New Axis & Allies Global War Variant (free map)

  • Oh come on …. come back to the table. Things like this happen from time to time and it does you no good to take such a thing too personally.

  • wow,  I’m out of it for a little while and… wow

  • Moderator



    I will no longer be wasting my free time arguing with someone as stubborn as myself.

    Ahh some progress.  :wink:
    I am not trying to be a jerk here, this whole thing is just plain frustrating. Both of our stubborness has gotten us no where.

    For that I am Sorry. That was how I was feeling.
    I felt like I was back in the Army arguing with a green troop straight out of Boot. No experience- just the tools to do the job right. But the attitude of a 30 year veteran.

    Some of the things done on this new map are great!  Afrika is very cool looking, the Azores was a neat Idea. Fixing the port to port routes is good, sea zone around Phillipines is okay but can definatly live with it. US not controlling Brazil was a interesting Idea. I gots a few more but do I really need to go on.

    In short, lets make a Basic Map, based off of Positronica’s design. Fix the few Clerical errors that we know of, and then use that map as a stepping stone to the next.  Redo all of the above and any others I may have missed. Please leave Siagon, and feel free to put in a Berlin circle, I don’t care either way. I was more worried about the density after populated. the “old” Germany was crowded before it was cut in half by the cirlce.

    Pleas don’t drop because of a few off the wall comments by me. I just didn’t feel like you cared at all for my input and a few other peoples as well.

    SO in Shorter

    I am Sorry I PiZZed You Off


    I do want you Deep Blue a part of this project. But your stubborness and mine, and anyone else out there, will get us no where fast.

    IMHO if folks would like a juiced up map, lets do it, but make it a modern warfare map, or WWIII

  • OK good show DH.  BTW im working on a modern version right now.

  • In my last post I did not mean to imply that I was dropping from the thread.

    What I was trying to say with my pervious post was that I would no long make the rest of this thread endure my bickering with others. And to give the folks like DH who are just looking for minor corrections to the map, what they want.  While trying to express that I truly would like everyone’s input on further improvements even if it is for or against my suggested ideas.


    We have both proven that we are (I will use the word) “passionate” about our ideas.

    Is the above map not what you’re looking for?

    Not sure if I understand you correctly but the idea of starting over makes my stomach turn.

    I would be happy to address any of your concerns about previous changes and I will add a Saigon city circle. (Someday you will need to tell me about your affection for Saigon.)


    I will lower Paris as well.

  • Paris will be lowered….

    Thank you sir!

    send them to hell. :-o

  • Moderator

    First of all thank you Deep blue. And yes I am Very Passionate about this project.:)

    If nothing else could you please just make these changes if only long enough for me and others to down load it and save it to a disk.
    Then continue on with your Hopped up version.
    I just want a map with a AAR feel to it with some AAP and AAE input (CAP- Convoy boxes)

    Saigon, This territory IMHO is a very useful territory,
    1. it’s worth 3 IPC’s
    2. Great place for Japan to build a IC, if not the best on the main land for japans 1st
    3 Can benifit from Anchor in Malaya
    4 Suitable location for IC thats not to close to Britain or China but not too far away at same time.
    5 It’s a major Southeastern Asian city.
    6 if not there then Northern part of F.I China. can benift from anchor and this is not Physically possible. Although on this map it is.

    Roads and rails- A easy and non complicated way for INF. and Art to be able to move 2 spaces. They also give strategic value to other wise non valuable territories

    Even if it’s just for me, a German Auto Bahn would be great.
    Please take off Airbase in London, It allows SBR of germany. This was a concern with the sea zone and that was fixed but the issue arose again after this new airbase. Again if it is just for me.

    For piece density reasons I don’t think a berlin circle is a good Idea, other then it saves berlin from seaborne assaults. good idea but german Berlin only came under 1 seaborne assault launched from the baltic in my games. Usually if the british want to attempt this the german player should see it coming and be able to prepare for it and or attack it.

    Phillipines. The multi sea zones fits with this island chain, it is rather large, the largest on the map aside from madagascar, which has multiple sea zones around it. If you don’t like 3 zones bordering it cut down to 2, east and west and give 2 anchors and 1 airbase.

    Keep all the other changes made

    If you would like, even if only for me use my IPC for each territory. If you put Saigon in take away the added points from the Convoy’s i Bumped up.

    Please if you do this I will give you a cookie :)
    Again if it is just for me I really appreciate it, then we can use this as a Starting point for the juiced up map inteded for use with AARHE.

    You do have good input keep it coming.
    If anyone else has any suggestions about the map that doesn’t involve changing the mechanics but the prettyness of the map please chime in at anytime.

    No i don’t want to start over, the map that is, the newest one will be perfect. Just adjust for ME please, then lets get the ball rolling on map version 1.3


    I am not trying to sound selfish when I say Just for me by the way.

  • Moderator

    Just a observation- On the latest map updated#10  both halves of poland are German.  This means 1 of 2 things.
    Germany doesn’t hold up their end of the bargain in giving Russia a part of Poland. (Historical)
    2 they have already committed to a Russian Front. No Diplomacy here.
    Anyone else?

  • Yes, Barbarossa has commenced.  It is “Julyish” 1941 on the eastern front.

    This topic has been discussed at length.  For this map I did not plan to add a diplomatic rule set (which in turn adds another layer of complexity).


    If anyone else has any suggestions about the map that doesn’t involve changing the mechanics but the prettyness of the map please chime in at anytime.

    This seems to be in contradiction.  I thought you wanted a basic map?

    The game starts with everyone knowing who their opponents are. Classic AA style.

    I believe that the idea you’re suggesting is more suited for a 1939 style map.

  • @Deaths:

    Saigon, This territory IMHO is a very useful territory,



    Roads and rails- A easy and non complicated way for INF. and Art to be able to move 2 spaces. They also give strategic value to other wise non valuable territories

    Will post a version with roads on it.


    For piece density reasons I don’t think a berlin circle is a good Idea

    Be aware that I have removed Slovakia AND actually enlarged Germany.  I printed it out when I was doing it and you can place 4 chips in Germany and the Berlin circle is just as big as the others.


    Phillipines. The multi sea zones fits with this island chain, it is rather large, the largest on the map aside from Madagascar

    I made the Philippines one sea zone because on the AAE and AAP maps it is one sea zone.  If you feel that it should have two what about splitting the Philippines in to two territories, this would ease my reservations about two SZs around it.  Northern and southern Philippines, it actually would fit history as MacArthur had to fight his way across the islands from south to north.

  • Moderator

    I didn’t relize slovakia wasn’t there, Excellent

    Thank you for Siagon, THANK You. I think you’ll be happier with it.

    Thanks for thr roads!

    Splitting Philipines is a good Idea.
    Give 1 anchor in each and an air base in the north. IMO

    I thought the Barborossa was discussed just lazy, :(
    Thats fine, I can always House rule East Poland to Russia from Germany, for a more diplomatic game.

    I was hoping for a pre Barborossa post Blitzkrieg map, but this will work just fine.

  • Ocean Color Change Request:

    Please remove some red from the ocean to make it look more blue.  I printed the Positronica map, and didn’t realize how purple looking the ocean was until it printed.  Examining the original ocean texture, I see a plenty of red.  I think if the red is toned down, the ocean will look more blue, which may be more attractive.


  • Moderator

    My Map is perfect color wise. Sometimes it is just better to pay someone else to do it.

  • Craig Bee,

    I don’t think you understand the magnitude of what you’re asking. The water is on the same layer as the land and wave effect.  I played around with a few ideas but in the end I would have to cut out the water clean up the edges then reapply a new water layer.  I would be happy to do it but that would just take way too much time.

    Sorry for the inconvenience, try your local print shop (don’t go to kinkos, too expensive).  Try to find a specialty shop they usually print for less.

  • In the interest of world peace and to get this project moving again I will adopt DH’s IPC system.

    I still feel that the Convoy Box system Imperious suggested would be a good addition, but without support for it I am no longer going to argue.

    But incase you have an open mind I have explained the concept in detail below.

    CBs will remain where they are (they will not be removed from the map).  They will work almost identical as in AAP in the fact that you can attack a CB which will cause the controlling player to lose money.  The difference is that this attack reduces the player’s current available income.

    Example:  It is the German’s turn and they choose to attack the Soviet CB in the North Atlantic.  After winning the attack (if enemy units were present) the Soviet player returns IPCs from his hand back to the bank in effect reducing his available income for his next purchase phase.

    I’m sure you asking well how much does the Soviet player return.  Well that still needs to be decided.

    Imperious suggested a dynamic system where the attacking player rolls a dice and that is the amount the player loses.  This adds a bit of variability to it which I fell represents a convoy attack better, i.e. sometimes you get two ships other times you might get three or more.  I would say that a minimum number is need such as 2 + d6 that way the minimum result is a 3 (cost of a trooper) instead of the possibility of an attack resulting in just 1 IPC lose.


    We can use the fixed numbers on the convoy boxes and that is the amount lost, period.

    I would also say a CB can only be attacked once per Nation per turn.

    I feel this represents convoy boxes better and removes the feeling of double dipping and allows the CB attack to have an immediate affect.

  • DH,

    Issue!  There are no current territories that have 10 IPCs.

    I could create one but it most likely won’t match.

    I will try a few things and let you know.  In the mean time you might want to reevaluate anything above an 8.


    I have looked at your US numbers and they don’t add up. 
    Are you aware that currently the US CBs add up to 23 not 15?

  • Ok on the convoy box thing… i think they should be treated just like AAE  and represent the idea that British and Japanese ( and in some cases American) goods and imports from colonies and trading partners.

    I do know that about 1/3 of all British economy was dependant on imports. So i think that would be a decent total for all the convoy boxes.

    American imports would be no more than 3 boxes total and not more than 5-10 % of total income

    Japan imports would be close to 40% of total Japanese income in boxes. They had to get basically everything from lands separated by oceans.

    I would copy AAE and AAP for placements and add UK CB in indian ocean, cape horn, and south atlantic
    American boxes in gulf of mexico, near samoa,by alaska, by panama, and between Hawaii and west coast, and by new york

  • Moderator



    Issue!  There are no current territories that have 10 IPCs.

    I could create one but it most likely won’t match.

    I will try a few things and let you know.  In the mean time you might want to reevaluate anything above an 8.


    I have looked at your US numbers and they don’t add up. 
    Are you aware that currently the US CBs add up to 23 not 15?

    I will take a look at my figures, I may have mistyped something, From memory US has 4 CB’s correct, 2 atlantic 2 pacific

  • @CraigBee:

    Ocean Color Change Request:

    Please remove some red from the ocean to make it look more blue.  I printed the Positronica map, and didn’t realize how purple looking the ocean was until it printed.  Examining the original ocean texture, I see a plenty of red.  I think if the red is toned down, the ocean will look more blue, which may be more attractive.


    the red is from the blood man….

  • @deepblue:

    In the interest of world peace and to get this project moving again I will adopt DH’s IPC system.
    I still feel that the Convoy Box system Imperious suggested would be a good addition, but without support for it I am no longer going to argue.

    if you want support of the IPC system, i will lend mine to it.  i like the dynamic system IL lists and that in doing so, they are NOT added into the totals for the countries, only to taken away from.  –-which is opposite of DH’s ipc system.

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