• Anyone play a PC game called Hearts of Iron?

  • I’ve got a thread up about that.  I think I might have #2, rather than original.  It’s been a while, but it’s a good game.  Takes more time than I can give, though…

  • '19 Moderator

    lol, we have discussed it.  witch version I think I have played three…  Loved them all.  But as Jermo said unfortunately I don’t have the time right now…

  • HOI 2 EXCELLENT! Very time consuming. Can’t win as the Russians, even on medium difficulty!

  • USSR is a walk in the park. Try Republican Spain or Commie China. That is a really headache  :mrgreen:

  • 2007 AAR League

    If you want a real challenge, play 1936 Italy on the hardest difficulty.

    Mediocre tech teams, little industry, and an obsolete navy that is destined to become carrier practice for the UK. Once the war starts you’re starved for materials because the UK cuts off your naval trade routes. And if you join the war too early before Germany draws away the French from your northwest border you can be overrun in some of your high industry territories and their navy also gets to join the UK in the turkey shoot on your fleet. Plus, when the US finally gets into the game you end up being on the defensive everywhere with largely overmatched air and ground forces. That one is probably the most fun for me.

    In my games it seems that Republican Spain and Nationalist Spain are pretty evenly matched and it becomes a crap shoot as to which one actually wins no matter how many supplies I pass out at the start of the conflict. Although, it might be interesting to be Nationalist Spain and see what happens if you join the Axis.

    And when I play Japan, Communist China seems to hold out until Nationalist China is almost completely conquered. Those damn mountain divisions dug in on mountains with fortifications can hold off just about anything indefinitely. And to top it off, they stack them with AA brigades so trying to weaken them with inderdiction bombings is extremely costly.

  • @U-505:

    In my games it seems that Republican Spain and Nationalist Spain are pretty evenly matched and it becomes a crap shoot as to which one actually wins no matter how many supplies I pass out at the start of the conflict. Although, it might be interesting to be Nationalist Spain and see what happens if you join the Axis.

    I played as Spain in '38 and joined the Axis.  It was pretty fun at first, dividing France up with Germany, but I didn’t have much else to attack after that…

  • Nah, try Republican Spain and join the allies. You must do the D Day, liberating Norway and race for Berlin all yourself. UK and USA will not send any troops for aiding, maybe a couple of aircraft  :-P If you do not do well, USSR will beat you not only in race for Berlin, also in race for Paris. And joy the pleasures of defending Spain of ravaging axis hordes if Vichy not forms  :-o

    Commie China is not better. Sure, you can survive from Japan, as Switzerland sure will survive in most of the games. But try expand or join an alliance. The events are against you and in favor of Kuomingtan. Unified front? Forget keeping Manchuria for you, it will be for uncle Chiang. And is easier, very easier, join Japan alliance than Commintern  :? But sure, if you join Japan, USSR and USA will come for poor old Mao.

  • I was Commie china recently, 36.

    I refused peace with Nationalist china, I ended up slowly pushing out of the mts and with the help of japan took china out. while I tryed to hold off the japs in the east, I attaked sinking and tibet, after those were taken, I was able to push the japs back. Finaly in 44 I sorounded a huge army to let them starve and went around a major river that was holding me back, making the rest retraet. I pushed them all the way into manchra and N Koria. Early 45 japan was no more in mainland china, I started to build a large airforce and pertered any jap ships that got near the shores, if not for that 2 main invasions by the japs would’ve been sucesfull. Late 45 the US and UK had strted an invasion of japn, unable to build a navy to get troops there, I bombed the crap out of everything in sight from allied areas……It was fun…

    I was also swiss too, I joined ger and ravaged through Vichy…then I got bored on the fact that I coudn’t do anything after that.  :cry:

  • 2007 AAR League



    In my games it seems that Republican Spain and Nationalist Spain are pretty evenly matched and it becomes a crap shoot as to which one actually wins no matter how many supplies I pass out at the start of the conflict. Although, it might be interesting to be Nationalist Spain and see what happens if you join the Axis.

    I played as Spain in '38 and joined the Axis.  It was pretty fun at first, dividing France up with Germany, but I didn’t have much else to attack after that…

    What do you mean? You’re the Axis. During the sitzkrieg I invaded Portugal and Germany actually became more receptive to an alliance, although I’m inclined to believe that it was tied to a specific date rather than invading Portugal. I couldn’t actually conquer them because their east African territories were too far for my transports to reach but I did take enough to get them to agree to be puppeted. Once I ally with Germany, I’m going to see if building a navy to harass the UK navy would be worthwhile and, now with Portugal under my thumb, I have a staging ground to invade South Africa. My units will probably get cut off from supply and destroyed by UK reinforcements but I gotta try, I’m the bad guys.

    Another fun one to try is play Argentina and attempt to unify South America under Axis rule.

  • I did something similer U505, I allied with the Axis, and around 42, the Us and UK eneded up conquring me because I failed to have a good enough navy. You should try to “Asume Military Control” over Portugal, that way you can technicaly own them like you wanted to in the first place.

    Has anyone tried to play as Turkey?

  • 2007 AAR League

    Actually, I could barely get puppet status out of Portugal. But, it doesn’t matter much because they only built 6 infantry units and 2 of those were in their colonial territories so military control of them is practically useless, anyway. Once we join the Axis, I’m going to have to send units to help them defend against coastal landings so even the units they do rebuild aren’t leaving. Honestly, I didn’t know that Spain was so technologically backward in this game. I have 2 level II battleships and 2 level III destroyers and I haven’t even researched those techs yet. :lol:

    Yeah, Argentina is hard to play because Brazil is part of the Allies and you have to take about 5 countries, including Chile, just to match their industrial output alone. The best part is that the countries around you are metal rich so once you conquer them, you should be able to trade for resources without having to trade supplies for them.

    Turkey might be fun. They are a pretty tough cookie since I usually see them accumulate a good deal of units throughout the game. I’ve considered attacking them as Italy but once I joined the Axis, I couldn’t risk it with the UK navy haunting my transports.

  • want to know a few cheats? copy pasted from a site

    Hearts of Iron Cheats
    Platform: PC

    Hearts of Iron Cheat: Complete Control
    This will add hours of fun to the game:

    1. Begin a game.

    2. Save the game and remember the name.

    3. Exit HOI

    4. Find the Hearts of Iron directory under scenarios/save games.

    5. Find the name of the game with the .eug extension - open it in wordpad.

    6. If playing:

    USA - search for ‘tag = USA’

    Germany - search for ‘tag = GER’

    France - search for ‘tag = FRA’

    England - search for ‘tag = ENG’

    7. Either scroll down, or then search for ‘research_cost_app’

    8. The next 4 lines will decide how long research takes. 1.000 is normal - lowering it to 0.250 will make it really fast. Do not go lower than this, as an error may occur as technologies are discovered.

    Note: looking through this section and making minor tweaks can change the entire landscape of the game. Also, scrolling down further, you will find generals. Decreasing the Rank = number will promote them - a zero (0) is Field Marshall/Grand Admiral etc. Increasing the skill will make them better. Try not to go too high, as I do not know the limit of the game’s logic algorithms. If you make any mistakes simply go back to step one. This does nothing to change the game itself, only your saved game.

    Hearts of Iron Cheat List
    During game, press F12 to open the console and type the following to gain the effect. Push F12 again to close the console.
    transports: add transports
    escorts: add escorts
    nuke: +1 nuclear bomb
    supplies: +5000 supplies
    coal: +5000 coal
    steel: +5000 steel
    rubber: +5000 rubber
    oil: +5000 oil
    manpower: +5000 manpower
    di: set influence to 500
    nolimit: remove troop building limits
    difrules: toggle god mode
    nowar: toggle AI aggressiveness
    norevolts: toggle revolts
    nofog: toggle fog of war
    handsoff: toggle automatic pause on events
    showid: toggle province ids
    fullcontrol: toggle control of every nation
    war: ready to start war

    Hearts of Iron Cheat: Random Events
    To use the cheats below, open up the chat log by pressing F12, and then type in the code. The random events that happen can be manually triggered by typing in “event ???”, where the question marks are a number. For example, “event 1011” is when a scientist defects to your country. Note: Some of the events do bad things to your nation, such as worker strikes. Some examples:
    event 1017: Outlaw Fascism (Fascism+15,Communism-5/Fascism-5,Communism+15)
    event 1016: Outlaw Communism (Fascism+15,Communism-5/Fascism-5,Communism+15)
    event 1015: Rogue Politician (dissent up/down + minister dies)
    event 1014: Rogue Politician (dissent up/down)
    event 1013: Private initiative (IC up)
    event 1012: Breakthrough in research. (1 technology is discovered)
    event 1011: Leading Scientist defects to your country (steal technology)
    event 1010: Industry sabotaged (IC -1)
    event 1009: Artist records epic song (dissent -3)
    event 1008: Major worker strike (IC down)
    event 1007: War Refugees (manpower +30)
    event 1006: Private sector nationalized (IC up)
    event 1005: Military parade (supplies -100, dissent -5)
    event 1004: Female labor force (manpower +100)
    event 1003: Youth movement (manpower +100)
    event 1002: Women donate materials (supplies +200)
    event 1001: War Hero criticizes War (dissent +5, 1 leader’s loyalty -4)
    event 1000: Research sabotaged ( 1 research fails)

    Hearts of Iron Hint: Side Changing
    Playing as for example Germany (Nazi side) you can change the side by: 1. Save the game.
    2. Open the default scenario, like “Blitzkrieg” by for example France.
    3. Then, playing “Blitzkrieg” load your saved game. You can delete the whole army if you want to.
    4. Save the game.
    5. Load a default scenario, like “Blitzkrieg” by Germany.
    6. Load your saved game and France has no army and you are Germany!

    The diplomicy is great, you can do what ever you want politicaly with anycountry…thats is if you influence, the more diplomicy, the more a chance to influence. I think one time I ended up swaying the US to the Axis…UK was crushed  :evil:

    And dont get me started on infanat nukes and magicaly discovering techs.  :evil:

  • @Gewehr:

    Has anyone tried to play as Turkey?

    I did, conquered Syria and Lybanon, then joined Comintern. When allies dowed USSR, I conquered Middle East and North Africa. Then, I invaded Japan by parachuting from Vladyvostok. A very hard way of invading Japan  :-P

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