Was it worth adding ART to the game?

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    Double hit BBs seems rather big too  :?

    Those were in classic as well though.  It was an optional rule, but it was still there in classic thus it was not introduced in revised.

  • Oh, didn’t know that. Never played classic  :roll:

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    After revised, going back to classic kinda sucks.

    It’s like becoming a gourmet chef and then going back to condensed Chicken and Stars soup. :P  Oh sure, you can still live on it, but would you want too?

  • @Cmdr:

    After revised, going back to classic kinda sucks.

    It’s like becoming a gourmet chef and then going back to condensed Chicken and Stars soup. :P  Oh sure, you can still live on it, but would you want too?

    more fun to go KJF in classic.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    I agree.  But man, it is SOOO much harder to go KJF in classic then KGF!

    Just invade Gibraltar, make a HUGE stack and walk into Spain. =)

  • The harder it is, the funner it is? Must be a masochist  :wink:

  • @Cmdr:

    I agree.  But man, it is SOOO much harder to go KJF in classic then KGF!

    Just invade Gibraltar, make a HUGE stack and walk into Spain. =)

    seemed easier to go KJF om classic. pretend to go island hoping. Japan usally leaves their captial vulnerable. at least that what happens on games by emial

  • How’s the bids in classic?
    15-20 for axis?
    Not very well balanced  :lol:

  • seemed easier to go KJF om classic. pretend to go island hoping. Japan usally leaves their captial vulnerable. at least that what happens on games by emial

    Rofl you tricky bastard!

    How’s the bids in classic?
    15-20 for axis?

    From what I’ve skimmed in the classic threads, it’s something like 20 IPCs on top of Russia Restricted. Without Russia Restricted 30+ would be very reasonable.  :roll:

    Revised is surprisingly well balanced, considering Harris probably didn’t have the time to test it extensively. It seems to be off by 6 or 7 IPCs, which really isn’t a whole lot, enough for 2 units on the board, which is great considering there’s something like 1200 IPCs of units total on the board with all sorts of territory parameters to consider.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Bid in revised, to me, isn’t so much a method to balance the game as it is to give the axis options at other avenues of attack.

    Bid in classic was life or death for the axis.  Fastest classic game I saw was 3 rounds with England taking S. Europe and Germany at the same time.

    You just never see that in revised.

    I think classic was released raw.  Larry didn’t really have all the ideas worked out because he’s just one guy!  Once the internet community got a hold of it, exploited it like a $20 hooker in DC and then spat it back with all the holes highlighted in neon yellow for Larry to review, he started working on revised. (Never talked to the guy, so I don’t know for sure, just my thoughts on how it might have happened.)

    I still think revised needs some balancing issues.

    1)  All economic attacks should be removed with the possible exception of U-Boat Interdiction National Advantage and then, only because it’s so bloody easy to counter it. (Though replacing it with wolf packs would be better. +1 to all submarine attacks if you have more then 1 submarine attacking.  Stacks with super submarines.  Does not function on defense.)

    2)  W. USA and E. USA should be split in half top to bottom.  5/5 for W. USA and 6/6 for E. USA

    3)  England needs a destroyer in SZ 2.  Or, maybe replace the battleship in SZ 13 with 2 destroyers.  It’ll still get sunk, but now it will cost Germany something important.

    4)  Germany needs another fighter.  I’d vote for W. Europe for a place to put it.

    5)  SFE, Yakut and Buryatia should be worth 2 IPC.  Why can’t Russia have 27 starting income?  They’re still the cheapest bastages on the planet and they’ll still lose SFE, Yak and Bury in any KGF scenario I’ve ever seen.

    6)  Pearl needs to be bolstered.  +1 Destroyer, +1 Carrier, +1 Fighter.  Remove the American Battleship (they were sunk in Pearl on 12/7/41, the carriers were not.)  Give Japan an extra destroyer that should almost even it back out.  (Destroyer for Japan should be SZ 61, 59 or 36, basically along the edge of Asia supporting landing efforts against the Chinas there.)

    7)  Fix up the Russian NAs a bit.  Of all the countries out there, Russia got the most hosed in the NAs (and the new map, if you want to be honest.)

    8)  Add more victory cities.  S. Africa (diamond mines), E. Europe (Poland/Warsaw), Caucasus (Stalingrad), Hawaii (Pearl), E. Indies (Oil!), Borneo (Oil!)  Should add some more flavor and they’re all really good targets to aim for.  Hampers the allies a bit more then the axis given the axis have +2 VCs on island groups and one in a territory normally stacked to high heaven anyway.  Meanwhile the allies have +1 island group that’s normally attacked anyway and two in easy reach of the Germans in most games.

  • Larry Harris says the next edition of A&A will see huge changes. On his site he has been talking about things like making the seas a constant source of battle, less reliance on massive infantry stacks, 10 sided dice, etc.

    I hope he incorporates a system like A&A Europe where there’s a turn 0 where it’s sort of like a bid, you have some IPCs to sprinkle wherever you want them. That would definitely take out the monotony of certain “set” attacks on turn 1.

  • teh PAcific is very historical. the US fighter in hawaii needs to be moved to hawaii sz and then its would be prefect. US had battleships then, but middway is a piontless island. china needs to be divided virtically in half and so does FIC.( for burma) then it would be more realestic. Germany doesn’t need another fighter because that’s how many airfleets they had in 42.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Ya know what might be fun?

    Double the cost of all units, double the value of all land and make valueless land worth 1 IPC. (Not Neutral land, I’m talking Gibraltar, Solomons, Carolines, Wake, Midway, and any I forgot in this list.)

    Now they are not worthless!  Infantry cost 6 IPC and Midway is worth only 1 IPC, but at least it’s worth something!

    Anyway, never thought about the extra fighter in SZ 52, but even with England’s fighter there, I don’t see much change in the outcome of the battle.  Maybe I’ve just been lucky with Japan. /shrug. (I normally get 4-6 hits in round 1 with Japan at Pearl.)

  • no Japan just had bad luck round 1 in real life. (http://www.axisandallies.org/forums/index.php?topic=9663.0)

    j1-  1 fac to manchuria
    battle of midway(sz 52)-
      1 bb, 1 ac, 1 sub, 2 fig( 1 sz 50, 1 sz37) > vs. 1 sub, 1 ac, 1fig ( retreats with 1 bb, 1 us ac still alive)
    batttle of the coral sea
      1 ac > sz 46(empty)
      1fig sz 37> sz 40  vs. 1 trn (no survivors)
      1 destroyer sz 50 > sz 45 (sinks sub)
    china campgian
      1bb > sz 59 wol
      3inf( 1 man, 2 kwantwang), 3 fig, 1bmb > china cleared with 3 fig 1 bmb. ( mad a boboo all the AF surrives)

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    no Japan just had bad luck round 1 in real life. (http://www.axisandallies.org/forums/index.php?topic=9663.0)

    j1-  1 fac to manchuria
    battle of midway(sz 52)-
      1 bb, 1 ac, 1 sub, 2 fig( 1 sz 50, 1 sz37) > vs. 1 sub, 1 ac, 1fig ( retreats with 1 bb, 1 us ac still alive)
    batttle of the coral sea
      1 ac > sz 46(empty)
      1fig sz 37> sz 40  vs. 1 trn (no survivors)
      1 destroyer sz 50 > sz 45 (sinks sub)
    china campgian
      1bb > sz 59 wol
      3inf( 1 man, 2 kwantwang), 3 fig, 1bmb > china cleared with 1 fig.

    After that, I think I would have taken a 2 week break from Axis and Allies. It’s painful READING about that.

  • :-o :-o :-o

  • The game needs some kind of ports to protect fleets and or artificial rules to prohibit:

    Allies in Baltic
    Italians into Atlantic

    The game needs another German fighter and a Soviet Bomber and perhaps another Soviet fighter so that the Soviets have alot of new options

    No more Japanese in Russia crap… different victory conditions for both axis… basically they dont work together and they should not

    Same goes for Soviets. If the game is 1 v 1 the Soviet player should have rules for auto play because the coordination of the 3 allies with one guy playing all three is totally bankrupt. This has nothing to do how the war was fought.

    Thus the Soviets have their own victory conditions as well.

    IN this way its will be possible for one ally to win and one axis player to win… no more “”““TEAM””“” wins… good greif!

    The only thing that came close to a real Axis and Allies game IMO is back in 1998-99 when the CD rom came out and allowed 4-5 players
    and the goal of that game was to by diplomacy motivate your allies to adopt a strategy and stick with it knowing all the time you had a weak link player who could mess up and your own skill can compensate for his shortcommings and still win the war. This added a truly unigue game that was lost on all the 1 vs. 1 crowd. I think thats what made the game fun: the idea that you needed to rely on the skills of others to win and you could be a good negotiator and motivate to agree to your idea what victory would be according to your view.

    The game needs a Mechanized Infantry piece attack 2 defend 2 and move 2 cost 4

    The game needs cheaper naval

    The map should be 50% larger minimum and drawn much better

    The game needs some random ( but sequential) card system to address developments in the war and get rid of technology in its present form. Its bankrupt ideas. Their are not enough technology ideas represented.

    The game needs a historical time frame e.g a turn = 4 months, you are now in turn 5 (spring 1943)

    The map needs to represent the world in 1939 to allow for all kinds of scenarios for shorter and longer games

    for tournaments a 1943 scenario would be nice and make for shorter game.

    Combat rounds need to cost a player money… if you keep attacking this is not cheap by any means

    AA guns are a joke … get rid of them

    and Artillery are probably needed, but they function incorrectly

    Fighters must boost tanks

    Tank hits must go on enemy armor

    defender should be able to retreat… the current system is a joke… the defender is like frozen in time taking punishment without recourse.

    their are a hundred other things to list… this is just the top 10… i could go on

  • No more Japanese in Russia crap… different victory conditions for both axis… basically they dont work together and they should not

    Same goes for Soviets. If the game is 1 v 1 the Soviet player should have rules for auto play because the coordination of the 3 allies with one guy playing all three is totally bankrupt. This has nothing to do how the war was fought.

    Thus the Soviets have their own victory conditions as well.

    IN this way its will be possible for one ally to win and one axis player to win… no more “”““TEAM””“” wins… good greif!

    That’s a little bit extreme, I like the team aspect of the game = (

    The game needs a Mechanized Infantry piece attack 2 defend 2 and move 2 cost 4

    The game needs cheaper naval

    The map should be 50% larger minimum and drawn much better

    The game needs some random ( but sequential) card system to address developments in the war and get rid of technology in its present form. Its bankrupt ideas. Their are not enough technology ideas represented.

    I like  :lol:

    The game needs a historical time frame e.g a turn = 4 months, you are now in turn 5 (spring 1943)

    Seems too detailed for me ; (

    Combat rounds need to cost a player money… if you keep attacking this is not cheap by any means

    I don’t know about costing money, but supply lines are interesting.

    AA guns are a joke … get rid of them


    defender should be able to retreat… the current system is a joke… the defender is like frozen in time taking punishment without recourse.

    Yea, but they would take a round of free fire from the attackers right?

  • o yeah there should be a south italy and a north italy too. but IL how could the axis of won in 1943?
    yeah alliance need to be handed differntly.

  • @Imperious:

    The game needs some kind of ports to protect fleets and or artificial rules to prohibit:

    Allies in Baltic
    Italians into Atlantic


    The game needs another German fighter and a Soviet Bomber and perhaps another Soviet fighter so that the Soviets have alot of new options

    No more Japanese in Russia crap… different victory conditions for both axis… basically they dont work together and they should not

    Agree with Japan –> Russia, victory condition should always be total domination as was the case in WW2

    Same goes for Soviets. If the game is 1 v 1 the Soviet player should have rules for auto play because the coordination of the 3 allies with one guy playing all three is totally bankrupt. This has nothing to do how the war was fought.

    Thus the Soviets have their own victory conditions as well.

    IN this way its will be possible for one ally to win and one axis player to win… no more “”““TEAM””“” wins… good greif!

    hmm… maybe…

    The only thing that came close to a real Axis and Allies game IMO is back in 1998-99 when the CD rom came out and allowed 4-5 players
    and the goal of that game was to by diplomacy motivate your allies to adopt a strategy and stick with it knowing all the time you had a weak link player who could mess up and your own skill can compensate for his shortcommings and still win the war. This added a truly unigue game that was lost on all the 1 vs. 1 crowd. I think thats what made the game fun: the idea that you needed to rely on the skills of others to win and you could be a good negotiator and motivate to agree to your idea what victory would be according to your view.

    Good point. I started playing 1vs1 a few weeks ago, after seeing some (opening) moves that would make
    our side lose the game in 3-4 rnds, and the newb didn’t know how, why and  what he was doing

    The game needs a Mechanized Infantry piece attack 2 defend 2 and move 2 cost 4

    Probably, yes

    The game needs cheaper naval

    Hmmm… cool BB’s at 12??? W00t :-)

    The map should be 50% larger minimum and drawn much better

    The game needs some random ( but sequential) card system to address developments in the war and get rid of technology in its present form. Its bankrupt ideas. Their are not enough technology ideas represented.

    The game needs a historical time frame e.g a turn = 4 months, you are now in turn 5 (spring 1943)

    The map needs to represent the world in 1939 to allow for all kinds of scenarios for shorter and longer games

    for tournaments a 1943 scenario would be nice and make for shorter game.

    Combat rounds need to cost a player money… if you keep attacking this is not cheap by any means

    Disagree. U lose units by keep attacking for several rounds of combat.

    AA guns are a joke … get rid of them

    How bout: Each AA fire one shot. No other changes

    Fighters must boost tanks

    Tank hits must go on enemy armor
    Disagree, this is tactical management

    defender should be able to retreat… the current system is a joke… the defender is like frozen in time taking punishment without recourse.
    Probably, yes

    their are a hundred other things to list… this is just the top 10… i could go on

    Good thinking, but I’m afraid that much of this will make the game more complicated. Too (much) complicated I’m afraid.
    A game could last 1-2 hours, or maybe 7-8-10 hours. 10 rnds or more means more than a working day. (I don’t work atm :))
    I don’t want to a game to last any longer than now, although this can vary a great deal in different games.
    Larry said he regret the sub rules…. too confusing.
    The game will not be better by just making it more sophisticated.

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