfight air units fire at dogfighting values.
       6. Remove casualties.
    Retreat decision

  • @Imperious:

    You see i see the same issues with this place as you do with Africa. Both should go and they will.

    You don’t have explicitly remove Hainan.
    Remove the name, fix the FIC/China border (or drag it into Kwangtung sea zone if you can’t bothered) and it’ll become part of Kwangtung, like Falkans (Argentina) and Sri Lanka (India).

  • Pre-Combat
        1. Cruiser/ Destroyer choose to screen hits from naval combat or 
            Perform ASW search
        2. Air units are allocated to naval attacks, ASW search, or CAP
        1. Naval units and allocated air units roll for ASW search
        2. If Submarines are not found they now fire pre-emptively
        3. All surface naval units perform Anti-Air rolls against attacking
            Enemy air units performing naval attack   
        4. Remove casualties
        1. Defending CAP engages enemy air units at dogfight values
        2. Battleship fires pre-emptively, remove casualties
        1. ASW Naval units and Air units attack detected subs
        2. Detected Submarines fire (not pre-emtively)
        3. All surface warships fire
        4. CAP engages enemy air units for each side at dogfight values
        5. If no enemy CAP your planes roll against targeted enemy warships
        6. Remove casualties
    Retreat decision

    whats wrong with this? I think its more clear and exact.

    defending dogfighting planes pre-empting naval attack planes

    where is this? its not part of the sequence…

  • And we have the latest Military Intelligence report:




    Cities rearranged, removed offending african nations, fixed Hawaii VC, fixed Kirin/ Manchukuo IPC, adjusted Japan to 14 IPC in 1939




    added 1939 VC cities list ( france also has Dakar)

    BTW your spelling of Chinese Urumchi from Urumqi was the proper spelling for published western maps in this period. It may have to do with pre-communist china . Note: i didn’t spell it correctly in this post. I think the QI as opposed to Chi was some ethnic change

  • to be honest I thought my one was more exact

        1. Cruiser/ Destroyer choose to screen hits from naval combat or 
            Perform ASW search
        2. Air units are allocated to naval attacks, ASW search, or CAP ASW search happens in a different time slot then naval attack and CAP
        1. Naval units and allocated air units roll for ASW search
        2. If Submarines are not found they now fire pre-emptively words like pre-emptive might add to confusion instead, you remove casualties when it says so that should be simple
        3. All surface naval units perform Anti-Air rolls against attacking enemy air units performing naval attack is that “all” or naval units not doing ASW?
        4. Remove casualties
        1. Defending CAP engages enemy air units at dogfight values this is functionally nothing. Not firing not allocation then what is it for? in my one CAP choose between dogfight or ASW attack
        2. Battleship fires pre-emptively, remove casualties
        1. ASW Naval units and Air units attack detected subs
        2. Detected Submarines fire (not pre-emtively)
        3. All surface warships fire you mean “all other” right, and we should stick to game terms, so probably use “All other naval units”
        4. CAP engages enemy air units for each side at dogfight values
        5. If no enemy CAP your planes roll against targeted enemy warships “your planes” is obviously not exact, and if “yes enemy CAP” then what? is the last item suppose to cover that?
        6. Remove casualties
    Retreat decision

  • Rules

    Page 0. Watermark http://www.mediafire.com/?1ndm2hd9r1x

    Page 0. Front page

    Page 4. VC list still has 1939 data. London is 5 not 4. Remove duplicate Singapore under UK.

    Page 7. “German and Soviet Capital Infantry costs at 2 IPC are limited to 8 total infantry per turn.” unnecessary as Berlin and Moscow can only raise 6 per turn

    Page 7. Air Movement. “Each defending air unit except Bombers in a territory function under Defensive Air Support (DAS) against overflown enemy air units in Combat Move, unless they are performing Reinforcement or Air Interdiction this turn.”
    But we no longer allow AA fire towards hostile overflying air units.

    Page 9. Soviet-Japanese Non-Aggression pact
    Have you decided to apply it to all maps?

    Page 9. Lend Lease
    I think its time we get rid of all the “phase” names for maps. Player have no idea what they are. Even I am confused as we didn’t have a “phase 1” map and “phase 3” I thought was what we called the “italy map”.

    Lets call it “standard”, “Italy as 6th player” and “1939” map. Make sure each map has a section after the main rules before the appendix.

    Page 10. Land Combat: Sequence
    When I wrote that section it I made it simple and all air units fire in opening-fire for simplicity. Excess dogfighting hits go onto land units.

    Now, should excess dogfighting hits pre-empt land units? If not, then air units should fire in opening-fire only if there was air superority.

    Or, maybe air units shouldn’t fire in opening-fire after all. Seeing fighter gives tank +1 on 1-to-1 basis if there was air superiority.

    Page 13. Naval combat
    I would waste effort updating and re-updating the text. Wait til we agree on naval combat (via discussion on naval combat sequence).

    Page 17. Air Missions
    You can no longer perform two missions.

    Page 17. Reinforcements
    Text not yet added. Find the latest agreement in previous post.

    Page 18. Strait Interdiction
    Dardanelles is now listed here. So its no longer a canal?
    Denmark Strait is not listed here. So submarines passage of SZ5 still require control of Norway+Germanhy?

    Page 20. Deployment
    You’ve yet to add back each VC has its own capacity to deploy infantry/airborne.

    Page 20. Rockets silos.
    I presume you copied this from your modern edition project.

    Page 28. ID
    You haven’t replied yet. So we do let people build ID for rockets. Do we let people have the option to beef up defense again SBR and air.

  • 2007-11-07 PNG version

  • Page 0. Watermark http://www.mediafire.com/?1ndm2hd9r1x

    ++++++ its not gonna work. I need to be able to separate the actual setups from the ‘watermark’ which i cannot do.

    Page 0. Front page

    ++++++++ The first page was set for page one but i guess it didn’t work.

    Page 4. VC list still has 1939 data. London is 5 not 4. Remove duplicate Singapore under UK.

    ++++++++ ok

    Page 7. “German and Soviet Capital Infantry costs at 2 IPC are limited to 8 total infantry per turn.” unnecessary as Berlin and Moscow can only raise 6 per turn

    +++++++++ ok

    Page 7. Air Movement. “Each defending air unit except Bombers in a territory function under Defensive Air Support (DAS) against overflown enemy air units in Combat Move, unless they are performing Reinforcement or Air Interdiction this turn.”
    But we no longer allow AA fire towards hostile overflying air units.

    ++++++ ill check this but i dont see anything about AA fire here.

    Page 9. Soviet-Japanese Non-Aggression pact
    Have you decided to apply it to all maps?

    +++++++++= no just 1939… have to fix that

    Page 9. Lend Lease
    I think its time we get rid of all the “phase” names for maps. Player have no idea what they are. Even I am confused as we didn’t have a “phase 1” map and “phase 3” I thought was what we called the “italy map”.

    +++++++++++= yes right

    Lets call it “standard”, “Italy as 6th player” and “1939” map. Make sure each map has a section after the main rules before the appendix.

    +++++ more work :|

    Page 10. Land Combat: Sequence
    When I wrote that section it I made it simple and all air units fire in opening-fire for simplicity. Excess dogfighting hits go onto land units.

    Now, should excess dogfighting hits pre-empt land units? If not, then air units should fire in opening-fire only if there was air superiority.

    Or, maybe air units shouldn’t fire in opening-fire after all. Seeing fighter gives tank +1 on 1-to-1 basis if there was air superiority.

    +++++++ no extra rolls (hits) are wasted for that round. only a full round without enemy air creates air superiority.Thats how it reads

    Page 13. Naval combat
    I would waste effort updating and re-updating the text. Wait til we agree on naval combat (via discussion on naval combat sequence).


    Page 17. Air Missions
    You can no longer perform two missions.

    ++++ i will fix

    Page 17. Reinforcements
    Text not yet added. Find the latest agreement in previous post.

    +++++ i am sure i added it verbatum… i will check

    Page 18. Strait Interdiction
    Dardanelles is now listed here. So its no longer a canal?
    Denmark Strait is not listed here. So submarines passage of SZ5 still require control of Norway+Germanhy?

    +++++Dardanelles is always a straight… forgot Denmark…

    Page 20. Deployment
    You’ve yet to add back each VC has its own capacity to deploy infantry/airborne.

    +++++++++i will fix

    Page 20. Rockets silos.
    I presume you copied this from your modern edition project.

    ++++ the other way around actually :-D

    Page 28. ID
    You haven’t replied yet. So we do let people build ID for rockets. Do we let people have the option to beef up defense again SBR and air.

    ++++++++++ it introduces an new piece. its easier to try to avoid this. Rockets are advanced technology and flak is a relatively useless gun pointed at fast moving planes and cant even hit fighters. Rockets can bomb industry and reduce a nations motivation to fight on. Flak batteries cause hemmroids for the blokes sitting in those metal chairs long hours shooting at an empty cold sky. :mrgreen:

  • Ok i made the changes:

    now we have page 1

    german and soviet builds at 2 IPC infantry at 6

    under land combat sequence spillover is not to go to land units, because it violates the rule about air superiority. If the guy had one fighter as defense it should buy his task force at least one round of land combat where he does not have to deal with planes. Thats a minimum and changing it would really change strategy for the worse.

    Their can be no naval reinforcements… Naval battles lasted a few days at worst. Land battles lasted weeks. Likely ships sitting around will benefit too much with the free movement and be able to jump around too much. Plus its not really realistic at Midway the entire Japanese fleet would have fitted into one of our sea zones.

    Denmark straights is not a straight. it says no western allied ships can pass into the Baltic unless they control both west Germany and Norway. If they do that their is no rolling anyway. The rule takes care of THAT straight.

    Deployment: its says infantry can be built at any VC and airborne at VC with value of 2+. Thats what it should read?



  • @Imperious:

    its not gonna work. I need to be able to separate the actual setups from the ‘watermark’ which i cannot do.

    I am been asking for those files and at multiple occasions you made me think they don’t exist
    you have upload those files
    from my perspective I still can’t see what is holding us back

    ++++++++ The first page was set for page one but i guess it didn’t work.

    sorry I meant the “OPERATIONS MANUAL” front page
    it looked great

    Page 4. VC list still has 1939 data. London is 5 not 4. Remove duplicate Singapore under UK.
    ++++++++ ok

    Oops. One more, change “Hong Kong” to “Shanghai” as thats OOB map.

    Page 7. Air Movement. “Each defending air unit except Bombers in a territory function under Defensive Air Support (DAS) against overflown enemy air units in Combat Move, unless they are performing Reinforcement or Air Interdiction this turn.”
    But we no longer allow AA fire towards hostile overflying air units.
    ++++++ ill check this but i dont see anything about AA fire here.

    Yes it doesn’t say AA.
    Previously AARHE fighters act as AA against hostile overflying air units. Now we don’t let AA shoot at overflying air units.
    And so you changed it to “DAS” against overflown enemy air units.

    That doesn’t make sense. DAS is what we call the air reinforcement.
    I don’t know what you mean.
    Is this some sort of one cycle combat for overflown enemy air units?

    I think your intention is that overflying air units are immune from all fire.

    Page 9. Soviet-Japanese Non-Aggression pact
    Have you decided to apply it to all maps?
    +++++++++= no just 1939… have to fix that

    then it should not just be marked “optional rule”

    it should be moved to 1939 map section instead of being in “phase 3: combat move”

    again this is for your goal of streamlining main rules section
    (which by the way looks like it can be 20 pages flat)

    Page 9. Lend Lease
    I think its time we get rid of all the “phase” names for maps. Player have no idea what they are. Even I am confused as we didn’t have a “phase 1” map and “phase 3” I thought was what we called the “italy map”.
    +++++++++++= yes right

    Its still incorrect at the moment. This is how it is…

    Standard map is OOB, hence lend-lease is NOT free.
    Italy map has free lend-lease, as a quick fix to 20 IPC Germany.
    1939 has 1939 rules.

    “Phase 3: combat move” section should only talk about standard map.
    Special rules for Italy and 1939 map is displayed in the map section.

    Page 17. Reinforcements
    Text not yet added. Find the latest agreement in previous post.
    +++++ i am sure i added it verbatum… i will check

    ah yes I see it now
    sorry didn’t realise its not with the other “special combat”

    Page 20. Rockets silos.
    I presume you copied this from your modern edition project.
    ++++ the other way around actually :-D

    LHTR defined how you shoot rocket (from AA gun).

    If we can’t build ID you have may have to redefine the details of “rocket”.

    Because effectively you can only shoot from VC and IC.

    Now you can’t build VC but you can build IC.
    Germany would have to build IC in Western Europe just to shoot all 3 of London,Moscow,Stralingrad.
    Which is a bit funny. Having to expose itself to more rocket fire in attempt to perform more rocket fire on others.

    Just subtle things.

    Page 28. ID
    You haven’t replied yet. So we do let people build ID for rockets. Do we let people have the option to beef up defense again SBR and air.
    ++++++++++ it introduces an new piece. its easier to try to avoid this. Rockets are advanced technology and flak is a relatively useless gun pointed at fast moving planes and cant even hit fighters. Rockets can bomb industry and reduce a nations motivation to fight on. Flak batteries cause hemmroids for the blokes sitting in those metal chairs long hours shooting at an empty cold sky. :mrgreen:

    yeah hence AA needs to roll search die first for fighters but not for bombers

    anyway as above I’ll have to see how you define rockets first before I settle on getting rid of ID purchase

    note, another thing is that ID can represent construction of altantic wall (ID has role in amphibious assault)

    Their can be no naval reinforcements

    yeah naval engagements are quick!

    though we can’t totally eliminate it cos it doesn’t make sense naval units under attack can relocate (defender retreat) yet naval units not under attack can’t relocate
    (it also then makes you wonder whether you should attack, as you can give defender free movement if you can’t kill defender in first cycle lol)

    just on top of my head I can see two options:

    1. Naval reinforcements don’t fight
    (in this case, move “land reinforcement” to “phase 3: combat move” and put “naval reinforcement”  in “phase 5: non-combat move”…which is about write since both of these are simply declarations straight after attack declared combat moves)

    2. Naval reinforcement fight from 3rd cycle
    (n this case, move “reinforcement” to “phase 3: combat move”…as these are simply declarations after attack declared his/her combat moves)

    german and soviet builds at 2 IPC infantry at 6

    that won’t be needed after you write in deployment as below

    Deployment: its says infantry can be built at any VC and airborne at VC with value of 2+. Thats what it should read?

    No instead of
    Infantry are mobilised at victory cities. Airborne units are mobilised at Capital Victory City and require a value of 2 VCP or greater.
    it should read…
    Infantry are mobilised at victory cities. The number of units deployable per turn being the VCP value. Airborne units are mobilised at your capital victory city and requires 2 VCP each.

  • its not gonna work. I need to be able to separate the actual setups from the ‘watermark’ which i cannot do.
    I am been asking for those files and at multiple occasions you made me think they don’t exist
    you have upload those files
    from my perspective I still can’t see what is holding us back

    =======i need the original files that contain the CS2 files for the set ups. I can change the original 47 pages, but the 10 or so pages of setups will have 1.3 on it. These files are PDF and cannot be broken down for editing. I tried. It took me 2 days to make those setups and i don’t want to trade that work for another 2 days just to remove some silly 1.3 when this rule set basically replaces and includes previous versions.

    ++++++++ The first page was set for page one but i guess it didn’t work.
    sorry I meant the “OPERATIONS MANUAL” front page
    it looked great

    ============ ok will fix it.

    Page 4. VC list still has 1939 data. London is 5 not 4. Remove duplicate Singapore under UK.
    ++++++++ ok
    Oops. One more, change “Hong Kong” to “Shanghai” as thats OOB map.

    ====== no its better to change the map, because then I have to make one list for maps 1-2 and another for 3. I try not to take our improvements and leave them to rot when it comes to maps 1-2. I plan on improving those 2 maps soon…

    Page 7. Air Movement. “Each defending air unit except Bombers in a territory function under Defensive Air Support (DAS) against overflown enemy air units in Combat Move, unless they are performing Reinforcement or Air Interdiction this turn.”
    But we no longer allow AA fire towards hostile overflying air units.
    ++++++ ill check this but i dont see anything about AA fire here.
    Yes it doesn’t say AA.
    Previously AARHE fighters act as AA against hostile overflying air units. Now we don’t let AA shoot at overflying air units.
    And so you changed it to “DAS” against overflown enemy air units.

    That doesn’t make sense. DAS is what we call the air reinforcement.
    I don’t know what you mean.
    Is this some sort of one cycle combat for overflown enemy air units?

    I think your intention is that overflying air units are immune from all fire.

    ======= On the way to the target territory they are not subject to issues. They are flying much higher and flak cannot reach them. When they come into battle they drop their altitude to conduct attacks. This allows flak battery to engage and DAS intercepts, Also on round 2 ( if this is land combat) DAS from other territories can assist.

    DAS ( defensive air support)  is the proper name for these missions. When planes are done with battles they fly back and are unharmed. This is reasonable. DAS did not chase planes back home, and flak didn’t attack planes all the way back home, because they increased altitude for safety.

    Reinforcement only pertains to model the ability to send in reserves in land battles. Their is not one name that can describe both. They are separate.

    Page 9. Soviet-Japanese Non-Aggression pact
    Have you decided to apply it to all maps?
    +++++++++= no just 1939… have to fix that
    then it should not just be marked “optional rule”

    it should be moved to 1939 map section instead of being in “phase 3: combat move”

    again this is for your goal of streamlining main rules section
    (which by the way looks like it can be 20 pages flat)

    ============= i moved it to 1939. that was done.

    Page 9. Lend Lease
    I think its time we get rid of all the “phase” names for maps. Player have no idea what they are. Even I am confused as we didn’t have a “phase 1” map and “phase 3” I thought was what we called the “italy map”.
    +++++++++++= yes right
    Its still incorrect at the moment. This is how it is…

    Standard map is OOB, hence lend-lease is NOT free.
    Italy map has free lend-lease, as a quick fix to 20 IPC Germany.
    1939 has 1939 rules.

    ======= ill fix it.

    “Phase 3: combat move” section should only talk about standard map.
    Special rules for Italy and 1939 map is displayed in the map section.

    ======== not sure what you mean. cut/copy/paste exactly what you mean

    Page 20. Rockets silos.
    I presume you copied this from your modern edition project.
    ++++ the other way around actually grin

    LHTR defined how you shoot rocket (from AA gun).

    If we can’t build ID you have may have to redefine the details of “rocket”.

    Because effectively you can only shoot from VC and IC.

    Now you can’t build VC but you can build IC.
    Germany would have to build IC in Western Europe just to shoot all 3 of London,Moscow,Stralingrad.
    Which is a bit funny. Having to expose itself to more rocket fire in attempt to perform more rocket fire on others.

    Just subtle things.

    ========= how should it read???

    Page 28. ID
    You haven’t replied yet. So we do let people build ID for rockets. Do we let people have the option to beef up defense again SBR and air.
    ++++++++++ it introduces an new piece. its easier to try to avoid this. Rockets are advanced technology and flak is a relatively useless gun pointed at fast moving planes and cant even hit fighters. Rockets can bomb industry and reduce a nations motivation to fight on. Flak batteries cause hemmroids for the blokes sitting in those metal chairs long hours shooting at an empty cold sky. afro

    yeah hence AA needs to roll search die first for fighters but not for bombers

    anyway as above I’ll have to see how you define rockets first before I settle on getting rid of ID purchase

    note, another thing is that ID can represent construction of altantic wall (ID has role in amphibious assault)

    ======== this is interesting ( Atlantic wall)…i would like to see something to resemble fortifications using the blockhouse unit from d-day… the ID only effects air space, while the Atlantic wall was to prevent invasion by land. So you see i naturally don’t see ID and fortifications as LINKED, but something should be done to be able to construct fortified positions…

    lets look into this…

    from another game…

    Fires twice at 3 on Defense and takes 4 hits.  Fortresses (representing large areas of concentrated fortifications and coastal batteries) fire preemptively at the beginning of each combat round. Fortresses are built incrementally, but they may be captured if all enemy pieces have been killed and the fort takes its last hit allocation.  In battle, any fort that takes its last hit is considered wrecked and may no longer participate in combat that turn.  To remain functional the fort must have at least one hit left.

    this may work… however each level costs 2 IPC maximum 4 levels ( 4 hits)

    Their can be no naval reinforcements
    yeah naval engagements are quick!

    though we can’t totally eliminate it cos it doesn’t make sense naval units under attack can relocate (defender retreat) yet naval units not under attack can’t relocate
    (it also then makes you wonder whether you should attack, as you can give defender free movement if you can’t kill defender in first cycle lol)

    just on top of my head I can see two options:

    1. Naval reinforcements don’t fight
    (in this case, move “land reinforcement” to “phase 3: combat move” and put “naval reinforcement”  in “phase 5: non-combat move”…which is about write since both of these are simply declarations straight after attack declared combat moves)

    2. Naval reinforcement fight from 3rd cycle
    (n this case, move “reinforcement” to “phase 3: combat move”…as these are simply declarations after attack declared his/her combat moves)

    ========== in both cases the naval battle still lasts 1-2 days at most. Ships from Japan have no time to sail to say the Marshall islands and fight…however planes can still fly over (under DAS) … this is reasonable.

    german and soviet builds at 2 IPC infantry at 6
    that won’t be needed after you write in deployment as below

    =========== its just to remind people of this. sometimes you need to reinforce the rules in little bits every so often.

    Deployment: its says infantry can be built at any VC and airborne at VC with value of 2+. Thats what it should read?
    No instead of
    Infantry are mobilised at victory cities. Airborne units are mobilised at Capital Victory City and require a value of 2 VCP or greater.
    it should read…
    Infantry are mobilised at victory cities. The number of units deployable per turn being the VCP value. Airborne units are mobilised at your capital victory city and requires 2 VCP each.

    ================ ok ill make the change.

  • a few things. I cant add a page number to the 'operations manual" its not a page its a cover sheet.

    They dont have a page one on the front of a book and AARHE is a book at this point.

    WE will make a quickstart: AARHE for Dummies no more than 4-5 pages. Everything is in outline mode and people can refer to the long rules for reference.

    Soviet- Japanese thing fixed ( i forgot to cut it from the regular rules– it was already added to 1939)

    I don’t see the problem with lend lease. USA has 12 bucks free to offset Italy on the Italy map. Germany at 20 IPC is the offset to not having the Italians 12 IPC in their totals. This presents a net 12 gain for axis and its offset by 12 IPC free money for Lend Lease.

    still need to know whats going on with rockets. I think its fine.

    infantry builds VC builds thing fixed.

  • I can change the original 47 pages, but the 10 or so pages of setups will have 1.3 on it.

    You have to upload those PDFs cos I don’t know what you mean.
    I think they are some sort of player aids?

    no its better to change the map, because then I have to make one list for maps 1-2 and another for 3. I try not to take our improvements and leave them to rot when it comes to maps 1-2. I plan on improving those 2 maps soon…

    ah yeah I guess honolulu and tobruk can be added to map1/OOB
    map2/italy would be nice if work was done on it, it was all a bit of a joke to just lump 10 IPC onto Germany territory to have a 6th player

    ======= On the way to the target territory they are not subject to issues. They are flying much higher and flak cannot reach them. When they come into battle they drop their altitude to conduct attacks. This allows flak battery to engage and DAS intercepts, Also on round 2 ( if this is land combat) DAS from other territories can assist.

    Yeah so we should remove the "Defensive Air Support (DAS) against overflown enemy air units " bit.
    Overflown enemy air units are always unharmed.

    “Phase 3: combat move” section should only talk about standard map.
    Special rules for Italy and 1939 map is displayed in the map section.
    ======== not sure what you mean. cut/copy/paste exactly what you mean

    Lend-lease rules for for italy map shall be in Italy map section.
    Lend-lease rules for 1939 map shall be in 1939 map section.

    Now, lend-lease rules for OOB map is in main section. But if its changed from OOB/LHTR there doesn’t even need to be a lend-lease heading in the main rules.

    Are we using OOB lend-lease rules? Like US can teleport IPC to Russia?

    Now you can’t build VC but you can build IC.
    Germany would have to build IC in Western Europe just to shoot all 3 of London,Moscow,Stralingrad.
    Which is a bit funny. Having to expose itself to more rocket fire in attempt to perform more rocket fire on others.
    Just subtle things.
    ========= how should it read???

    Well in the past people buy AA gun and move it in position to fire rockets at enemy IC.
    I would make the ID piece purchaseble again at 3 IPC.

    ======== this is interesting ( Atlantic wall)….i would like to see something to resemble fortifications using the blockhouse unit from d-day… the ID only effects air space, while the Atlantic wall was to prevent invasion by land. So you see i naturally don’t see ID and fortifications as LINKED, but something should be done to be able to construct fortified positions…

    Actually we renamed “anti-aircraft” to “infrastructure defence” for this reason. It is not supposed to be just an AA gun. I think you’ve just forgotten.

    ID gets to fire at enemy ships in amphibious assault.
    Otherwise we have yet to give it effect on land combat.

    ========== in both cases the naval battle still lasts 1-2 days at most. Ships from Japan have no time to sail to say the Marshall islands and fight….however planes can still fly over (under DAS) … this is reasonable.

    Ok so you pick no.1 . Naval reinforcements do not fight this round.
    So if nothing else wrong move reinforcements to my sugguested new location.

    land reinforcement to “phase 3: combat move”
    naval reinforcement to “phase 5: non-combat move”

    WE will make a quickstart: AARHE for Dummies no more than 4-5 pages. Everything is in outline mode and people can refer to the long rules for reference.

    I think it’ll be probably be shorter than that. Just a few outlines. Basically a bullet list of heading names in each game phase towards the front of the rules.

  • Quote
    I can change the original 47 pages, but the 10 or so pages of setups will have 1.3 on it.
    You have to upload those PDFs cos I don’t know what you mean.
    I think they are some sort of player aids?

    ====Thats what i mean… they have 1.3. Find the file or a way where you can take off the 1.3. Otherwise forget it.

    no its better to change the map, because then I have to make one list for maps 1-2 and another for 3. I try not to take our improvements and leave them to rot when it comes to maps 1-2. I plan on improving those 2 maps soon…
    ah yeah I guess honolulu and tobruk can be added to map1/OOB
    map2/italy would be nice if work was done on it, it was all a bit of a joke to just lump 10 IPC onto Germany territory to have a 6th player

    ===yes yes

    ======= On the way to the target territory they are not subject to issues. They are flying much higher and flak cannot reach them. When they come into battle they drop their altitude to conduct attacks. This allows flak battery to engage and DAS intercepts, Also on round 2 ( if this is land combat) DAS from other territories can assist.
    Yeah so we should remove the "Defensive Air Support (DAS) against overflown enemy air units " bit.
    Overflown enemy air units are always unharmed.

    ============= ok well do

    “Phase 3: combat move” section should only talk about standard map.
    Special rules for Italy and 1939 map is displayed in the map section.
    ======== not sure what you mean. cut/copy/paste exactly what you mean
    Lend-lease rules for for italy map shall be in Italy map section.
    Lend-lease rules for 1939 map shall be in 1939 map section.

    +++++++++ well i guess this can be done.

    Now, lend-lease rules for OOB map is in main section. But if its changed from OOB/LHTR there doesn’t even need to be a lend-lease heading in the main rules.

    Are we using OOB lend-lease rules? Like US can teleport IPC to Russia?

    ++++ yes basically its too much to account for all sorts of interception… thats why we have the ENR attacks and -1 ipc for all  enemy ships in adjacent sea zones thing.

    Now you can’t build VC but you can build IC.
    Germany would have to build IC in Western Europe just to shoot all 3 of London,Moscow,Stralingrad.
    Which is a bit funny. Having to expose itself to more rocket fire in attempt to perform more rocket fire on others.
    Just subtle things.
    ========= how should it read???
    Well in the past people buy AA gun and move it in position to fire rockets at enemy IC.
    I would make the ID piece purchaseble again at 3 IPC.

    +++++++Ok just write the rules so its easy.

    write what and where it goes.

    ======== this is interesting ( Atlantic wall)…i would like to see something to resemble fortifications using the blockhouse unit from d-day… the ID only effects air space, while the Atlantic wall was to prevent invasion by land. So you see i naturally don’t see ID and fortifications as LINKED, but something should be done to be able to construct fortified positions…
    Actually we renamed “anti-aircraft” to “infrastructure defence” for this reason. It is not supposed to be just an AA gun. I think you’ve just forgotten.

    ID gets to fire at enemy ships in amphibious assault.
    Otherwise we have yet to give it effect on land combat.

    +++++++++ ok fine we will add it.

    ========== in both cases the naval battle still lasts 1-2 days at most. Ships from Japan have no time to sail to say the Marshall islands and fight…however planes can still fly over (under DAS) … this is reasonable.
    Ok so you pick no.1 . Naval reinforcements do not fight this round.
    So if nothing else wrong move reinforcements to my sugguested new location.

    land reinforcement to “phase 3: combat move”
    naval reinforcement to “phase 5: non-combat move”

    +++++please script the naval reinforcements for NCM

    WE will make a quickstart: AARHE for Dummies no more than 4-5 pages. Everything is in outline mode and people can refer to the long rules for reference.
    I think it’ll be probably be shorter than that. Just a few outlines. Basically a bullet list of heading names in each game phase towards the front of the rules.

    ===========please get started on this

  • To do list:

    1. reformulate script for both land and naval combat sequence ( outline mode)

    2. Create rules for extended ID interactions ( using d-day blockhouse unit)

    3. Clarify outstanding naval combat resolution

    4. begin AARHE for Dummies

    5. Add more structure to document so its easier to reference ( it must work as a reference with the quickstart being prepared)

    6. Finish general cards ( see optional rules)

    7. lingering map issues

    8. New naval combat and land Combat player aids ( make it easier to set up the battles and various interactions)

    9. Recheck the NA’s for inconsistencies and any conflicts with new ideas submitted ( these may go on cards to make it easier for reference)

    10. ???

    11. ok here’s what we have currently:

    Land combat
          Air Combat
          1. Infrastructure Defence fire. Remove casualties.
          2. Attacking then defending air unit’s fight for control of the airspace.
          3. Remove casualties.
              1. Attacking land unit’s fire.
              2. Defending land unit’s fire.
              3. Remove casualties.
    Retreat Decision

    Land Combat: Amphibious Assault Sequence, 1st cycle
      Air Combat
      1. ID (Infrastructure Defence) fire. Remove casualties.
      2. Attacking then defending air unit’s fire. Remove casualties.
      1. Attacking then defending coastal bombardment. Remove casualties
      2. Defending Artillery fire. Remove casualties.
    Main Round
            1. Attacking Infantry only fire.
            2. Other defending land units fire.
            3. Remove casualties.
    Retreat Decision

    Naval Combat without planes: Summary:

        1. Attacker then defender screens.
    Submarine Warfare
        1. Attacking then defending Submarine fires.
        2. Attacker then defender performs ASW.
            3. Remove casualties.
    Air Combat
        1. Attacking then defending ships perform Anti-Air rolls.
        2. Attacking then defending air unit’s fire.
        3. Remove casualties.
        1. Attacking then defending Battleship fire.
        2. Remove casualties.
          1. Other attacking sea unit’s fire.
          2. Other defending sea unit’s fire.
          3. Remove casualties.
    Retreat Decision

    Naval Combat with planes: Summary:

        1. Cruiser/ Destroyer choose to screen hits from naval combat or 
            Perform ASW search
        2. Air units are allocated to naval attacks, ASW search, or CAP
        1. Naval units and allocated air units roll for ASW search
        2. If Submarines are not found they now fire pre-emptively
        3. All surface naval units perform Anti-Air rolls against attacking
            Enemy air units performing naval attack   
        4. Remove casualties
        1. Defending CAP engages enemy air units at dogfight values
        2. Battleship fires pre-emptively, remove casualties
        1. ASW Naval units and Air units attack detected subs
        2. Detected Submarines fire (not pre-emtively)
        3. All surface warships fire
        4. CAP engages enemy air units for each side at dogfight values
        5. If no enemy CAP your planes roll against targeted enemy warships
        6. Remove casualties
    Retreat decision

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