• 2007 AAR League


    If and/or when GD and/or PD are reopened, I will NOT resume reading every single thread.  This week has actually been very nice.  I have been able to focus on my game, and I PLAY BETTER when I am thinking about my game instead of the other stuff on the site.

    And for me, the timing could not have been better coming into the Fall 2-on-2 Tournament, and with me cracking 10 League wins with only 4 months to go in this year’s League :-D

    I don’t think that’s a good thing when I’m the person you’re playing :lol:

  • If it needs to be easier on the Mods what about some way of limiting the number of ongoing threads? Just an idea I had. I imagine it would be very difficult to code? Perhaps a vote to call a discussion closed and allow a new discussion to begin? You could only cast a vote if you’d posted in the discussion.

  • Great idea, but SMF does not allow for it.

    I always was a fan of a per-day post limit for PD of 5 posts, but no way to code that either.

  • 2007 AAR League

    that seems like kind of a ridiculous rule IMO

  • 2007 AAR League

    Damn … I think that GD should at least be brought back … that never really got to heated up and it is a nice place to post cool things like this: http://news.yahoo.com/s/time/20070815/us_time/agiantgolfballformissiledefense

  • As a former mod, i can certainly relate to what NC has been describing.  I often found myself allowing personal attacks against myself go by when i would have deleted/reprimanded for similar attacks made on other people, and yet i still was repeatedly berated for using the fora for pushing my own agenda and personal attacks (like the one that BL recently made against me in reference to my medical abilities).  And yet i was voluntarily giving up time to go over every post in the discussion and A&A fora in order to keep the fora civil and G-rated.  Eventually my work got the better of me, and i was unable to keep my modding duties - having said that, it was not a sad thing giving it up for the most part given the flames etc. (not meaning to bitch, but rather relating some of the difficulties that the mods have to deal with).
    So yeah - i can appreciate the mod’s/owner not rushing to re-instate the PD/GD boards.  Having said all of this, i think it also reasonable to have a GD page with 2 mods with the simple directive to “keep it civil” with both written AND implied rules, with a free hand to delete posts that are clearly flame-y. 
    As for PD - it is reasonable to allow for a “clean-up” period where it is re-instated at some point in the intermediate future such that people here simply to post on the PD fora leave, and the gamers stick around for some fun and interesting discussion (one would hope).
    Frimmel’s suggestion is an interesting one, and reasonable if the mods are feeling “overworked”.

  • With enough mods and admins, you could have several routed PD forums,
    Democrats / liberals,
    Republicans / conservatives,
    Progressives / Libertarians / Greens

    That way the posters would know what response to expect based on what they posted where.

  • Throw in an unmoderated Flame forum for folks to vent anger.

    You can also balance it with an Affirmations forum so newbies to the site can be exposed to the uplifting side of our growing community.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    What if locking a thread was limited to djensen or Yanny?  Moderators could recommend it be locked, give djensen and Yanny the reason why, and then they could make the final decision?  This would stop the very irritating habit of moderators posting a personal, heated opinion and then locking out any counter arguments.  Just reading this thread I know I’m not the only person irritated by that too common occurrence that frequents these boards.

  • This would stop the very irritating habit of moderators posting a personal, heated opinion and then locking out any counter arguments.  Just reading this thread I know I’m not the only person irritated by that too common occurrence that frequents these boards.

    Funny, isn’t that what congress does on a daily basis?


  • '19 Moderator


    What if locking a thread was limited to djensen or Yanny?  Moderators could recommend it be locked, give djensen and Yanny the reason why, and then they could make the final decision?  This would stop the very irritating habit of moderators posting a personal, heated opinion and then locking out any counter arguments.  Just reading this thread I know I’m not the only person irritated by that too common occurrence that frequents these boards.

    That would defeat the purpose of having moderators.

  • Founder TripleA Admin

    I don’t have time for that. I doubt Yanny does either.


    What if locking a thread was limited to djensen or Yanny?  Moderators could recommend it be locked, give djensen and Yanny the reason why, and then they could make the final decision?  This would stop the very irritating habit of moderators posting a personal, heated opinion and then locking out any counter arguments.  Just reading this thread I know I’m not the only person irritated by that too common occurrence that frequents these boards.

  • 2007 AAR League

    Yanny hasn’t been active for a while … is he coming back?

  • @Jennifer:

    What if locking a thread was limited to djensen or Yanny?  Moderators could recommend it be locked, give djensen and Yanny the reason why, and then they could make the final decision?  This would stop the very irritating habit of moderators posting a personal, heated opinion and then locking out any counter arguments.  Just reading this thread I know I’m not the only person irritated by that too common occurrence that frequents these boards.

    Following the forum rules would be much easier.  :mrgreen:

  • @Jennifer:

    What if locking a thread was limited to djensen or Yanny?  Moderators could recommend it be locked, give djensen and Yanny the reason why, and then they could make the final decision?  This would stop the very irritating habit of moderators posting a personal, heated opinion and then locking out any counter arguments.  Just reading this thread I know I’m not the only person irritated by that too common occurrence that frequents these boards.

    I am going to be blunt and honest because I am tired of the catty-ness.

    Just say you are tired of ME being the Mod of PD and be done with it.

    And if you think I am doing such a terrible job, then IF PD/GD are restored at this site, ask the Admins to remove me from Mod duties there.

    Or, as someone else posted… follow the rules (not like you were on your first forum ban Jen, you are a repeat offender).

    Lastly, if Mods can;t at least lock threads (we are very limited on what we can do, and locking threads is about the only tool we have, restrictions on posting, banning, etc. are all reserved to the Admins), then there would be no way for a Mod to even take action if needed.

  • @dezrtfish:


    What if locking a thread was limited to djensen or Yanny?  Moderators could recommend it be locked, give djensen and Yanny the reason why, and then they could make the final decision?  This would stop the very irritating habit of moderators posting a personal, heated opinion and then locking out any counter arguments.  Just reading this thread I know I’m not the only person irritated by that too common occurrence that frequents these boards.

    That would defeat the purpose of having moderators.

    Also the statement is unfair and implies that the mods operate to further their own agendas rather than to help optimize this forum - which is IMO a rude accusation.

  • Founder TripleA Admin


    Being a mod is not easy, folks.

  • Founder TripleA Admin



    Yanny hasn’t been active for a while … is he coming back?

  • @cystic:

    Also the statement is unfair and implies that the mods operate to further their own agendas rather than to help optimize this forum - which is IMO a rude accusation.

    Thanks CC.

    If I were indeed using my “Mod Powers” to get in the last word or further my own agenda…  I would delete every post that disagreed with me, and/or lock every thread after my first post that contained my “great wisdom” (  :roll: ) so that when anyone ever went to any thread in PD, the final entry would always be MY final word on every subject being brought down from the mountaintop…

    However, I will admit that, as the primary mod for PD for a year, I DO often have the final post in a locked thread.  And the text of that final post is almost always a very salient point of wisdon regarding the status of the thread…


  • 2007 AAR League


    The rules pretty much ARE restricted to actual criminal actions, unless you think handling an issue you have with a Mod by contacting an admin or another mod is too much, or unless you want a pure unadulterated flame fest, in which case there are many, many other forums to fill that need.

    These are the forum rules as posted for PD.  (copy and pasted direct from the PD Rules thread)

    Political Discussion Forum Policies and Rules:

    Political Discussion venue of the AxisandAllies.org web site is NOT A&A related.  It exists as a courtesy to the forum users to allow the discussion of non-Axis and Allies topics.  Abuse of this forum will not be tolerated.  Excessive problems caused by the use of the forum can result in the removal of users from the forum, as well as temporary or permanent closure of the forum.

    This forum is to diuscuss all matters regarding politics, religion, policy, current events, or other similar issues.

    The following are are prohibited:
    1.  Ad Hominum attacks.  Discussing issues and disagreeing with an issue is permitted.  Personal attacks are not.

    2.  Flaming is explicitly prohibited.  A flame is considered a blatant and ill-intentioned attack on a fellow forum member for a particular post or viewpoint posted by that forum member. The use of racial slurs, open racism, or advocacy of genocide based on race are considered flames against an entire group and are thus prohibited.  Whether a comment is a flame or not is up to the discretion of the moderators.

    3.  Flame Baiting is explicitly prohibited. Baiting is a comment intended to draw a fellow forum member into making a flame. Whether a comment is baiting will be up to the discretion of the moderators.

    4.  All posts are subject to the laws of the United States of America.  As such, any activity or post which violates those laws is explicitly prhobited.  This would include, but is not limitted to:  violation of copyright laws, slander/libel, terroristic threats, fraud, criminal solicitation, etc.

    5.  Questionable posts should be reported.  In the event you see a post that you feel may be a violation of any of the above policies, or is otherwise detrimental to the forum, you are asked to NOT respond publicly via posting to any thread or post, but to use the “Report to Moderator” link that is at the bottom right of every post made to the forums.

    The Moderators of this site have exclusive and final authority as to what constitutes a violation.

    Questions regarding any of these policies should be directed to any of the site moderators.  Questions regarding any decision of a moderator should be directed to site co-owner Yanny.

    I do not see a problem with those rules for what SHOULD be a rational and reasoned discussion that is a SIDE TOPIC AREA for a group of GAMERS.

    And to be honest, after re-reading the rules, I have let a HECK of a lot slide by over the past several months that should NOT have been permitted to let stand.

    Rule #'s 1, 2, 3 and 5 are NOT criminal acts.  Including those rules in the PD forum places someone in the position of making subjective judgments.  The PD forum should be unrestricted in content.  Remember, you chose to read the posts on that forum, if you don’t like what’s said there visit another forum, http://www.axisandallies.org/forums/index.php has plenty to choose from.

    I think the PD forum should be brought back with the caveat that it may contain material you might find offensive and you enter at your own risk.  Also I think the new forum should have a new moderator, nothing personal Switch but a new moderator would remove all the bad blood that’s built up, and give the forum a chance to start fresh.

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