• 2007 AAR League

    I haven’t played for a while so I have 4 going right now trying to get back into the swings of things.

    I generally like 1-2 active games at once 3+ games to do turns in everyday is a bit overwhelming.
    but I find with the 4 games I have going on now generally I do a 1 turn in one of the games maybe 2 tops a day so it’s a good pace.

    I also like to mull over the options even though 99% of the time I know right away what ill be doing, lol

    I would love to use my physical board but it is nowhere near my computer.

  • WG, I actually thought of this thread not because I was playing you and you had X number of games going on, but because I was browsing the “Games in Progress” forum and saw a few names pop up again and again and again.  For example, Jennifer, WG, Sankt, Randmacts, Rmorel, and Mateooo (just to name a few) all have more than 2 games going on, and some are probably still going on but are on pause because of the tourney.  Seeing all those, I wondered, a) how do they do it? b) do they actually succeed in playing so many games; and c) don’t they have a life?  :-P :-P :lol: :wink:  j/j

    Granted WG, your numerous concurrent games being played while playing against me slowed things down somewhat  :-P :lol:  but it’s not reasonable of me to think that someone can actually focus on one game at a time and get more than one round in a night.  :-D  :wink:  Anyway, if you - and anyone for that matter - can play a couple games at the same time and still play well, more power to you.  I, for one though, prefer something physical in terms of the board and things like that.  I also like reading an actual newspaper and not just its online brother.  I guess I’m a hands on kind of guy.

    And who’s to say I plan out the next five turns.  I usually just look at my next country coming up and think about where I can go and what I can do.  Granted, the Axis are surrounded by the Allies in terms of turns and who goes when, which is why plans are always tentative and might have to be changed afterward…or, like the almighty green one said, “always in motion is the (future).”

    And NoMercy, get wireless or something for you comp.  Or get a small table and put your board near the table.  Just a thought…

  • 2007 AAR League

    I have a wireless laptop and I tired it once but found out it took a long time to post a summary of troops.

    I think Switch can do it because he has had lots of practice doing it over the last few years, that and his last summary sometimes isn’t all that changed from turn to turn.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Most I’ve ever had going at once was 17.  But some of those were near completion, some just starting.

  • @Jennifer:

    Most I’ve ever had going at once was 17.  But some of those were near completion, some just starting.

    You’re the man Jennifer, you are the man!  :wink:

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator



    Most I’ve ever had going at once was 17.  But some of those were near completion, some just starting.

    You’re the man Jennifer, you are the man!  :wink:

    Men are so inferior.  I’m the Woman!  We’re so superior we had to be held as property for tens of thousands of years so men could retain power and rule the world.

    As the old saying goes:  If men are destined to rule the world, women will have to content themselves with ruling men.

    Seriously though, if ABattlemap was never made, I’d never be able to play more then 1 game at a time, then I’d be completely at the mercy of the slowest player! =(

  • 2007 AAR League

    I like to have a lot of games going on, because I get bored waiting for my opponents moves. I got 2 games going where my opponents are taking 4-5 days to post a move. YAWWWWN
    its also fun to use strats you learn in one game to help with another, (or mistakes you make)

    it gets a bit exausting when you have to post moves at multiple sites. and DAAk is so very annoying (yould think the website creators would find a way to link your ID to your email address and your opponents, as well as your game number, instead of requiring you to reenter each of these multiple times every turn.
    Flames of europe is a great site for playing multiple games. you can view and post your maps there, it quickly summarizes your moves, and even keeps track of income.

    I just pop on my laptop whenever im watching some TV or movie, and post moves during commercials. (annoys the hell outta my girlfriend… apparently she needs to have at least three body parts in contact with me at all times… no room for a lap top)
    Its also fun to have a few games going, because some games just suck from the getgo with either bad rolls or bad moves, and having only one bad game to think about can get pretty depressing.

  • Since I can only play 1 at a time, I will NOT play without time contraints.  That is my answer to avoiding the “yawn” factor.

  • 2007 AAR League

    I currently have 5 games in progress, 1 on hold. On average I’ll have 3 going on at once.  Once you master posting, use Abattlemap, and upload your map after each turn it’s pretty easy to juggle multiple games.

  • 2007 AAR League


    non online.  i dont trust dice i cant see.  also i’m new at using computers a lot.  i’m aware that some people are natual wizzes on the PC’s.  how do i know they cant just interfere?  people good with computers can do anything.

    in your guys’ opinion what the most honest dicey system that you got.  that cant be messed with?  is it DAAK? thats my conclusion

    Re: most honest dicey system, it depends if you are playing the person who controls that dicey :)

    Seriously though I would say that the inhouse roller is the most honest dicey system. I’m good with computers and I can’t see a way to cheat it. At most, a moderator could delete the dicey post, so against djensen or other moderators is the only time I think there is even an opportunity for cheating with the inhouse dicey.

    I would not vote for DAAK because the e-mails it sends are very crudely formatted and would be very easy to forge.

    Next I would say that my dicey at frood.net is more honest because it can optionally record all the dice rolls, so even if someone is able to forge an e-mail from frood.net you can verify what was actually rolled, because no one other than me has access to those results.

    However, against me I admit there is the possibility that I could rig the results on my dicey. I could build in a “cheat code” but have not done so. I’d be willing to let djensen audit my code to verify this. However, I like to use the inhouse dicey anyway, I just use my sim for calculating odds on large battles or how much I need to defend a critical territory with.

    So as someone who is good with computers, I would say that in order of “trustworthiness” the diceys are:

    Playing a random person:
    1. In-house
    2. Frood.net/aacalc/
    3. DAAK / RJWare / Wargamersclub (all use the same one)

    Playing against a moderator at axisandallies.org:
    1. Frood.net/aacalc/
    2. DAAK / RJWare / Wargamersclub (all use the same one)
    3. In-house

    Playing against me:
    1. In-house
    2. DAAK / RJWare / Wargamersclub (all use the same one)
    3. Frood.net/aacalc/

    But dude, I can assure you, I would get no pleasure out of beating anyone by rigging my own dicey. Even you ;)

  • 2007 AAR League

    And to answer the question, I find even one game all-consuming, so the most I can handle right now is 0 :(

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    All I can say, JSP, is that ABattlemap > MapView.

    I hate, no, I despise, no, wait, I’d rather Kiss Hillary Roddham Clinton full on the lips then use MapView again.  Actually, I’d gladley do that, there’s nothing I can say to get you to fully conceptualize my loathing of MapView.  It’s hard to read, the pieces blend into the background unless you are full offense, it doesn’t auto-update land total, doesn’t track army/navy size, easy to conceal enemy units makig it hard to keep track of where they are, it’s cumbersome to stack/unstack units, it’s all but impossible to make sure you got everything you wanted done.  Let alone getting all the arrows up so your opponent can even attempt to understand what you are trying to do.

    Battlemap, simple.  Mouse navigatable, stacking/unstacking a simple matter of 1 key plus left click.  Notepad allows you to quickly and effeciently type up and convey what you are doing and how you are doing it without giving your opponent a brain anerism trying to figure it out with silly arrows and green/yellow text on pieces.

  • @Jennifer:

    All I can say, JSP, is that ABattlemap > MapView.Â

    I hate, no, I despise, no, wait, I’d rather Kiss Hillary Roddham Clinton full on the lips then use MapView again.  Actually, I’d gladley do that, there’s nothing I can say to get you to fully conceptualize my loathing of MapView.  It’s hard to read, the pieces blend into the background unless you are full offense, it doesn’t auto-update land total, doesn’t track army/navy size, easy to conceal enemy units makig it hard to keep track of where they are, it’s cumbersome to stack/unstack units, it’s all but impossible to make sure you got everything you wanted done.  Let alone getting all the arrows up so your opponent can even attempt to understand what you are trying to do.

    Battlemap, simple.  Mouse navigatable, stacking/unstacking a simple matter of 1 key plus left click.  Notepad allows you to quickly and effeciently type up and convey what you are doing and how you are doing it without giving your opponent a brain anerism trying to figure it out with silly arrows and green/yellow text on pieces.

    Jen, you do Mapview a disservice.  It has features that make it much better to use than AABattlemap.  For instance, there is no need to write out combat movements, non combat movements or unit placements.  All that has to be recorded are the dice rolls and this is created in a dice log for most diceys.  I use both AABattlemap and Mapview and I am equally proficient in both.  One is not necessarily better than the other - they are simply different.


  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    I commented on that.  BUt honestly, it’s much faster for me to type out my combat moves and non combat moves then it is to drag and drop arrows, fight with scroll bars, type notes with the message bars, make multiple maps, hope I didn’t miss units that blend in with the territory color because the designers were too stupid to figure out that the two should have a slight color variation, etc.

    Mapview is just an utter pain in the rear and the head (cause it makes you sit forever making sure you arn’t missing something and then you get a headache from staring at the screen for hours on end) to use, especially when you have Battlemap that’s simple.  You just drag the pieces around individually or by large groups, you have tickers that track everything from land value on hand to total units of each type and their value.

    Until Mapview fixes it’s MASSIVE game destroying defects, I cannot claim I’ll ever use it as my standard.  What’s utterly ridiculous is that the graphics are on par with Apple IIe Chess Game graphics, loads as fast and came out 20 years later.

  • 2007 AAR League

    It’s not “game-destroying” since obviously people use it. I’ve used both and I think Battlemap is better. But compared to triplea they both blow.

    What’s needed is a light-weight map app that is better designed than mapview and battlemap but isn’t huge and dependent on Java.  If I knew any programming language other than PHP I’d take a shot at it.

    The “WW2 Game” link that I posted in the software development forum is a better application than both, but it seems that it only plays AA Classic.

  • 2007 AAR League

    I’ve never used mapview myself.  I am quite content with Abattlemap.  It’s easy to use and since most gamers here use it, it makes map swapping a breeze, especially now that we can upload our maps directly to the game thread.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Actually, what we need is Battlemap with the ability to write notes and track money.  Battlemap has everything else.

    TripleA is good for what it does.  At least you don’t loose the pieces on the board because you can’t see them against the backdrop like in Mapview.

    And it is game destroying, for any person who has a hard time differentiating colors.  An opponent sneaked 20 armor on me because I couldnt see the stupid things until he invaded Russia from Germany.  Had I seen it built up, I would have performed more rational and sane tactical moves, instead of invading Manchuria, Kwangtung and FIC with 4 infantry, 1 artillery, 1 armor each, I would have moved back as he built on the boarder to defend Moscow.

    So it most assuredly is game destroying.

  • @froodster:

    It’s not “game-destroying” since obviously people use it. I’ve used both and I think Battlemap is better. But compared to triplea they both blow.

    What’s needed is a light-weight map app that is better designed than mapview and battlemap but isn’t huge and dependent on Java.  If I knew any programming language other than PHP I’d take a shot at it.

    The “WW2 Game” link that I posted in the software development forum is a better application than both, but it seems that it only plays AA Classic.

    Triple A just happens to be the closest thing to the old Hasbroken CD.

    If it is not FTF, then Triple A is the best option, IMHO.


  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    I’ve never played an online TripleA.  I just know that if a new tactic fails against the TripleA AI, then it’s 100% a loser.

  • 2007 AAR League


    And it is game destroying, for any person who has a hard time differentiating colors.  An opponent sneaked 20 armor on me because I couldnt see the stupid things

    Ah ha - I knew you were really a man! Very very few women are color blind, and the number that are color blind AND play A&A compulsively - Dude, you’re a dude!!!

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