Tired of games
Oh yea, home of the Nigerian scams, that’s a good place.
Hmm, what was the alleged date of his post???
Like, this forum is copywrite protected so you cannot just highlight and paste in another forum that may, or may not have an accurate time stamp.
Anyway, sounds like SUD cannot win an arguement, so he’ll go on a Crusade, Jihad against a member of the board along with his little Moderator friend.
Sounds like they caught you red-handed for plagiarism, and you’ve got nothing to say to it but dodges…
Hmm, what was the alleged date of his post???Â
OMFG that is crazy. I know Jen has been saying for a while now that it’s like the whole world is out to discredit her, but I had no idea the conspiracies we so involved with plagerizing her and then adjusting time stamps to make it look legit. Be careful everyone else or the same thing could happen to you.
Jen, you’ve outdone yourself this time. LMFAO!!!
Jen, you’ve outdone yourself this time. LMFAO!!!
Really? Look at the date stamps. They’re almost identical. So how could I be posting it at almost the same time as this other guy? Hmm??? Interesting. Especially since I am engr.dr.samuel.adeniyi.ajanaku on that site. So I post, then post again.
March 15th for me
March 15th for that personDifference? potentially a few hours, assuming the sites are actually set up with the correct time, which is doubtful, since one is a Nigerian and the other is in the real world that doesn’t scam people.
I have to remove your post as well as it does not add to the thread. I’m sure you will understand.
Anyone else getting tired of the same people demanding ungodly amounts of proof over and over again instead of just posting their own arguements? It’s almost like a concerted effort to discredit a person through incessent demands for proof instead of through facts and sources of their own.
Just seems a little redundant lately. No matter what you post, 3 people (the same three every time) will demand you cough up 30 sources they cannot impeach and then they’ll just say “you’re wrong” without posting a why they THINK you are wrong.
After all, who cares about the truth when all you have to do is say “you’re wrong, I’m right, and if you don’t think so, find a dozen sources to support your claim” then when they do, you tell them the sources are faulty and make them find sources to support their sources as not being faulty. This can go on forever without a counter statement from the people saying you are wrong.
So is that how you win debates now? You just keep demanding unreasonable demands until the person - who is correct - just tells you to blow it out your nose? That how some people feel superior so they can sleep at night? Does that take away the disgrace of being absolutely, and totally wrong in your ideology so you don’t cringe when you look in the mirror?
You cannot win in an online debate. You might hope to get some insight in how the other person is thinking. But that’s it. When I posted regularly on this board I was surprised, that there are Americans who actually think they won the Vietnam war. I’ve told this story multiple times since then, and the people here in Germany were quite surprised to hear that. And it’s very interesting to see, that even after the last 4 years, there are still some people around who think, Bush is a good president. If the scandal at Walter Reed didn’t convince these people otherwise, nothing I can say will.
Hmm, if that’s so, I feel sorry for you. Anyway, I don’t feel the need to post multiple sources for everything anymore. I think one source is all I’ll be posting. Spending way too much time on this with multiple sources being checked in quadruplicate. I actually got less then a 100% on my last math quiz. REALLY irked me. And it was something COMPLETELY stupid too. (I forgot the polarity on a variable. A mistake everyone has made at least once in their life to my knowledge. And no, I won’t provide a source for that unqualified statement.)
I really wonder what level of math you are talking about. Real math with proofs or just some higher calculus?
Just out of curiosity, I would like which of the following question you can answer.
- What are uncomputable numbers, and how can they be proven to exist?
- Can you name an infinite dimensional vector space and its basis?
- What is the universal property of the tensor product?
- What is the difference between an adjoint operator and a symmetric operator?
Nah, we lost Vietnam because the Democrats, under the advisment of George McGovern I believe, ordered a surrender and an all out retreat to American soil where they proceeded to spit on our soldiers, call them baby killers, and deny them employment forcing them to become one of the largest segment of the homeless in this country.
If we had, instead, pulled Washington DC out of the war and allowed the soldiers to fight the war, we might have won. He may have still lost, but we would have had a much better chance if our soldiers in the field didn’t have to make contact with the enemy, call DC for permission to shoot at the enemy, wait 48 hours for a response and then move in only to find the enemy left 3 hours ago.
Over the past few weeks, I’ve learned to look past the games that go on with some posters’s temperamental, nefarious slogans. I’ve learned to look past some of the rancorous things the games that go on with some posters has said. I’ve even learned to look past its attempts to make life less pleasant for us. But I cannot stay silent about the games that go on with some posters’s incomprehensible and unforgivable audacity regarding a specific event that recently occurred. For openers, the games that go on with some posters is unequivocally up to something. I don’t know exactly what, but the facts as I see them simply do not support the false, but widely accepted, notion that mediocrity is a worthwhile goal. This is a lesson for those with eyes to see. It is a lesson not so much about the games that go on with some posters’s neurotic behavior, but about the way that every time the games that go on with some posters utters or writes a statement that supports plagiarism – even indirectly – it sends a message that the games that go on with some posters answers to no one. I assert we mustn’t let it make such statements, partly because unlike its harangues, my own warnings are not vague and undefined, but primarily because when it hears anyone say that my job now and for the immediate future – our job – is to celebrate knowledge and truth for the sake of knowledge and truth, its answer is to offer hatred with a pseudo-intellectual gloss. That’s similar to taking a few drunken swings at a beehive: it just makes me want even more to shed the light of truth on the evil that is the games that go on with some posters. Many people are convinced that the games that go on with some posters offers its emissaries a vehicle of sorts for their revenge fantasies. I can’t comment on that, but I can say that it keeps saying that at birth, every living being is assigned a celestial serial number or frequency power spectrum. For some reason, the games that go on with some posters’s serfs actually believe this nonsense. According to the latest scientific evidence, that fact is simply inescapable to any thinking man or woman. “Thinking” is the key word in the previous sentence. As a parting thought, remember that the games that go on with some posters’s nettlesome insults are fraught with the gravest consequences.
ahh now a much quicker,thoughtful, and effective discourse!
Nah, we lost Vietnam because the Democrats, under the advisment of George McGovern I believe, ordered a surrender and an all out retreat to American soil where they proceeded to spit on our soldiers, call them baby killers, and deny them employment forcing them to become one of the largest segment of the homeless in this country.
If we had, instead, pulled Washington DC out of the war and allowed the soldiers to fight the war, we might have won. He may have still lost, but we would have had a much better chance if our soldiers in the field didn’t have to make contact with the enemy, call DC for permission to shoot at the enemy, wait 48 hours for a response and then move in only to find the enemy left 3 hours ago.
I told you, I find this point of view quite interesting. There was a similar point of view in Germany after the first World War which is now called “Dolchstoßlegendeâ€.
I wonder why you don’t respond in the Real Fuzzy Math thread. -
Jennifer, you can’t post crap like this:
(Then again, more people were murdered by firearms in Chicago that day as were at V. Tech, I guess since they chose to be in a poor neighborhood run by street gangs, they deserved it where as these fine, upstanding, rich kids did not…. :roll:)
And just expect people to believe it. Apparently, you do this sort of thing quite often. I don’t see how, with a straight face, you can complain that people aren’t taking you at face value.
Chicago Crime Rate .org
Feb 16 (Nothing more recent unfortunately)
16 First Degree Murders
7 Involuntary Manslaughters
9 Justifyable Homicides
6 Recklass Murders
2 Second Degree MurdersTotal Murders in Chicago on 2/16/2007: 40
In one day, more people are murdered in the city of Chicago then died at Virginia Tech to the mass murderer - Cho.
In one day, more people are murdered in the city of Chicago then US Soldiers die in Iraq, on an average day.
It doesn’t look like your website - chicago crime rate . org even exists.
In 2005, there were a total of 448 homicides in Chicago - less than 2 per day. See number 19 in this list:
I don’t believe your statistic and you haven’t backed it up with a verifiable reference.
But I did find a website for
It lists the same types of homicides that you listed and if you look at the crimes on or before February 16, 2007, it matches the number that you have cited. But, these are all the homicides in the year to February 16. These homicides did not occur all on February 16 and it is clear from the way they are reported that this is the case. No reasonable person could have concluded that these homicides all occured on the same day.
So there have been approximately 40 homicides in Chicago in the first 6 weeks of the year - which puts Chicago on pace for around 500 homicides for the whole year - not 40 in one day (14,600!! for the year).
Your research is shoddy and your reporting of it is even worse. How then can you expect anyone to respect your opinions.
I don’t think you are reading the map correctly. Below it is a chart, however, that should have cleared up your confusion as to reading the map.
Most common locations for this crime
Street 137 crimes
Sidewalk 119 crimes
Residence 42 crimes
Alley 42 crimes
Apartment 36 crimes
Vehicle: Non-commercial 24 crimes
Residence: Porch/hallway 18 crimes
Other 17 crimes
Parking lot/garage (non. resid.) 9 crimes
CHA parking lot/grounds 8 crimesThat is most assuredly HIGHER then 40 for 6 weeks. That’s much closer to 414 up to Feb 16, 2007.
At least the way it is written.
I don’t think you are reading the map correctly. Below it is a chart, however, that should have cleared up your confusion as to reading the map.
Most common locations for this crime
Street 137 crimes
Sidewalk 119 crimes
Residence 42 crimes
Alley 42 crimes
Apartment 36 crimes
Vehicle: Non-commercial 24 crimes
Residence: Porch/hallway 18 crimes
Other 17 crimes
Parking lot/garage (non. resid.) 9 crimes
CHA parking lot/grounds 8 crimesThat is most assuredly HIGHER then 40 for 6 weeks. That’s much closer to 414 up to Feb 16, 2007.
At least the way it is written.
Hmmm… I don’t know where this data is coming from for this graph, but it isn’t just data for Feb 16, 2007. From the same website, here are all the crimes they list for that date
Although it looks like a lot of crimes (and it is), homicide barely makes the list.
According to this list the only homicide committed on this date was
That’s it. Only one homicide from that date in Chicago, according to this website.
It’s in the chart under the google map with the big pushpins color coded for number of crimes.
You selected one case file.
That’s the total number of crimes - not murders or homicides. Your previous post said that there were 40 “murders” on February 16. There may very well have been 40 “crimes” but not 40 “murders”. You suggested that there were more criminal deaths in Chicago on a single day than at Virginia Tech. This statement is simply false and you should simply acknowledge that fact.
SUD: the difference is im not attacking a poster as you do. That post is in a thread called basically “the french suck”. Your rhetoric over Jens gaff was a series of posts over many days. Anything else you took out of context is of no material issue> its totally ubsurb to take a point about a portion of a sentence ( e.g. “you such and such after a period of months”) and can even come up with any possible angle to assume that was the main point when it was only a small part of the sentence. But your the master of pulling things out of context.
You have too many issues that will not allow you to post a thoughtful post because you dont seem to understand that this forum is not gladiator combat with words… Its a pleasant exchange of ideas with others and you have turned things into life and death. This is why you dont belong here IMO. If you continue to behave this way you will have to find another place to do what you do.