• This mid game Pacific move is something I’ll just have to see for myself one day. It works against many if not all players that Darth has played, but I wonder  :lol:

  • @Bean:

    This mid game Pacific move is something I’ll just have to see for myself one day. It works against many if not all players that Darth has played, but I wonder  :lol:

    Containing Germany’s expansion is the first priority for the allies.

    Once that is in place, the allies can shift main focus to Japan either on the ground in asia (usually via Russian units in conjunction with some spill over from UK/US units) or via a US navy in the Pacific.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    I think the Allies can contain Germany and attack Japan.  To be honest.

    Germany has 1 transport to Africa and no direct land path.  The Allies only need to exceed the German threat in Africa by 1 unit a round to over whelm them eventually and reclaim Africa.  However, realistically, the Allies can easily send 8 units a round into Africa for 2 rounds and have plenty of forces to liberate and hold Africa until the combined air forces can sink the German fleet.

    On the other side of the world, with some coordination and planning, minimal investments can contain Japan, optimal investments can destroy Japan. (Destroy as in reduce to an island.  Taking Japan itself is usually too hard IMHO.  Too much investment, too little return.  Keep it an island nation, then send reinforcements to Russia.)

    As for Russia, all they have to do is survive 7 rounds before withdrawing from Caucasus.  And to help with that, they have 67% of England’s income to assist them. (Roughly 20 IPC since England’s going to need 10 IPC in India to flesh out the defense against Japan.)

  • I think I found a picture if you in bikini, so we don’t need to play a KJF game to decide if KJF is
    better strat than KGF…    :roll:
    It would be fun to play against you anyway, but if you only play through forum or pbm then I won’t challenge
    you again until you start playing realtime.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    I play real time through forum. :P

    I don’t use TripleA.  Dicey in there sucks big time and it’s overly cumbersome.

  • @Cmdr:

    I play real time through forum. :P

    I don’t use TripleA.  Dicey in there sucks big time and it’s overly cumbersome.

    omg libel

    I use TripleA all the time.  I luv TripleA.  I want it to have my babies.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator



    I play real time through forum. :P

    I don’t use TripleA.  Dicey in there sucks big time and it’s overly cumbersome.

    omg libel

    I use TripleA all the time.  I luv TripleA.  I want it to have my babies.

    Fix it, then talk to me.  It has a nice feature of turning the property the new owner’s color.  But the map shows too little at a time and the dicey MEGA sucks.  What is it, 90% effective AA Guns vs Bombers, or have they tamed it a bit?

  • @Cmdr:



    I play real time through forum. :P

    I don’t use TripleA.  Dicey in there sucks big time and it’s overly cumbersome.

    omg libel

    I use TripleA all the time.  I luv TripleA.  I want it to have my babies.

    Fix it, then talk to me.  It has a nice feature of turning the property the new owner’s color.  But the map shows too little at a time and the dicey MEGA sucks.  What is it, 90% effective AA Guns vs Bombers, or have they tamed it a bit?

    It only goes 90% against you, Jen.

    That’s because it remembers you.

    Dun dun dun.

  • :roll:
    If you play LL on the ladder, and you attack with 6 or more attack points of aircraft, then it has been my experience that the AAA will get a hit! I agree with Jen that this is too predictable and should be addressed. Other than that the dicy works very well for me, especially playing the Low Luck version of the game.
    I have yet to play on any other system, so I can not compare, but the TripleA ladder works well  for me.
    C.I.  :roll:

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator





    I play real time through forum. :P

    I don’t use TripleA.  Dicey in there sucks big time and it’s overly cumbersome.

    omg libel

    I use TripleA all the time.  I luv TripleA.  I want it to have my babies.

    Fix it, then talk to me.  It has a nice feature of turning the property the new owner’s color.  But the map shows too little at a time and the dicey MEGA sucks.  What is it, 90% effective AA Guns vs Bombers, or have they tamed it a bit?

    It only goes 90% against you, Jen.

    That’s because it remembers you.

    Dun dun dun.

    I’m not the only one who complains that the AA Guns in Triple A are too effective in normal play mode.

    About this time last year someone had posted some hard numbers.  Forget what the percentage was, but it was well above 50% of the time an attacking bomber on an SBR was shot down by the AA Gun.

    Maybe they fixed it.  I doubt it since it’s not a pay to play program and really has no dedicated development team to deal with these types of problems, but rather a hodge podge bunch of programmers working on code they want without regard to any other programmers code or how their code will screw up the other person’s code. (Much like other freeware programs.)

    My opinion, of course.  Maybe EA Games owns TripleA and put millions of dollars and thousands of man hours into it’s development.  I don’t think so, but I can’t say for certain they didnt.

    What matters is that I don’t trust the dicey.  I trust the AA.org dicey and the frood.net dicey.  AAMC is decent and FOE was really good.  DAAK and TripleA seem to have coding errors in their diceys.

  • OK, back to KJF etc. the title topic ;-)

    How does Japan best counter Jennifer’s midgame US switch to KJF ?

    Suppose land fronts (Kar/EEU, Nov/Mos) are well stalemated with multi-country defender’s advantage - a theme I like to point out quite much these days. But both Axis still need to pour troops in, else they won’t be able to keep the sieges and Allies get back a bunch of IPC flowing.

    Japanese fleet, even some escaped Italians are busy near Africa. The area cannot be left unescorted if Africa is to be held - because of bombers threat from Moscow. Else Allies get back a bunch of IPC…

    US left with carrier, destroyer etc. that were in excess to defense in European seas. Germany had lost some planes so is still far from being able to threaten convoys with a few more planes.

    Overall, a good use of Allied ‘slacks’ everywhere to punch through an Axis weakness.

    I know, Japan can build enough submarines and come back with BB’s from Africa just in time to deter US advance to Solomons. Momentarily J out-earns US. But US already has 97 IPC of fleet in advance (btl car ftr des 4tra)…

  • These are hypothetical answers as i have yet to successfully counter a mid-game Pacific Move…

    1.  Keep the Japan Fleet clustered.  No more than 2 sea zones, and always within reach of each other (this means Japan is not sending naval forces to the Africa Coast).
    2.  Preserve your starting Naval assets.  Japan cannot afford to replace BB’s or build a lot of flat tops.  Preserve the ones you start out with.
    3.  Preserve your FIGs. 
    4.  Land FIGs that are being used in Asia close enough to be able to fly out to an AC at need.
    5.  Naval Purchases.  Once the TRNs are built, add a naval asset at least every other turn.

    More than likely this type of conservative naval play will simply discourage a mid-game Pacific move by the US…  you take away the opportunity.

    If it still happens though, one full turn of Naval build (at the expense of Asian advance that turn) should go a long way if you have also done the first 5 points…

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Thing is, the midgame switch to the Pacific isn’t to defeat Japan, it’s to force the Japanese fleet back and force Japan to build ships which eases pressure on Russia (and by round 3 or 4, Japan’s not a huge threat to Russia anyway.)

  • 2007 AAR League

    What’s wrong with Japan leaving units behind in the Pacific to prevent a midgame US purchase in sz55. That’s what I usually do. sz34 doesn’t need more than 1 CV, 2 BB, 1 or 2 TP’s so I just leave the other CV, DD, and/or SS in sz50 with at least a couple fighters within range of the CV just for that reason. The US would have to spend their entire income to overwhelm me and even then it won’t be hard to add a few naval units to counter it.

  • @U-505:

    What’s wrong with Japan leaving units behind in the Pacific to prevent a midgame US purchase in sz55. That’s what I usually do. sz34 doesn’t need more than 1 CV, 2 BB, 1 or 2 TP’s so I just leave the other CV, DD, and/or SS in sz50 with at least a couple fighters within range of the CV just for that reason. The US would have to spend their entire income to overwhelm me and even then it won’t be hard to add a few naval units to counter it.

    U-505, you should play Darth and see if you’re strategy works against his.  I’m betting it does.

  • Moderator



    What’s wrong with Japan leaving units behind in the Pacific to prevent a midgame US purchase in sz55. That’s what I usually do. sz34 doesn’t need more than 1 CV, 2 BB, 1 or 2 TP’s so I just leave the other CV, DD, and/or SS in sz50 with at least a couple fighters within range of the CV just for that reason. The US would have to spend their entire income to overwhelm me and even then it won’t be hard to add a few naval units to counter it.

    U-505, you should play Darth and see if you’re strategy works against his.   I’m betting it does.

    I’m betting it does as well.  :-)

    With Japan sitting in Sz 50, that would probably be enough to deter it.

    When I go mid game Pac it is usually right after Japan moves the bulk of its fleet to Sz 34 or something, which puts it 2 turns away from Sz 60.  At this point the US can test the waters and just drop a lone trn in Sz 55 and “see what happens” or if you go aggressive (saved 6 ipc) and drop AC/2 ftrs and trn in Sz 55 this means Japan can’t place in Sz 60 (without buying another capital ship right away) since you are likely to be able to attack with 2 ftrs and 1 bom.  And if they wait to buy then the US can have an equal navy (in defensive terms) to Japan which means they probably won’t be able to prevent the move to Sol once they do get their fleet back to the Pac.

    Now I also do some things with my UK Indian ocean fleet early on to either aid Afr from the east or to try and peel some of those Japanese ships away if they try and sink me.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    I actually like a BB, AC and DD/SS if they live in SZ 52. (If DD/SS live, the BB can be withdrawn.)

    But how many players do that?  And there is a risk, because you can quick find an America with 9+ fighters threatening the rest of your fleet in the Indian ocean.

  • Moderator

    Well, I just work it into my basic Japan strat.  I hit Aus, NZ, then Hi which takes 3 turns (say rds 3-5).  Now, I have the option of pestering Ala/Wcan with the troops on Hi and not effecting my normal Asia push.  Form then on it won’t hurt me too much to take 1-2 inf a turn and trade Ala and still get 10-12 units on main land Asia.  My other BB and AC can be at Fic or in sz 34 helping Afr.

    If the US set up its shuck from Wus and landing in Ala is a waste I may swing the trn around South America and meet it up with the other fleet that goes around Safr.

    I do always try and keep an AC in the pac as insurance and for quick movement of ftrs since you can place them in sz 60 and immediately get them to sz 34 or in range of an attack on Novo.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    I like Hawaii/Australia on Round 2
    New Zealand/Madagascar on Round 3

    I can go back to Hawaii if America’s a nuisance or I can pick up islanders on the way to Buryatia.

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