Frood AACalc Dicey / Sim / Odds Calculator: Updates and Opinions

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    That’s for the “Most Powerful battleships”, right? Then it’s more than just hits on a 5, because the unit has to be treated as a BB in other ways.

    Okay, quit your yammering, I’ll get going on some NAs… maybe on the weekend, or next week…

    Most Powerful Battleships 2 Hits, Defends/Attacks at 5
    German Dive-Bombers, Attacks at 5

  • 2007 AAR League

    Well, not this weekend - some other things have come up (including an FTF game with Mr. Ghoul and Cystic Crypt, pretty sweet)

    However, I have uploaded a slight update:

    • Dice sets display on separate lines
    • fixed minor glitch: battle round # was being incremented even if illegal combination entered.

    I know, that’s really exciting… but it’s all about attention to detail.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Seperate lines could be neat.  Might make it easier to use.  Unfor, most of my current opponents havn’t given me email addresses so I havn’t had a chance to check your site.

  • 2007 AAR League

  • 2007 AAR League

    Hey Froodster, I like the dicey but my increasing years must be impairing my ability to understand how to use it.

    I wanted to SBR but it was not clear how I would do that.

    I ended up using a SS as a dummy target for the bombers but it was not an obvious approach.

    What do you recommend, what am I missing?

  • 2007 AAR League

    Just enter 1 Bom for the attacker and check the AA box. The Bom roll is your damage and the AA roll is the AA roll.

    It won’t work without AA checked, so check it even if there is no AA and just ignore the AA result.

  • 2007 AAR League


    No AA is what threw me.  I liked the Sub as the defender.  It definitely could not fire back!

  • 2007 AAR League

    Akreider just pointed out that the links my bid page was sending out were not correct  :oops:

    This is fixed now, you should have no problems using the link in the e-mail to reply to a bid.

  • 2007 AAR League

    Thanks to some diligent bug-hunting by Mircea Pauca of Romania, the following glitches have been found:

    1. Naval combats getting aborted when the defender had only air units remaining

    2. IPC differential calculating incorrectly when attacking destroyers were present

    3. OOL appears not to work in IE6 - I don’t have that legacy browser so I can’t verify.

    4. Also, JSP requested that I enable SBRs even without AA guns.

    I have fixed 1, 2, and 4.

    SBRs: just enter a single bomber for the attacker. Of course, ignore if aacalc says that it hit, because it will still roll for a target of 4. Add an AA gun if there is one. Previously, aacalc did not roll the die for the attacking bomber if there were no defending units and no AA gun present.

  • @froodster:

    1. IPC differential calculating incorrectly when attacking destroyers were present

    yeah i saw this one earlyier. i just thought it was one time glitch. thanks for fixing it.

  • 2007 AAR League


    1. OOL appears not to work in IE6 - I don’t have that legacy browser so I can’t verify.

    This sounds like that problem I had a while back - I think it had to do with the ‘delimiter’ between the unit types in the OOL field not being recognized by IE6.  Possibly a ‘hyphen’ or a ‘space’.  Frood, I know you and I worked through the problem back then, so I’m not sure what problem he might still be having.  But maybe this will tweak your memory?

  • 2007 AAR League

    Well it’s really weird - I can’t reproduce the error on my copy of IE6 on my basement PC, but maybe it’s a different version?

    In any event, it has actually sparked me to start thinking about a complete re-build of AACalc that would ditch the OOL fields entirely. It would also ditch the individual unit fields.

    Instead, there would be one line for each side, and you would enter text like “6 Inf 1 Bom 3 Arm 2 Ftr” - OOL would simply be the order the units are listed in. It would also then allow you to split the units, eg: “1 TRN 1 AC 2 DD 2 Ftr 1 AC 1 BB” - so one AC is taken early as a casualty, but the other one is saved for later.

    I might shorten the unit codes too, eg: I for Infantry, A for Art, T (Tank) for Armour (what they’re actually called in AAR) and so on. Spaces would be optional, so you could enter “6I2A3T2F1B” or “6I 2A 3T 2F 1B” or “6 I 2 A 3 T 2 F 1 B” or maybe I could even support “6 Inf 2 Art 3 Tanks 2 Ftrs 1 Bom” - it would just take the first letter, and/or work with a table of standard abbreviations - or is that too much work?

    Because this would be a significant change to how combat is administered “under the hood” it will probably mean reworking the “engine” from pretty much the ground up. This could be a good thing because when I first started on this project, I had only played A&A once or twice, I really didn’t understand opening fire, how subs worked, and a lot of things. As I learned these things I patched them in but the result was extremely complicated code that just spun out of control and is now a nightmare to work with.

    Now that I actually understand the combat sequence and some of the difficulties in coding it, I think I could create a leaner, meaner script that would also be easier to debug and revise, and also to add new units and rules to - eg., National Advantages etc. This will also simplify the form somewhat while increasing the power and flexibility of the utility I think.

    But, it’s not going to happen over night. Just thought I’d post the idea here for feedback.

  • Just make sure that such an overhaul is in a beta test site and is thoroughly tested before implementation.

    We still have an active Tournament going on, and League games for which your Dicey is certified in its current and tested form.

    I don;t want to find another coding error mid-tournament as we did with the last revision  :-D

  • 2007 AAR League

    Yes, don’t worry. This will be a long process.

    I am actually thinking I might leave the old one in place, and develop the new one at a new location (maybe even the main page of, since this gets all my traffic really for the site, or at or something like that. This will be necessary because the new one won’t initially have all the features that the old one does, but once it is running smoothly and people are using it I will move it over. I may have to recruit some beta testers to help it along, because I can’t test every combination of features myself anymore.

    And just for the record - that last glitch was totally unforeseen - it was not the result of any changes I made to the code, but because the google ads I added to the page caused the page to be invisibly run twice for each set of results. Okay, I guess I should have tested it - but still, it was a really weird glitch that I couldn’t really have expected.

  • 2007 AAR League

    Curse that Google!!!

    I understand.  If folks really can’t get past an on-line dicey having a bug once in a blue moon, they should think about how many times the dice “land” cocked up agains the side of the box.  Then they should go have a couple of drinks and stop stressing so much.

    I have one very small request and it is basically formating of the dicey page.  The right hand space is essentially wasted.  Can you move the links in it to the top of the page and allow the dicey to display correctly in what is essentially a half page on the screen?  I like to have the dicey open while I am looking at the map or my text file for the turn and it is really convienent if the dicey fits on half the screen.

  • 2007 AAR League

    Thanks for that reminder - I’ve been thinking about changing the layout of the page for that reason. I’ll see what I can do.

  • 2007 AAR League

    I don’t know what most folks run by my monitor chugs along at 1400 x 1050 pixels.  Getting the dicey into 700 x 1050 would be sweet.

  • 2007 AAR League

    What I aimed for was to get it to work at 1024*768.

    My display is one 12801024 and one 16801050.  :evil: One shows the map, and one shows the browser.

  • 2007 AAR League


    I don’t know what most folks run by my monitor chugs along at 1400 x 1050 pixels.  Getting the dicey into 700 x 1050 would be sweet.

    Here’s one thing you can do in the meantime:

    1. Go to the main page
    2. In the “Try different design” select box, choose the “scratchy” design and click "Rest of browser session. That design is a little borked but it does place the links at the top of the page.
  • 2007 AAR League


    Head on over to and try the new AACalc - basically the form has been greatly simplified - just type in your battle eg. 3 Inf 2 Ftrs v. 2 Inf 1 Arm. OOL is based on the order in which units are listed.

    So this gets rid of all the individual fields and much mouse-clicking. It should also fix the problem with OOL not working for some people.

    The biggest benefit though will be that it is now really easy for me to add units to the game. Just for shits and giggles, I’ve added a Zombie unit - it’s worth 20 IPCs, but it attacks on a 4 and defends on a 5! Try it out at

    So I expect to be adding NA units to the Calc in short order.

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