non online. i dont trust dice i cant see. also i’m new at using computers a lot. i’m aware that some people are natual wizzes on the PC’s. how do i know they cant just interfere? people good with computers can do anything.
in your guys’ opinion what the most honest dicey system that you got. that cant be messed with? is it DAAK? thats my conclusion
Re: most honest dicey system, it depends if you are playing the person who controls that dicey :)
Seriously though I would say that the inhouse roller is the most honest dicey system. I’m good with computers and I can’t see a way to cheat it. At most, a moderator could delete the dicey post, so against djensen or other moderators is the only time I think there is even an opportunity for cheating with the inhouse dicey.
I would not vote for DAAK because the e-mails it sends are very crudely formatted and would be very easy to forge.
Next I would say that my dicey at frood.net is more honest because it can optionally record all the dice rolls, so even if someone is able to forge an e-mail from frood.net you can verify what was actually rolled, because no one other than me has access to those results.
However, against me I admit there is the possibility that I could rig the results on my dicey. I could build in a “cheat code” but have not done so. I’d be willing to let djensen audit my code to verify this. However, I like to use the inhouse dicey anyway, I just use my sim for calculating odds on large battles or how much I need to defend a critical territory with.
So as someone who is good with computers, I would say that in order of “trustworthiness” the diceys are:
Playing a random person:
1. In-house
2. Frood.net/aacalc/
3. DAAK / RJWare / Wargamersclub (all use the same one)
Playing against a moderator at axisandallies.org:
1. Frood.net/aacalc/
2. DAAK / RJWare / Wargamersclub (all use the same one)
3. In-house
Playing against me:
1. In-house
2. DAAK / RJWare / Wargamersclub (all use the same one)
3. Frood.net/aacalc/
But dude, I can assure you, I would get no pleasure out of beating anyone by rigging my own dicey. Even you ;)