Updated Rail Depot. House rules below
Rail allows each nation to extend the
movement of their ground units each turn. Each
nation may move up to 2 ground units from one
rail station to another during the non-combat
movement phase. There is no limit to the distance these units may travel, only number of units allowed to use the rail. An uninterrupted line of
controlled territories must connect rail stations.
Only units that have not moved during any other
phase may use rail. Units may not move prior to,
or after using rail. For gaming purposes a nation
may only use rail stations and railroad they
Rail stations may be built in any territory
controlled for at least 1 round. It is not required
for these units to be built in factory locations. As
the non-combat movement phase precedes the
place units phase, newly purchased rail stations
and railroad markers may not be used the same
turn they are purchased.
Rail stations and railroad may be captured by enemy nations. Players must maintain control
of captured rail for one full turn before they are
allowed to use them. Players may destroy their
own rail stations and railroad, however this must
be done during the controlling players turn.
Players may attempt to destroy enemy rail stationswith strategic bombing. Apply same rules for
strategic bombing.
Note: Rail movement may not cross the Suez Can