First of all thank you Deep blue. And yes I am Very Passionate about this project.:)
If nothing else could you please just make these changes if only long enough for me and others to down load it and save it to a disk.
Then continue on with your Hopped up version.
I just want a map with a AAR feel to it with some AAP and AAE input (CAP- Convoy boxes)
Saigon, This territory IMHO is a very useful territory,
1. it’s worth 3 IPC’s
2. Great place for Japan to build a IC, if not the best on the main land for japans 1st
3 Can benifit from Anchor in Malaya
4 Suitable location for IC thats not to close to Britain or China but not too far away at same time.
5 It’s a major Southeastern Asian city.
6 if not there then Northern part of F.I China. can benift from anchor and this is not Physically possible. Although on this map it is.
Roads and rails- A easy and non complicated way for INF. and Art to be able to move 2 spaces. They also give strategic value to other wise non valuable territories
Even if it’s just for me, a German Auto Bahn would be great.
Please take off Airbase in London, It allows SBR of germany. This was a concern with the sea zone and that was fixed but the issue arose again after this new airbase. Again if it is just for me.
For piece density reasons I don’t think a berlin circle is a good Idea, other then it saves berlin from seaborne assaults. good idea but german Berlin only came under 1 seaborne assault launched from the baltic in my games. Usually if the british want to attempt this the german player should see it coming and be able to prepare for it and or attack it.
Phillipines. The multi sea zones fits with this island chain, it is rather large, the largest on the map aside from madagascar, which has multiple sea zones around it. If you don’t like 3 zones bordering it cut down to 2, east and west and give 2 anchors and 1 airbase.
Keep all the other changes made
If you would like, even if only for me use my IPC for each territory. If you put Saigon in take away the added points from the Convoy’s i Bumped up.
Please if you do this I will give you a cookie :)
Again if it is just for me I really appreciate it, then we can use this as a Starting point for the juiced up map inteded for use with AARHE.
You do have good input keep it coming.
If anyone else has any suggestions about the map that doesn’t involve changing the mechanics but the prettyness of the map please chime in at anytime.
No i don’t want to start over, the map that is, the newest one will be perfect. Just adjust for ME please, then lets get the ball rolling on map version 1.3
I am not trying to sound selfish when I say Just for me by the way.