New Axis & Allies Global War Variant (free map)

  • Sorry, but I can’t manage to download a readable version.  I’ll just have to wait for a decent scan to be posted before passing detailed comment.

    Anyway I’ve reviewed the earlier version but will update if the new map corrects these errors.

  • I assume that I downloaded the correct map, but it does have its problems.  On Borneo, the northern British controlled area is called Brunei.  The area was actually called Sarawak, and Brunei was a small part of it.  However, no IPC value for Ceylon, nor any naval bases?  Columbo and Trincomalee were vital to the British Eastern Fleet.  No naval base at Alexandria in Egypt?  Hey, were does the British Med Fleet operate from.  It should have both a harbor and air base there.  Where is Massawa in Italian Eritria?  No Russian naval or air bases in Vladivostok?  No Azores or Bermuda in the Atlantic?  Some very odd IPC values.  This map still needs a fair amount of work.  I could go on for a lot longer if desired.

  • Same here, but I really wanted to review the very latest version.

    You just KNOW a map isn’t finished when Austria is called Roumania…

    Wait 'till you see my latest version…any day soon.

  • I PM’ed Deepblue to see if he could post his photoshop files here.  Hopefully he will respond.

    Edit: Here is a link to the latest version:;8369990;/fileinfo.html

    Edit: The start date is a combination Summer 1941 Eastern Front and Winter 1941 Pacific Front.

  • I HATE that Berlin City Circle, its a misfit

  • I HATE that Berlin City Circle, its a misfit

    I agree with you it looks tacky being inside another territory.

  • Customizer

    Thanks for the link; Flashy can now go to work.

    One or two early observations:

    It has Stalingrad and Volgograd, two names for the same city.

    Papua is still spelled Papau

    I too hate those circles, and have even deleted same from my AAE maps.  That Tobruk territory just looks silly, and should be part of Cyrenaica.

    Does it have a specific date?  If it’s the traditional one, French West Africa and Madagascar should be Vichy, Italian East Africa British occupied.  Same for December 1941, which I’m guessing is the date from the Asian line up (apparently taken from AAP).

    Full review here:

  • Meethos:

    Thanks for sending the note to Deepblue.

    Any high resolution vector file like Illustrator would the best – JPG just losses too much detail and is difficult to edit.


  • Does it have a specific date?

    According to Deepblue its a Summer (June/July) 1941 start date with some variations.

    I think, but not certain, that the variations refer to a winter 1941 start date for the Pacific front.

    Hope that helps.

  • Just a few errors I noticed:

    The end of Italian East Africa is generally considered to have come in May 1941 with the surrender of the duke of Aosta.  Though various small guerilla groups continued to fight in the hope of a German/Italian victory in north Africa, it cannot really be said that Italy controlled Ethiopia or Somalia after May '41.
    Madagascar and French West Africa were definately still loyal to Vichy at this time, so placing them under U.K. control is completely wrong. If simply making Vichy German, as this map does with French North Africa and France itself, then the same must apply to the other Vichy held colonies.
    Netherlands colonies (DEI) to U.K. is reasonable, but Iran is incorrect.
    The Anglo-Soviet invasion was in August-September 1941, so the map is wrong for June/July (Iran was then still independent). Even for December it is incorrect, as control and occupation of the country was divided with the U.S.S.R. controling the north including Teheran, the British occupying the south.  On a map that divides Iran north/south there really is no excuse for not representing this.
    Calling southern Libya Fezzan is correct, but really this was just desert and should be part of the Sahara.
    FWA covered a much wider area; the territories here would be more accurately called Senegal and French Soudan.
    FEA should be Chad.
    Congo is wrong, this is Ubangi-Shari, later Central African Republic/Empire.
    “Bangladesh” should of course be East Bengal.
    “Dutch East Indies” should be Timor, or “Flores islands”.
    Bonin islands and Iwo Jima hardly justify two territories.
    As I mentioned, Volgograd is the post Stalin name for Stalingrad so is a complete anomoly.
    Caucasus generally refers to the region named here as “Georgia”. It would be correct to call the northern area “Ciscaucasus” and the south “Transcaucasus”, but I prefer to apply Caucasus soley to the southern region based around the Caucasus mountains.  The north migh be called “Terek” after the major river running through it.
    Nova Scotia is not an island but a penninsular of the Canadian mainland.
    Can’t imagine what that large island off the coast of Wales is; Atlantis?
    I do not care for the ambiguous usage of, for example, calling one territory “France” and then another “Western France”.  Each should be distinguished individually from the whole country.
    Baluchistan bordering Uzbekistan is wrong; the British and Russians deliberately drew the Afghanistan border across to China to prevent there being a Russian/Indian border.
    Yakut does not border Mongolia or China.

  • Actually, what is called Bangladesh should be more properly called Assam, as that was the way it was referred to in WW2.  Calling Vichy French territories German is incorrect, but any reasonably accurate treatment of them is going to be a big headache.  Remember that the US maintained diplomatic relations with Vichy up to November of 1942.  Madagascar was taken over by the British in May of 1942, mainly to prevent is possible use by the Japanese in the same way as French Indochina.

  • You’re wrong about Bangaladesh; Assam is STILL in India.  BENGAL-adesh is definately the eastern part of the province of Bengal.

    Madagascar is one of those annoying either-or questions (Crimea is another).  The British took the northern port of Diego Suarez to forestall a Japanese sub base there, but didn’t take over the island proper 'till rather later, so June '42 could arguably reflect either Vichy control (of 99% of the island) or UK control of the important naval base.

    I rather hypocritically leave Madagascar to Vichy, but have Crimea still Soviet to reflect the continued siege of Sevastopol, despite the Germans having taken over the other 99% of the penninsular.

  • Flashman-

    Nova Scotia is an Island of Canada, along with PEI and Newfoundland.

  • hate to burst anyones bubble, but just to let you know that Nova Scotia is not an island, it is hooked to the main land (New Brunswick) about 25 miles worth of land. the only major island next to Nova Scotia is Prince Edward Island.

  • Yeah you are correct, I am used to getting there by the Blue Nose out of Portland Maine.  It is connected to the Mainland by a stretch of land big enough to Spit across

  • Your forgetting the Elizabeth Islands…

  • So far this game looks great! This game has not been completed has it? Where can I take a look at the current game and rules?

  • I’ve played Positronica’s map 4 times now.  It is a great and balanced game.  The axis have won twice, and the Allies have won twice.

    However, the Japanese start out way too strong.  They are so strong, it is not worth the allies even trying to fight the Japanese.  The only way for the allies to win is to defeat Germany before the Japanese conquer the world.  When the allies basically ignore the Japanese, we might as well be playing A&A Europe, because nothing that happens in the Pacific matters.  Its all about killing the Germans before the Japanese take over the world.

    I think the Japanese need to lose a Battleship, Carrier, 2 or 3 destroyers, and 3 or 4 fighters to make things more interesting in the Pacific.


  • Thats kinda like the milton bradley edition for AA… Kill germany before japan takes over the world

  • Is it the usual Japan expanding west into Siberia/Russia?

    How about trying it with a Japanese/Soviet non-aggression pact?

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