For DAAK, FoE, and some of the other clubs I was more talking about the “rating points” aspect.
There if you play a rated game and you win a game you get X points, and the loser loses Y points and they keep track of the players total pts. However, there are ways to play unrated games if you wish.
I see you’re roller as a great way for players to play unrated games without playing in a specific club.
For example, if I just wanted to play friendly PBEM games and not worry about rankings your dice roller will work great.
Up until being aware of your roller, I’m not sure if there was another roller to use without joining a Club. It’s free to join, but you still have to join.
Your roller has a little more universal appeal in that aspect, in that you don’t have to “Join Frood” to play.
In terms of differences, I’m not sure if there really are many. They do provide game #'s. However in DAAK I’m not really sure what the purpose is other then to distigiush one game from another. I think the purpose was to automatically enter the emails for games started and to be able to go back at anytime and check a log of your rolls, although I’m not sure if that works at DAAK. For FoE, they DO keep a log and DO NOT email the results. So, I play a game there, log in, pick the apporpriate game # and do my turn including combat and Non Combat and submit it and FoE stores the information in the game log. I like FoE at times b/c it means you aren’t getting bombarded by emails if you are playing multiple games. You just go to each game log and read up on the turns.
I’m not sure if that is a path you’d want to go down.
I mean assigning game #'s, such that If I were to play Jen or Switch I just type in my game number and your roller automatically populates an email line with the appropriate players and game conditions. Obviously one of the players would have to set that up at the start of the game and then get a random game #. But again, I wouldn’t want to suggest you do that, as it seems like an awful lot of work and perhaps storage space and could possibly cause a whole series of other issues.
For the most part I think yours might be a bit superior in that you can roll a battle X1000 (5000) times and see about where you should come out then go a head and roll for real. The others simply roll the battles and don’t provide any of the helpful ancillary information.