Damm funny video
You are one very bored young man, arn’t you?
Can’t go watch porn like the rest of the male species? You gotta inflict that on us instead? :)
:lol: This one’s just as good: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Iw2uT43D-s&NR
Well, maybe not AS good… but pretty close!
Yea i know but that look on his face is soo funny! i love that funny face grin!
ok heres part 3:
I guess I just don;t get it…
Ah come on!
Little Indian kid dancing with crazy grin to a tape of some old disco song his dad keeps turn on and off… then they start talking like alvin and the chipmunks and lastly he puffs a drag on a marboro… what more can you ask for?
That kid could have a show on comedy central.